
Vrednotenje polžastega gonila
ID Murko, Anže (Author), ID Klemenc, Jernej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Polžaste dvojice so zaradi visoke redukcije vhodne hitrosti, prenašanja večjih obremenitvenih momentov, prenosa gibanja 90° glede na vhodno os gibanja ipd. nepogrešljive v mnogo strojnih aplikacijah. V okviru diplomske naloge smo ovrednotili polžasto gonilo. Njegovo geometrijo smo pridobili iz literature [1] v kateri je bilo obravnavano podobno gonilo, le da je bila drugačna oblika ozobja. To smo predstavili v zadnjem poglavju naloge. Cilj naloge je bilo ovrednotiti gonilo s stališča nosilnosti in ugotoviti, ali obravnavano gonilo zdrži predvidene obremenitve. Za temeljito obravnavo gonila smo izhajali iz določenih predpostavk, omenjenih v nalogi. S pomočjo literature smo določili tudi materiale zobnikov v dvojici in mazivo, s katerim je mazano obravnavano gonilo. V nalogi smo predstavili rezultate in na koncu ugotovili, da obravnavano gonilo zdrži na začetku zastavljene obremenitve. Za posamezne kriterije nosilnosti smo določili tudi varna območja delovanja.

Keywords:polžasta dvojica gonila zobniki vrednotenje nosilnost obraba
Work type:Final paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Murko]
Number of pages:XIII, 45 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-117476 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:22697987 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Valuation of worm gearbox
Worm pairs are indispensable in many machine applications because of a high reduction of input speed, withstanding higher loads moments, 90° motion transmission with regards to the input axis of motion, etc. Within the framework of the bachelor’s thesis, we evaluated the worm gear. We gained its geometry from the literature [1] where a similar gearbox was discussed. Only the shape of gears was different. We presented this in the last chapter of the thesis. The goal of the thesis was to evaluate the gearbox from the perspective of load capacity and to ascertain whether the discussed gearbox sustains the intended loads. For a thorough discussion of the gearbox, we originated from certain assumptions mentioned in the thesis. Using literature, we determined the materials of gears in pairs and the lubricant by which the discussed gearbox was lubricated. We presented the results in the thesis and ascertained at the end that the discussed gearbox withstands loads set initially. We also determined safe zones of operations for individual criteria of load capacity.

Keywords:worm pair gearboxes gears valuation load capacity wear

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