
Ravnanja študentk v povezavi z lepotnimi standardi : diplomsko delo
ID Malkoč, Ivana (Author), ID Leskošek, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomskega dela je raziskati ravnanja študentk v povezavi z lepotnimi standardi. V teoretičnem uvodu pojasnjujem lepotne standarde kot univerzalne, kulturno različne in možne lastnega definiranja. Naprej se osredotočam na univerzalne lepotne standarde iz zahodne oz. ameriške kulture, ki jih poimenujem kar lepotni standardi. Opisujem žensko lepoto v zgodovini, in sicer kako so se lepotni standardi spreminjali skozi čas. Pišem o mladih ženskah oz. študentkah ter o njihovi miselnosti in ravnanju v povezavi z lepotnimi standardi. Obrazložim objektivizacijo ženskega telesa, samopodobo in telesno samopodobo ter kako pomembna je samopodoba v socialnem delu. Dotikam se tematike teles žensk z ovirami, zatem orišem boj proti predsodkom o telesu in še cilj, ki je prikaz pojavljanja telesne raznolikosti. Ker nam družba vsiljuje enosmeren vidik lepotnih standardov, opozorim na spreminjanje lastnega videza z uporabo diet in lepotnih kirurških in nekirurških posegov, v neusmiljenem primeru pa pride do patoloških posledic, kot so motnje hranjenja in druge. Kot žarišče problematike lepotnih standardov vidim medije, zlasti socialna omrežja, ki sporočajo, kako naj bi morala ženska izgledati. Moja raziskava je sestavljena iz ankete, pri kateri je sodelovalo 500 anketirank, njihovi odgovori pa predstavljajo vir podatkov za raziskovalni del diplomskega dela. V slednjem ugotavljam, da študentke ravnajo v povezavi z lepotnimi standardi skozi počutje ob opazki ženske, ki ustreza lepotnim standardom; telovadbo in dieto; spopadanje z motnjo hranjenja in ostalimi patološkimi posledicami; razmišljanje o kirurških in nekirurških posegih; lepotičenje in oblačenje samih sebe; preurejanje fotografij sebe; upodabljanje lepotnih standardov in večkratno primerjanje lastnega videza z drugimi ženskami. Študentke večinoma definirajo lepotne standarde posplošeno, kot jih navajajo določeni avtorji, medtem ko so nekatere napisale svoje definicije. Anketiranke ne menijo, da morajo biti lepotni standardi pri videzu žensk pomembni, s svojim videzom pa so še kar zadovoljne. Menijo, da vsakodnevna uporaba Instagrama igra vlogo pri oblikovanju samopodobe, želijo pa si videti tudi več raznolikih oblik teles v medijih, ki objavljajo lepotne standarde. Rezultate, ki prikazujejo problematiko ravnanja študentk v povezavi z lepotnimi standardi, obrazložim v razpravi, zatem sem napisala tudi sklepe in predloge.

Keywords:lepotni standardi, ravnanje, videz, objektivizacija, samopodoba, telesna samopodoba, mlade ženske, študentke, telesa, patološke posledice, mediji, socialna omrežja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[I. Malkoč]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-118088 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:29631747 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.08.2020
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Secondary language

Title:The Behaviour of Female Students in Relation to Beauty Standards
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the behavior of female students in relation to beauty standards. In the theoretical introduction, I explain beauty standards as universal, culturally different, and possible of own definition. Next, I focus on universal beauty standards from the west or. American culture, which I call beauty standards. I describe female beauty in history, namely how beauty standards have changed over time. I write about young women or. female students and about their mindset and behavior in relation to beauty standards. I explain the objectification of the female body, self-image and body self-image, and how important self-image is in social work. I touch on the topic of the bodies of women with disabilities, then I outline the fight against prejudices about the body and another goal, which is to show the emergence of physical diversity. As society imposes a one-way aspect of beauty standards, I point out changing our own appearance through the use of diets and cosmetic surgical and non-surgical procedures, and in the relentless case, pathological consequences such as eating disorders and others. I see the media as a focus on the issue of beauty standards, especially social media, which communicate what a woman should look like. My research consists of a survey in which 500 respondents participated, and their answers represent a source of data for the research part of the thesis. In the latter, I find that female students act in conjunction with beauty standards through well-being upon noticing a woman who meets beauty standards; exercise and diet; coping with eating disorder and other pathological consequences; thinking about surgical and non-surgical procedures; beautifying and dressing oneself; rearranging photos of yourself; portraying beauty standards and repeatedly comparing one’s own appearance with other women. Female students mostly define beauty standards in general terms as stated by certain authors, while some have written their own definitions. Respondents do not think that beauty standards should be important in the appearance of women and they are quite satisfied with their appearance. They believe that the daily use of Instagram plays a role in self-esteem shaping, and they also want to see more diverse body shapes in media that publishes beauty standards. In the discussion I explain the results, which show the problems of students' behavior in connection to beauty standards and afterwards I also wrote conclusions and suggestions.

Keywords:beauty standards, behaviour, appearance, objectification, self-image, body self-image, young women, female students, bodies, pathological consequences, media, social media

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