
Vpliv posturalnih perturbacij na stresni odziv pri človeku
ID PETRIČ, CAROLINA (Author), ID Geršak, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Babič, Jan (Comentor)

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Namen tega dela je bil načrtovati pilotno študijo za izvedbo posturalne perturbacije na človeka med mirno stojo, pri čemer smo opazovali njegov stresni odziv, ki se pojavi po motnji stabilnosti. Udeleženec je stal na pritiskovnih ploščah in imel je oblečen prilagojen pas, na katerega smo pritrdili jeklenico. S pomočjo električnih servomotorjev smo vlekli jeklenico in s tem povzročali nenadne premike udeleženca. Sila se je spreminjala v smeri naprej – nazaj (anterior – posterior). Amplituda sile je bila vedno enaka in prilagojena na določen odstotek telesne teže udeleženca. Udeleženec je naredil največ en korak, če ni bil zmožen povsem kompenzirati posturalne motnje. V pilotni študiji smo skupno testirali štiri udeležence. Vsi udeleženci so prejeli deset posturalnih motenj. Udeleženci so bili razdeljeni v dve skupini. Ena skupina je začela s prvo motnjo nazaj in nato prejela drugih devet v nasprotno smer naprej. Druga skupina je začela s prvo motnjo naprej in naslednjih drugih devet motenj nazaj. S pritiskovnimi ploščami smo spremljali center pritiska in z aktivnim optičnim markerjem center mase. Za oceno stresnega odziva (psihofiziološke vzburjenosti) smo merili elektrodermalno aktivnost udeležencev. Med poskusom smo opazovali: 1. vpliv spremembe smeri posturalne motnje na stresni odziv – prva in druga motnja. 2. vpliv ponavljajočih (devet zaporednih) posturalnih motenj na stresni odziv – druga do deseta motnja. Analiza je pokazala, da se splošna psihofizološka vzburjenost s spremembo začetne smeri motnje ni razlikovala. Se pa udeleženci ob spremembi naprej – nazaj pri drugi motnji hitreje in močneje odzovejo. Pri ponavljajočih posturalnih motnjah se splošna vzburjenost po deveti zaporedni motnji zmanjša. Ugotovimo, da se po deveti zaporedni motnji udeleženci hitreje in močneje odzovejo na stimulus. Ker je bila študija testna in smo imeli le štiri udeležence, ni nobena sprememba statistično značilna. Zaključki, izkušnje in znanje, ki smo ga pridobili iz pričujoče študije, pripomorejo k boljšemu razumevanju človeškega stresnega odziva na posturalne motnje.

Keywords:: elektrodermalna aktivnost (EDA), posturalne perturbacije, posturalne motnje, stresni odziv, motnje stabilnosti
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-118192 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.08.2020
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Title:Effects of postural perturbations on human stress response
The purpose of this work was to plan a test study, where postural perturbations are performed on a person, and during a quiet standing period, we observe the stress response, which occurs after the stability disturbance. The participant stood on force plates and wore a customized belt to which we attached a braided metal wire. With the help of electric servomotors, we pulled the metal wire and caused sudden movements of the person. The force changed in the forward-backward direction (anterior-posterior). The amplitude of the force was always the same and was adjusted to a certain percentage of the participant’s body weight so that the person had to make only one step if he was not able to fully compensate for the stability disturbance. We had four participants. All subjects received ten postural perturbations. They were divided into two groups. One group started with the first backward disturbance and received the other nine in the opposite forward direction. The second group, on the other hand, started with the first disturbance forward and received all the other nine disturbances in the reverse backward direction. We were interested in firstly, the influence of the change in the direction of postural perturbation on the stress response - first and second disturbance. Secondly, the influence of repeated (nine consecutive) postural perturbations on the stress response – from second to tenth disturbance. The center of pressure was monitored with force plates and the center of mass with an active optical marker. Electrodermal activity was measured to assess the stress response. The analysis showed that the general arousal did not differ with the change in the initial direction of perturbation. However, when the direction of postural perturbation was changed from forward to backward, they reacted faster and more strongly. In recurrent postural perturbations, general arousal decreases after the ninth consecutive disturbance. We find that after the ninth consecutive postural perturbation, a person responds faster and more strongly to a stimulus. Since this was a test study and we only had four participants, no change was statistically significant. The knowledge gained from this work contributes to a better understanding of the human stress response to postural perturbations.

Keywords:electrodermal activity (EDA), postural perturbations, stress response

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