
Pogostost uporabe formativnega spremljanja pri predmetu šport na razredni stopnji
ID Prošek, Marika (Author), ID Štemberger, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6312/ This link opens in a new window

Formativno spremljanje je v svetu prepoznano kot učinkovit način poučevanja in učenja, s katerim učenci pridobivajo trajnejše in bolj kakovostno znanje, razvijajo sposobnost samoregulacije učenja ter postajajo uspešnejši, bolj samozavestni in motivirani za delo. V Sloveniji se formativno spremljanje med učitelji širi predvsem preko inovacijskih projektov Zavoda Republike Slovenije za šolstvo. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela smo predstavili izvor in razvoj formativnega spremljanja ter opisali tri različne modele in njihove elemente. Opozorili smo na močno povezavo med formativnim spremljanjem in predmetom šport ter predstavili obstoječe tuje raziskave s področja športa, ki so se osredotočale na učinke formativnega spremljanja in na težave učiteljev pri vpeljevanju omenjenega načina poučevanja. Izpostavili smo pomanjkanje slovenske literature, raziskav, primerov iz prakse in drugih informacij, ki bi povezovale predmet šport in formativno spremljanje. V empiričnem delu smo raziskali pogostost uporabe formativnega spremljanja pri predmetu šport na razredni stopnji. V kvantitativni raziskavi smo ugotavljali, ali obstajajo razlike med pogostostjo uporabe formativnega spremljanja pri predmetu šport in ostalih predmetih ter kakšna je povezava med pogostostjo uporabe in učiteljevo samooceno kompetenc za poučevanje posameznega predmeta. Ugotavljali smo, kako na to vplivata starost učencev ter leta učiteljevih izkušenj s formativnim spremljanjem. Zanimalo nas je, kaj učitelji po njihovem mnenju potrebujejo, da bodo učence pri športu lahko pogosteje formativno spremljali. Z raziskavo smo pridobili vpogled v trenutno stanje in osvetlili izzive, s katerimi se srečujejo učitelji pri implementaciji formativnega spremljanja v šport. Rezultati so pokazali, da učitelji formativno spremljanje pri športu v povprečju uporabljajo občasno ali pogosto. Šport glede na pogostost uporabe formativnega spremljanja zaseda šesto mesto na lestvici desetih predmetov. Ugotovili smo, da pogostost uporabe formativnega spremljanja pri športu s starostjo učencev in leti učiteljevih izkušenj postopno narašča, njeno povezavo s samooceno kompetenc pa je zaznati pri le treh predmetih. Izzivi, s katerimi se učitelji srečujejo pri uvajanju formativnega spremljanja v šport, so v večini rešljivi na ravni šole; želijo si več časa za šport, prisotnost še enega učitelja, boljše pogoje ter več izobraževanj in konkretnih primerov. V želji, da bi učitelje spodbudili k še pogostejši uporabi formativnega spremljanja pri športu, smo pripravili šest pobud oziroma predlogov, s katerimi bi premagali vsaj nekatere izmed ovir in učencem omogočili pridobivanje kakovostnega in trajnega znanja tudi pri športu.

Keywords:formativno spremljanje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-117631 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:22823939 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.07.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Frequency of formative assessment of physical education from grades 1 through 5
Formative assessment is recognized in the world as an effective way of teaching and learning, through which pupils acquire more lasting and higher quality knowledge, develop the ability of self-regulated learning and become more successful, more self-confident and motivated for work. In Slovenia, formative assessment is spread among teachers mainly through innovation projects developed by the National Education Institute Slovenia. In the theoretical part of the master's thesis we presented the origin and development of formative assessment and described three different models and their elements. We pointed out the strong connection between formative assessment and Physical Education (PE) and presented the existing foreign research in the field of PE, which focused on the effects of formative assessment and the difficulties of teachers in introducing this method of teaching. We pointed out the lack of Slovenian literature, research, examples from practice and other information that would link Physical Education and formative assessment. In the empirical part, we investigated the frequency of the use of formative assessment in PE at the grade level 1 through 5. In the quantitative research, we determined whether there are differences between the frequency of use of formative assessment in PE and other subjects and what the relationship is between the frequency of use and the teacher's self-assessment of competencies for the teaching of each subject. We were trying to find out how this is influenced by the age of the pupils and by the number of years of the teacher's experience he/she has in the field of formative assessment. We wanted to find out what do teachers need to use formative assessment in PE more often. The research provided an insight into the current situation and highlighted the challenges that teachers face in the implementation of formative assessment in PE. The results showed that teachers use formative assessment in PE on average occasionally or frequently. According to the frequency of use of formative assessment, Physical Education ranks 6th on the scale of ten subjects. We found out that the frequency of use of formative assessment in PE gradually increases with the age of pupils and with the years of teacher’s experience, and its connection with the self-assessment of competencies can be detected in only three subjects. The challenges that teachers face in introducing formative assessment into PE, are mostly solvable at the level of school; they want to have more time for PE, they wish they had the presence of another teacher, better conditions and more knowledge and concrete examples from practice. In order to encourage teachers to use formative assessment in PE even more often, we have prepared six initiatives or suggestions that would overcome at least some of the obstacles and enable pupils to acquire quality and lasting knowledge in Physical Education.

Keywords:formative assessment

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