
Downov sindrom - pomen sporočanja diagnoze in komunikacija z materjo : diplomsko delo
ID Detiček, Patricija (Author), ID Stanek Zidarič, Tita (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Prelec, Anita (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Downov sindrom uvrščamo med najpogostejše kromosomske motnje. Diagnosticiramo ga lahko že pred rojstvom (prenatalno) ali po rojstvu (postnatalno). Čeprav prenatalni testi omogočajo, da motnjo odkrijemo že zelo zgodaj, pa se večina staršev z diagnozo sreča po otrokovem rojstvu. Sporočanje diagnoze Downov sindrom staršem pred otrokovim rojstvom ali po rojstvu je zelo zahtevna naloga, način sporočanja pa med najbolj pomembnimi deli zgodnje obravnave, saj odločilno vpliva na kasnejše spopadanje staršev z otrokovo diagnozo. Namen: V diplomskem delu želimo ugotoviti, ali so ženske zadovoljne s postopkom sporočanja diagnoze Downov sindrom, ter poizvedeti, na kakšen način zdravniki staršem sporočijo diagnozo. Preučiti želimo tudi smernice za sporočanje in soočanje matere z diagnozo Downov sindrom pri otroku. Metode dela: Uporabili smo deskriptivno (opisno) metodo dela s sistematičnim pregledom strokovne in znanstvene literature. Obstoječo znanstveno literaturo smo iskali s pomočjo orodja Google učenjak ter podatkovnih zbirk PubMed in DiKUL. Rezultati: V razvitem svetu so danes na voljo številni načini za odkrivanje Downovega sindroma pred otrokovim rojstvom ali po njem. Po postavljeni diagnozi Downov sindrom so zdravstveni strokovnjaki dolžni spoštovati odločitev ženske in jo tudi udejaniti. Varujejo jo tudi zakoni in uredbe. Smernic za sporočanje diagnoze Downov sindrom pri otroku je veliko. Predvsem je pomembno, da se z žensko pogovorimo na razumljiv in previden način. Poskrbimo, da sta ob sporočanju diagnoze prisotna oba izmed staršev ter da jima zagotovimo intimen prostor, kjer bosta imela dovolj časa za vprašanja, pogovor in tehten razmislek. Pri materi z otrokom z Downovim sindromom je večje tveganje, da razvije depresijo. Depresija tudi pogosteje prizadene ženske brez trdne podpore partnerja in ožje družbe. Razprava in zaključek: Zavedati se moramo pomembnosti pravilnega sporočanja diagnoze staršem otrok, ki pomembno vpliva na njihovo nadaljnje spopadanje z otrokovo diagnozo. V slovenskem prostoru je raziskav o doživljanju žensk ob soočenju z otrokom z DS in o komunikaciji zdravstvenih delavcev s to ranljivo skupino premalo. Prav tako tudi ni smernic, ki bi jih študenti medicine, babištva in zdravstvene nege lahko uporabili pri učenju in seznanjanju z omenjeno problematiko ter pri nadaljnjem izpopolnjevanju.

Keywords:diplomska dela, babištvo, Downov sindrom, diagnoza, odkrivanje, sporočanje, zgodnje obravnave, depresija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[P. Detiček]
Number of pages:23 str., [1] str. pril
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-117774 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:23623939 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.07.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Down syndrome - the meaning of breaking the news of the diagnose and communication with mothers : diploma work
Introduction: The Down’s syndrome (DS) is one of the most common chromosomal abnormalities. It can be diagnosed in prenatal and postnatal period. Even though prenatal testing enables early diagnosis, most of the parents are faced with the diagnosis after the child’s birth. Disclosing unfavourable information to parents about their child’s affliction is one of the most difficult tasks for doctors. Consequently, the way of breaking the news is of utmost importance in the early medical treatment as it affects the acceptance of the DS child into the family and coping with the condition later in life. Purpose: The purpose of the diploma work is to establish whether women are satisfied with the process of disclosing the diagnosis and the subtlety (or the lack of it) of doctors when breaking the bad news, and the mothers’ responses to the news. Methods: For the purposes of the study, a descriptive research method was used with the presentation of the theoretical background. The literature search was conducted via Google Scholar, PubMed and DiKUL online resources and databases. Results: There are several methods to establish the diagnosis of DS in the prenatal and postnatal period. Doctors and other health professionals are obliged to respect the decision of the mother after she has been informed about her child’s diagnosis. The health providers avail of multiple guidelines to impart the bad news to the parents. They are advised to break the news in a simple and understandable language, preferably in the presence of both parents. The risk of depression in mothers of children with this chromosomal condition is very high. It is especially common in mothers who reported history of previous poorer mental health. In most cases, the depression is evident in mothers who do not receive enough support and help from their partners’ or families. Discussion and conclusion: Health providers should be aware of the importance of adequate and respectful way of breaking the news of the diagnosis to the parents of the afflicted child. It can in many ways impact the child’s development and their future life. The study results show that in Slovenia not enough research has been devoted to communication with mothers of children with Down’s syndrome. It is necessary to further develop the guidelines on how to inform the parents about their child’s disease, which would be used by health professionals and could be introduced also to medical students, midwives and nurses.

Keywords:diploma theses, midwifery, Down's syndrome, diagnosis, detection, communication, early medical treatments, depression

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