
Usposobljenost študentov magistrskega programa, smeri poučevanje na razredni stopnji, za poučevanje učencev z motnjo pozornosti in s hiperaktivnostjo
ID Tomelj Bobnar, Nena (Author), ID Jerman, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pulec Lah, Suzana (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6316/ This link opens in a new window

Motnja pozornosti in hiperaktivnosti (v nadaljevanju ADHD) je nevrorazvojna motnja, ki se primarno kaže kot težave s pozornostjo, impulzivnost in hiperaktivnost. Pri številnih otrocih se poleg ADHD pojavljajo še druge dodatne motnje. ADHD se v populaciji šolajočih otrok pojavlja v približno petih odstotkih, vendar se število otrok, ki so prepoznani kot otroci z ADHD, povečuje. V kolikor so te težave izrazite in pomembno ovirajo posameznika pri šolskem delu, so otroci usmerjeni v program s prilagojenim izvajanjem in dodatno strokovno pomočjo, ki se izvajajo v rednih osnovnih šolah, kar pomeni, da jih poučujejo učitelji razrednega in predmetnega pouka. Pogosto ADHD spremljajo vedenjske in učne težave ter težave v odnosih. Ustrezno učno okolje, ki je prilagojeno posamezniku, lahko pomembno prispeva k njegovi učni uspešnosti in k preprečevanju ter zmanjšanju vedenjskih težav. Organizacija učnega okolja je odgovornost predvsem učiteljev. Ti morajo imeti o ADHD določeno znanje, da lahko učencem z omenjeno motnjo nudijo ustrezne prilagoditve, da se poslužujejo učinkovitih pristopov, metod dela oziroma da prepoznajo odstopanja, ki kažejo na potrebe po prilagajanju učnega okolja in morda tudi po bolj poglobljeni diagnostični oceni posameznikovega funkcioniranja. V magistrskem delu smo predstavili osnovne značilnosti, pogostost in klasificiranje ADHD, usmerjanje otrok z ADHD, različne pristope k obravnavi motnje in konkretne prilagoditve učnega okolja ter strategije dela z učenci z ADHD. Predstavili smo raziskave o usposobljenosti študentov razrednega pouka za poučevanje učencev z ADHD oziroma raziskave s podobno tematiko in preučili predmetnik univerzitetnega študijskega programa za razredni pouk, da bi dobili vpogled, katere vsebine o ADHD se predvidoma obravnavajo pri posameznih predmetih. V številnih raziskavah so prišli do ugotovitve, da učiteljem in študentom razrednega pouka primanjkuje znanja o otrocih z ADHD, kar poročajo tudi učitelji in študenti sami. V naši raziskavi smo se omejili na študente, bodoče učitelje razrednega pouka, ki so tik pred zaključkom študija. Zanimalo nas je, kako usposobljeni so za poučevanje učencev z ADHD. V ta namen smo sestavili vprašalnik, ki je preverjal poznavanje splošnih dejstev, znakov ADHD, diagnostičnega ocenjevanja in obravnave ADHD, znanje o prilagajanju vzgojno-izobraževalnega procesa učencem z ADHD ter znanje o strategijah ali načinih ravnanja v predstavljenih problemskih situacijah. Poleg tega so študenti ocenili svojo usposobljenost za poučevanje učencev z ADHD in potrebo po dodatnem usposabljanju na tem področju. Rezultati so pokazali, da imajo študenti razrednega pouka o ADHD zelo osnovno znanje in da je njihovo znanje pomanjkljivo predvsem pri načrtovanju ustreznih prilagoditev poučevanja ter pri načrtovanju konkretnih strategij za delo z učenci z ADHD. Tudi pri poznavanju splošnih dejstev, znakov in diagnostičnega ocenjevanja ter pri obravnavi otrok z ADHD je bilo pri nekaterih vsebinah znanje študentov napačno ali pomanjkljivo. Študenti sami ugotavljajo, da imajo o ADHD premalo znanja in da na tem področju nujno potrebujejo dodatna usposabljanja.

Keywords:motnja pozornosti in hiperaktivnost (ADHD)
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-117737 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:23001347 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.07.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Qualifications of primary education master`s students for teaching children with ADHD
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (hereinafter ADHD) is a neuro developed disorder, which is primarily shown as problems with attention, impulsivity and hyperactivity. Additional deficits develop in numerous children with ADHD. In general population, there are approximately 5 % of children with ADHD, however, the number of children with ADHD is growing. If the deficits are extreme and are prohibiting the normal educational process, the child with ADHD is placed in the basic school programme with additional professional support, which is implemented in regular primary schools. This means that children with ADHD are taught by primary school teachers. Oftentimes, ADHD is accompanied by behavioral and learning difficulties and also problems in relations. An appropriate, individualized, learning environment can significantly contribute to the child's educational success and to prevention and decline of his behavioral problems. Teachers are the ones, who are mostly responsible for the organization of the learning environment. They are required to have a level of knowledge about ADHD, with which they are able to provide appropriate adjustments and are able to use an effective approach, efficient methods of working or are able to recognize the derogations in a child which show the needs to adjust the learning environment or to provide a more in-depth diagnostic assessment of a child’s functioning. In this master's thesis we have presented the basic characteristics, frequency and classification of ADHD, placement of children with ADHD, different approaches of dealing with the deficit, concrete adjustments of the learning environment and strategies for working with ADHD pupils. We have presented studies, which were similar in researching how university graduate students of Primary Teacher Education are equiped to educate students with ADHD and have examined the syllabus of the Primary Teacher Education programme to see, which content about ADHD is intended at which subject. It has been discovered in numerous researches that that teachers and students are lacking knowledge about children with ADHD. The same has been reported by the teachers and students themselves. We have limited our research to students, future teachers of primary education, who are about to finish their university education. We were interested in the level of students' competence to teach pupils with ADHD. With this purpose we have devised a questionnaire, which examines the knowledge of teachers about general facts and signs of ADHD, diagnostic assessment and approaches of dealing with ADHD, knowledge of adjusting educational process to pupils with ADHD and knowledge of strategies and ways of acting in given problematic situations. In addition, students have evaluated their own capabilities for teaching pupils with ADHD and their need for any additional training. The results have shown that students of primary teacher education have only very basic knowledge about ADHD and that their knowledge is lacking in planning appropriate adjustments of the education process and planning strategies to work with children with ADHD. Their knowledge of diagnostic assessment of ADHD and handling children with ADHD is also lacking. Students are also of opinion that they do not have enough knowledge in this area and that they desperately need additional training.

Keywords:Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (hereinafter ADHD)

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