
Celostna obravnava bolnika z vitiligom : diplomsko delo
ID Syla, Valentina (Author), ID Pandel Mikuš, Ruža (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Mihelič Zajec, Andreja (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Vitiligo je kronična avtoimunska bolezen, ki nastane zaradi uničenja funkcionalnih melanocitov v epidermisu in povzroči izgubo kožnega pigmenta. Razlik v pojavnosti med spoloma ni. Obstaja več teorij o nastanku bolezni, ki je med strokovno in laično javnostjo slabo prepoznana. Boljša prepoznavnost vitiliga bi lahko zmanjšala vpliv bolezni na kakovost življenja obolelih. Namen: Želimo predstaviti vitiligo, izpostaviti razloge za pojav bolezni in posledice s poudarkom na pomanjkanju vitamina D, predstaviti možnosti zdravljenja bolezni s poudarkom na prehrani in vlogo medicinske sestre. S pregledom študij želimo postaviti smernice pri obravnavi obolelih oseb za manjšo stigmatizacijo pri zdravstveni obravnavi in v družbi. Metode dela: Uporabljena je deskriptivna metoda dela s sistematičnim pregledom domače in tuje strokovne in znanstvene literature ter preverjanje zastavljenih trditev z metasintezo znanstvenih študij. Pri iskanju smo uporabili časovni okvir objav 2005–2020. Za iskanje literature smo uporabili PubMed, ScienceDirect, CINAHL, Cochrane Libary, Cobiss in Google učenjak. V analizo je vključenih 24 člankov, ki so ovrednoteni glede na moč dokazov po štiristopenjski lestvici. Vključitvena merila izbora literature so: raziskave v angleškem in slovenskem jeziku, izvirni in pregledni znanstveni članki, objave po letu 2005, prosta dostopnost celotnega besedila. Rezultati: Bolniki z vitiligom imajo nižjo vrednost koncentracije vitamina D v krvi, vendar je prisotno splošno pomanjkanje vitamina D tudi pri zdravi populaciji. Razlika je zato zanemarljiva in vzročne povezave ni mogoče najti. Vitiligo ima velik vpliv na slabšo kakovost življenja obolelih, ki se pogosto izogibajo stikom in različnim situacijam v vsakodnevnem življenju. Lahko se pojavita tudi depresija in anksioznost. Razprava in zaključek: Ključna vloga pri obravnavi bolnikov z vitiligom, s katerimi se medicinska sestra lahko srečuje na vseh ravneh zdravstvenega varstva, je dobro poznavanje bolezni in njenih simptomov ter posledic, predvsem psihosocialnih težav, s katerimi se spopadajo bolniki. Ker je v Sloveniji o vitiligu napisanega zelo malo, je pomembno raziskovanje bolezni. S pripravo kakovostne strokovne literature bi pripomogli k izobraževanju o vitiligu vseh zaposlenih v zdravstveni negi.

Keywords:diplomska dela, zdravstvena nega, vitiligo, vitamin D, kakovost življenja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[V. Syla]
Number of pages:64 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-117852 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:25477123 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.07.2020
SYLA, Valentina, 2020, Celostna obravnava bolnika z vitiligom : diplomsko delo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : V. Syla. [Accessed 23 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Holistic approach to the patient with vitiligo : diploma work
Introduction: Vitiligo is a chronic autoimmune disease caused by the destruction of functional melanocytes in the epidermis and shows with the loss of skin pigment. There are no differences in incidence between the sexes. There are several theories about the placement of the disease, which is poorly recognized among the professional and lay public. Better recognition of vitiligo could affect on the quality of life of patients with vitiligo. Purpose: We want to present vitiligo, which revealed the occurrence of the disease below with an emphasis on vitamin D deficiency, presented the possibilities of treating the disease with an emphasis on diet, and presented the role of a nurse. The review of the studies made it necessary to establish guidelines in the treatment of ill persons for less stigmatization in medical treatment in society. Methods: A descriptive method of work is used with a systematic review of domestic in the scientific literature in the verification of set claims with meta-synthesis of scientific studies. We used the time frame published from 2005 to 2020 in the search. The literature was published on PubMed, ScienceDirect, CINAHL, Cochrane Libary, Cobiss on Google Scholar. The analysis included 24 articles which were assessed with a four-point evidence scale. The included criteria for the selection of articles are research in English and Slovene language, review in a scientific article, publication after 2005, access to the full text. Results: Patients with vitiligo have lower blood vitamin D levels, but most vitamin D deficiency is present in the healthy population as well. The difference is therefore negligible, and the causal relationship cannot be found. Vitiligo has a big impact on the bad quality of life. Patients are avoiding contact in different situations in daily life. Depression in anxiety can also occur. Discussion and conclusion: A key role in treating vitiligo patients that a nurse can encounter in all areas of nursing is a good knowledge of the disease and its symptoms and consequences, especially the psychosocial problems faced by patients. Since very little has been written about vitiligo in Slovenia, it is important to research the disease. By preparing quality professional literature, we would help educate employees about vitiligo in the field of nursing.

Keywords:diploma theses, nursing care, vitiligo, vitamin D, quality of life

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