
Določanje fizikalnih in kemijskih dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na pospeševanje izločanja biocida oktilizotiazolinona iz notranjih barvnih nanosov : magistrsko delo
ID Tomazin, Lovro (Author), ID Trebše, Polonca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Sever Škapin, Andrijana (Comentor), ID Bavcon Kralj, Mojca (Reviewer)

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Uvod: V postopku omejevanja tvorbe in razširjanja plesni v bivanjskih prostorih se pogosto poslužujemo organskih biocidnih sredstev. S tem pa vpeljemo novo možno tveganje, ki ga predstavljajo te snovi za zdravje oseb, ki v takih prostorih delujejo ali bivajo. Namen: Cilj naše raziskave je bil določiti fizikalne in kemijske dejavnike, ki lahko vplivajo na pospeševanje izločanja oktilizotiazolinona (OIT-a) iz notranjih stenskih barvnih premazov. Želeli smo ugotovili, kako ekstremni pogoji, kot sta povišana relativna vlažnost zraka in povišana temperatura, vplivajo na sproščanje OIT-a iz barvnega premaza ter v kolikšni meri vpliva velikost delcev titanovega dioksida (TiO2) na fotokatalitsko razgradnjo le-tega. Metode dela: Glavna uporabljena analitska metoda je bila tekočinska kromatografija v kombinaciji z detektorjem na niz diod. Izpostavitve barvnih premazov, ki smo jih pripravili na ploščicah, smo izvedli v komorah, ki lahko zagotavljajo ekstremne pogoje v bivalnih okoljih. Poskuse fotokatalize smo izvedli v fotoreaktorju ob različnih velikostih delcev TiO2. Rezultati: Rezultati, ki smo jih pridobili, kažejo, da na OIT v barvnem premazu vplivajo okoljski dejavniki, kot sta povišana vlaga in UV-A sevanje, tega pa nismo mogli potrditi za povišano temperaturo. Prisotnost in velikost delcev TiO2 sta znatno vplivali na razpad OIT. Razprava in zaključek: Naši rezultati in podatki iz literature jasno nakazujejo vpliv na organske biocide iz okolja, kot je relativna vlaga. V literaturi se je nakazovalo in z našo raziskavo potrdilo tudi, da so fotoaktivni kovinski oksidi in organski biocidi med sabo kompatibilni ter da uporabnik zelo težko predvidi nekompatibilnost med samo barvo in pripravkom z organskim biocidom. Razvite metode in rezultati analiz omogočajo nadaljnje delo, saj pomenijo podlago za strokovno oceno tveganja v primeru sproščanja OIT-a iz barvnega premaza.

Keywords:magistrska dela, sanitarno inženirstvo, oktilizotiazolinon (OIT), notranje stenske barve, barvni premazi, notranji bivalni pogoji, tekočinska kromatografija, TiO2, fotostabilnost, temperatura, vlaga
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[L. Tomazin]
Number of pages:44 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-117585 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:22832131 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.07.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Determining physical and chemical factors which influence accelerated release of octylisothiazolinone biocide from interior paint coatings : master thesis
Introduction: Organic biocides are often used for limiting the formation and spread of mould in living spaces. With these substances, we introduce a new possible risk to the health of people who work or live in such premises. Purpose: The aim of our study was to determine the physical and chemical factors that may influence the acceleration of octylisothiazolinone (OIT) excretion from interior wall paint coatings. We wanted to determine how extreme conditions, such as elevated relative humidity and elevated temperature, affect the release of OIT from the paint coating and to what extent the particle size of titanium dioxide (TiO2) affects its photocatalytic degradation. Methods: The main analytical method used was liquid chromatography in combination with a diode array detector. Paint coatings, prepared on tiles, were exposed in chambers that can provide extreme conditions as in living environments. Photocatalysis experiments were performed in a photoreactor with different TiO2 particle sizes. Results: The results obtained show that the OIT in the paint coating is affected by environmental influences such as elevated humidity and UV-A radiation, the same could not be confirmed for elevated temperature. The presence and particle size of TiO2 did significantly influenced decay of OIT. Discussion and conclusion: Our results and literature indicate that there is impact on organic biocides from the environment, such as relative humidity. The literature as our research indicate non-compatibility between the photoactive metallic oxides and the organic biocides, and that it is very difficult for user to predict the incompatibility between the colour and organic biocide. The developed methods and results of analyses allow further work, as they constitute the basis for a professional risk assessment in the case of the release of OIT from the paint coating.

Keywords:master's theses, sanitary engineering, octylisothiazolinone (OIT), interior wall paints, paint applications, interior living conditions, liquid chromatography, TiO2, photostability, temperature, humidity

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