
Primerjava obrabe obutve s tipom stopala, določenim z analizo stopalnega odtisa : diplomsko delo
ID Zajc, Špela (Author), ID Lampe, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pavlović, Monika (Comentor), ID Fošnarič, Miha (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Obutev predstavlja pomemben del človekovega vsakdana. Poleg njenih splošnih značilnosti (dolžina, širina, višina, oblika pete, višina pete) so pomembne tudi pridobljene (starost čevlja, obraba pete, obraba podplata), saj z njihovo analizo pridobimo informacije o posameznikovem načinu hoje in tipu stopal. Tega pa lahko določimo tudi z analizo stopalnih odtisov, pri čemer so nam v pomoč mnogi indeksi. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je bil primerjati obrabo obutve s tipom stopala, določenim z analizo stopalnega odtisa, in ugotoviti njuno medsebojno povezanost. Metode dela: V raziskavi je prostovoljno sodelovalo 22 preiskovancev, starih 22,6 ± 1,94 leta. Analizirali smo obrabo obutve v frontalni in transverzalni ravnini ter stopalne odtise z uporabo Clarkovega kota in Staheli indeksa. Rezultati: V frontalni ravnini posteriorno so izmerjeni koti obrabe pete čevljev znašali 0°–18°. Glede na stran obrabe smo stopalo opredelili kot plosko pri 9,09% preiskovancev, nevtralno pri 31,8% preiskovancev in obokano pri 59,1% preiskovancev. V transverzalni ravnini so bili najbolj obrabljeni deli podplata obutve zaznani na področju glavic metatarzal in na področju pete. Pri analizi stopalnih odtisov so vrednosti izmerjenega Clarkovega kota znašale 38°–58°. Med njimi je bilo plosko stopalo opredeljeno pri 18,1% preiskovancev, nevtralno stopalo pri 36,4% preiskovancev in obokano stopalo pri 45,5% preiskovancev. Vrednosti Staheli indeksa so znašale med 0,18 in 1,26. Glede na dobljene koeficiente je bilo plosko stopalo definirano pri 0,5%,nevtralno stopalo pri 68,2% in obokano stopalo pri 27,3% preiskovancev. Razprava in zaključek: Dokazali smo, da analiza obrabe obutve in analiza stopalnih odtisov z uporabo Clarkovega kota in Staheli indeksa data informacije o tipu stopala. Uporabljena indeksa sta pokazala statistično značilno močno negativno povezanost (r = –0,560; p = 0,007), medtem ko rezultati obrabe pete obutve in rezultati Clarkovega kota (r = 0,199; p = 0,375) ter Staheli indeksa (r = –0,075; p = 0,739) niso pokazali statistično značilne povezanosti. Podobne raziskave, vendar z večjim vzorcem in bolj standardiziranim načinom izvedbe, imajo v prihodnosti velik potencial, saj predstavljajo novost na področju ortotike.

Keywords:diplomska dela, ortotika in protetika, analiza obutve, značilnosti obutve, stopalni lok, Clarkov kot, indeks Staheli
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[Š. Zajc]
Number of pages:23 str., [2] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-117999 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:25487875 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.08.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Comparison of shoe wear patterns with foot type based on footprint analysis : diploma work
Introduction: Shoes play an important role in everyday human life. In addition to their general characteristics (length, width, height, heel shape, heel height), acquired characteristics (age, heel wear, sole wear) are also important. Their analysis provides information about a person's gait and provides information about the foot type, which can also be determined by analyzing footprints with the use of many indices. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare shoe wear patterns with footprint analysis and determine their correlation. Methods: The study included 22 subjects aged 22,6 ± 1,94 years. We analyzed shoe wear patterns in the frontal and transverse plane and the footprints by using the Clarke's angle and the Staheli index. Results: When measuring outsole shoe heel wear angle the results ranged from 0⁰–18⁰. Based on heel wear 9,09% of the subjects had a flat foot, 31,8% had a neutral foot and 59,1% of thee subjects had a high arched foot. In the transverse plane the most worn parts were found on the metatarsal heads and the heel. The footprint analysis of the Clarke’s angle ranged from 38⁰–58⁰. This included a flat foot in 18,1% of the subjects, a neutral foot in 36,4% of the subjects and a high arched foot in 45,5% of the subjects. The values of the Staheli index ranged from 0,18–1,26. According to the values obtained, 0,5% of the subjects had a flat foot, 68,2% had a neutral foot and27,3% of the subjects had high arched foot. Discussion and conclusion: We proved that the analysis of the shoe wear pattern and the analysis of footprints using the Clarke’s angle and the Staheli index provide information about the foot type. These two indices showed a statistically significant strong negative correlation (r = –0,560; p = 0,007), while shoe wear pattern results and results of the Clarke’s angle (r = 0,199; p = 0,375) and the Staheli index (r = –0,075; p = 0,739) were not statistically significant. Similar research with larger sample and more standardized protocol, has great potential in the future, as it represents a novelty in orthotics field.

Keywords:diploma theses, orthotics and prosthetics, footwear analysis, footwear characteristics, foot arch, Clarke's angle, Staheli index

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