
Aktivacija jezikovnih modalitet pri pacientu z afazijo po možganski kapi
ID Vezonik, Katja (Author), ID Kogovšek, Damjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Novšak Brce, Jerneja (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6321/ This link opens in a new window

Afazije so pridobljene centralne jezikovne motnje, ki jih z vidika lingvistike opisujemo kot oškodovanost različnih komponent jezikovnega sistema (fonologije, leksike, sintakse in semantike). Zajemajo vse ekspresivne in receptivne jezikovne modalitete: govor, razumevanje, branje in pisanje. Vedno se pojavijo večmodalno. V logopedski terapiji1 oseb z afazijo se uporabljajo različne tehnike in metode. V magistrskem delu je predstavljen terapevtski koncept MODAK – Modalitätenaktivierung in der Aphasietherapie. Gre za program modalitetne aktivacije v terapiji afazij avtorice dr. Luise Lutz, klinične lingvistke iz nemško govorečega okolja. Osnovni cilj terapije po konceptu MODAK je prek aktivacije štirih jezikovnih modalitet – govora, razumevanja, branja in pisanja – razvijati pacientove2 komunikacijske sposobnosti in avtomatizacijo posameznih jezikovnih reakcij. Koncept je bil večkrat modificiran; v svoji osnovni izvedbi je bil namenjen bolnikom s težkimi oblikami afazije in s ciljem doseganja minimalnih jezikovnih in komunikacijskih veščin. Pozneje se je izkazal kot izjemno uporabno gradivo za prilagajanje in razširjanje na vse težavnostne stopnje afazij. Osnovni program koncepta, ki je v magistrskem delu predstavljen, se izvaja s pomočjo štirih situacijskih slik; s sedmimi koraki zagona do dialoga (vaje kazanja slike, dodelitve stavka, vrnitve stavka, vrnitve slike, polaganja črk, prepisa brez naglašenega vokala in samostojnega pisanja) in dialogom. Osnovni cilj magistrskega dela je bil preizkusiti koncept MODAK v klinični praksi pri slovensko govorečem pacientu z afazijo po možganski kapi. V empiričnem delu je s študijo primera predstavljena uporaba koncepta pri pacientki v kronični fazi motorične afazije. Logopedska terapija se je izvajala tri tedne po pet dni, eno srečanje pa je trajalo približno 60 min. Uspešnost terapije smo preverjali z dvema instrumentarijema, in sicer s FAST (Frenchay Aphasia Screening Test) in z Vprašalnikom o količini pacientove vsakdanje komunikacije, ki smo ju uporabili pred začetkom in po koncu izvajanja logopedske terapije. Glede na FAST se je razumevanje od začetnega do končnega merjenja izboljšalo za 28,6 odstotka; branje se je izboljšalo za 66,6 odstotka; govor pa se je od začetnega do končnega merjenja izboljšal za 33,3 odstotka. Vprašalnik o količini pacientove vsakdanje komunikacije je pokazal, da se je stanje, glede na pacientkine odgovore, po terapiji izboljšalo na devetih področjih, pri šestih predpostavkah pa se stanje ni spremenilo. Omenjeni vprašalnik je izpolnjevala tudi pacientkina hči in glede na njene odgovore se je stanje po izvajanju terapije pri pacientki izboljšalo na šestih področjih in ostalo enako na devetih področjih. Rezultati so torej pokazali, da je izvajanje logopedske terapije po konceptu MODAK pri slovensko govorečem pacientu uspešno.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-117741 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:23333635 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.07.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Activation of language modalities in a patient with aphasia after stroke
Aphasia is an acquired central language disorder, which from the point of view of linguistics is described as damage to various components of the language system (phonology, vocabulary, syntax and semantics). It covers all expressive and receptive language modalities: speaking, comprehension, reading and writing. It always appears multimodal. Various techniques and methods are used in speech therapy1 for people with aphasia. In the master's thesis, the therapeutic concept MODAK - Modalitätenaktivierung in der Aphasietherapie is presented. It is a program of modality activation in the therapy of aphasia by dr. Luise Lutz, clinical linguists from a German- speaking environment. The basic goal of MODAK therapy is to develop the patient's2 communication skills and to automate individual language reactions through the activation of four language modalities - speech, comprehension, reading and writing. The concept has been modified several times; in its basic implementation, it was intended for patients with severe forms of aphasia and with the aim of achieving minimal language and communication skills. It later proved to be an extremely useful material for adapting and disseminating to all levels of difficulty of aphasia. The basic program of the concept presented in the master's thesis is implemented with the help of four situational images; with seven steps of launching to dialogue (exercises of showing a picture, assigning a sentence, returning a sentence, returning a picture, laying letters, transcribing without accented vocals and independent writing) and dialogue. The main goal of the master 's thesis was to test the MODAK concept in clinical practice in a Slovenian speaking patient with aphasia after a stroke. In the empirical part, a case study presents the use of the concept in a patient in the chronic phase of motor aphasia. Therapy was administered for three weeks after five days, and one treatment lasted approximately 60 min. The success of the therapy was checked with two instruments, namely the FAST (Frenchay Aphasia Screening Test) and The communicative Activity Log, which we used before the beginning and after the end of the speech therapy. According to FAST, comprehension improved by 28.6 percent from initial to final measurement; reading improved by 66.6 percent; speech, on the other hand, improved by 33.3 percent from the initial to the final measurement. The communicative Activity Log showed that, according to the patient's responses, the condition improved after treatment in nine areas, while the condition did not change in the other six assumptions. The mentioned questionnaire was also filled in by the patient's daughter and according to her answers, the condition after the therapy in the patient improved in six areas and remained the same in nine areas. The results thus showed that the implementation of speech therapy according to the MODAK concept in a Slovenian speaking patient is successful.


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