
Primerjava variantnih rešitev rekonstrukcije križišča glavne ceste Kranj – Sp. Brnik in ceste na avtocestnem priključku Sp. Brnik : diplomska naloga
ID Majnik, Jaka (Author), ID Lipar, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi je analizirano trikrako križišče. V začetnem delu je predstavljena obstoječe stanje. Nato je izvedena tehnična analiza cestnih elementov in ostalih dejavnikov v križišču. Podan je pregled nesreč in izvedeno štetje prometne obremenitve. V naslednjem koraku so definirani glavni problemi, ki so bili najdeni tekom tehnične analize in pri opazovanju prometa med štetjem. Za rekonstrukcijo so predlagane tri rešitve. Prva je zaradi nesmiselnosti zavržena, drugi dve pa sta bolj natančno opisani. Ena izmed rešitev je pospeševalni pas med voznimi pasovi. Pravilnika za njegovo projektiranje v Sloveniji ne poznamo, zato je v nalogi raziskan kako in na kakšnih križiščih ga projektirajo v tujini. Največji poudarek je narejen na določevanje dolžine pospeševalnega pasu. Le-ta je odvisna od prometne obremenitve GPS, hitrosti vozil v križišču in njihovo zmožnost pospeševanja. Kot druga možnost rekonstrukcije sta predstavljeni dve krožišči. Vse rešitve so narisane v Avtocadu na podlogah ortofoto za lažjo vizualno predstavo.

Keywords:pospeševalni pas, trikrako križišče, krožišče, rekonstrukcija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher:[J. Majnik]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-118224 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:45852931 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.08.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Comparison of alternative solutions for the reconstruction of the intersection of the main road Kranj – Sp. Brnik and highway junction Sp.Brnik : graduation thesis
The graduation thesis analyses the three-way intersection. First part presents the existing condition. In the next step there is technical analysis of the road elements and other factors with major effects on traffic. An overview of accidents is given, and traffic is counted. Main problems of the intersection are defined. For reconstruction of crossing are given three different solutions. First one suggests traffic light installation. This solution is meaningless because there would be flow problems and congestion in the rush hours. Other two solutions are described in more detail. First one suggests construction of MAL (median acceleration lane). In Slovenia there is no rules and recommendations for MAL construction. Big emphasis is done on MALs length. The length depends on the traffic loads and ability of vehicles to accelerate. As third option two roundabouts are presented. They are described in more details. All solutions are drawn in AutoCAD on orthophoto pads for easier visual representation.

Keywords:median acceleration lane – MAL, three-way intersection, roundabout, reconstruction

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