
Proučevanje kozmetičnih izdelkov s sirotko in sirotkinimi proteini
ID Fekonja, Vesna (Author), ID Gašperlin, Mirjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Bjelošević, Maja (Comentor)

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Ljudje postajamo vedno bolj ozaveščeni glede izvora sestavin, ki jih nanašamo na kožo. Sirotka je tekoči odpadek, ki nastane pri izdelavi sira. Pridobivamo jo iz različnih virov mleka. Z določenimi metodami jo lahko uprašimo ali pridobimo koncentrate sirotkinih proteinov. Proteini, predvsem živalskega izvora, se že dolgo uporabljajo v kozmetične namene. Pred leti so potencial sirotke in sirotkinih proteinov prepoznali tudi proizvajalci kozmetike in jih začeli vgrajevati v kozmetične izdelke, saj so dokazali, da sirotkini proteini negujejo kožo in lase. V diplomski nalogi smo proučevali kozmetične izdelke, ki vsebujejo sirotko ali sirotkine proteine. Naš nabor je zajemal 43 izdelkov. Izdelke smo opredelili in proučili glede na tehnološko obliko, vrsto in namen uporabe. Podrobneje smo pogledali katere kozmetično aktivne sestavine in kateri konzervansi so pogosti v kozmetičnih izdelkih s sirotko in sirotkinimi proteini. Pri nakupu izdelka so velikokrat odločilni dejavniki ovojnina izdelka, ki kupca pritegne ali odvrne, cena in oglaševanje, zato so nas zanimali tudi ti podatki. V naboru izdelkov s sirotko in sirotkinimi proteini se pojavijo različne tehnološke oblike izdelkov, ki se uporabljajo za različne namene, največ za negovanje kože obraza in oči ter za negovanje las. Najpogostejša kozmetično aktivna sestavina je natrijev hialuronat, ki skupaj s sirotko izkazuje podporno delovanje. Sledijo mu kofein, izvlečki alg, mlečna kislina, tokoferilacetat, sojini in pšenični proteini ter vitamini A, C, E in niacinamid. Med dovoljenimi konzervansi iz priloge V Uredbe o kozmetičnih izdelkih se v izbranih izdelkih najpogosteje pojavlja fenoksietanol. 5 proučevanih izdelkov pa konzervansov iz priloge V ne vsebuje. Na osnovi pregledane ovojnine izbranih kozmetičnih izdelkov s sirotko in sirotkinimi proteini smo ugotovili, da se najpogosteje uporabljajo plastični vsebniki z ozkim vratom in stekleni vsebniki s širokim vratom. Osredotočili smo se tudi na cenovni razred izdelkov in oglaševanje sirotke v le-teh. Več kot polovica KI spada v višji cenovni razred. Sirotka in sirotkini proteini so vedno bolj pogosta sestavina KI in imajo veliko potenciala za nadaljnjo raziskovanje.

Keywords:Sirotka, sirotkini proteini, nega, vlaženje, kozmetični izdelki.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-118159 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.08.2020
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Secondary language

Title:A study of cosmetic products containing whey and whey protein
People are becoming more and more aware of where do cosmetic ingredients, which we apply to the skin, come from. Whey is a liquid residue in the making of cheese. It can be obtained from various milk sources. Certain methods can be used to manage concentrated whey proteins. Proteins, especially from animal sources, have been used in cosmetics industry for a long time. Years ago, potential in whey and whey proteins was also recognized by cosmetics manufacturers and began to be incorporated into cosmetic products, because it was discovered that whey protein condition skin and hair. In the diploma thesis we studied cosmetic products that contain whey or whey proteins. Our range included 43 products. We have defined products based on their purpose of use, technological form and type. We researched cosmetically active ingredients and preservatives that are common in cosmetic products containing whey protein and whey proteins. When buying a product, a vast majority of factors that encourage us to buy it are packaging, the price and advertising, thus, we also researched this. Analyzed products with whey and whey protein appear in a lot of different technological forms with a large variety of usage. Most products can be used for facial skin care and hair care. The most common cosmetically active ingredient is sodium hyaluronate, which showed supporting action in combination with whey. This was followed by caffeine, algae extracts, lactic acid, tocopherylacetate, soybean and wheat proteins, vitamin A, C, E and niacinamide. Among the allowed preservatives listed in Annex V of the Cosmetics Regulation, phenoxyethanol was the most common preservative in selected products. However, the 5 examined products did not contain any preservatives listed in Annex V. Based on the packaging of the cosmetic products containing whey and whey protein, we discovered that the most common form of packaging is a narrow-necked plastic container and wide-necked glass container. We also focused on the price range of cosmetic products and we looked up if whey is advertised. More than a half of all the products belong to a higher price range. Whey and whey protein are getting widely used in cosmetic products and have a lot of potential for a lot of researching in the future.

Keywords:Whey, whey protein, skin conditioning, moisturizing, cosmetic products.

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