
Psihološki vidiki zgodnje psihofiziološke rehabilitacije pacientov po srčnem infarktu : magistrsko delo
ID Sever, Metka (Author), ID Žvelc, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Srčno-žilne bolezni so v razvitem delu sveta in tudi v Sloveniji že desetletja zelo razširjen vzrok obolevnosti in umrljivosti odraslih. Najpogostejša bolezen srca je nepredvidljiv in življenjsko nevaren srčni infarkt, ki lahko pri bolniku povzroči številne psihološke posledice. V literaturi je moč zaslediti, da se lahko srčni bolniki po srčnem infarktu srečujejo z anksioznostjo, depresijo in z bolj intenzivnim doživljanjem stresa. V magistrskem delu smo želeli preveriti učinke programa zgodnje psihofiziološke rehabilitacije (v nadaljevanju ZPFR program) na zmanjšanje anksioznih in depresivnih simptomov, na zaznavo stresa in psihološko fleksibilnost, na psihološko blagostanje, vsakodnevno funkcioniranje ter rizično vedenje. Vpliv ZPFR-programa smo preverjali pri dveh skupinah, in sicer pri eksperimentalni skupini, ki je sedem tednov obiskovala srečanja, usmerjena na psihoedukacijo, tehnike sproščanja in vaje čuječnosti, in pri kontrolni skupini, ki srečanj ni obiskovala. V raziskavi smo uporabili pet merskih pripomočkov: lestvico bolnišnične anksioznosti in depresije, lestvico zaznanega stresa, lestvico kazalca blaginje, vprašalnik za merjenje izida terapije in vprašalnik sprejemanja in akcije. Rezultati so pokazali, da je ZPFR-program pripomogel k zmanjšanju simptomov anksioznosti in ohranjanju trenutnih simptomov depresije, prav tako pa so udeleženci po ZPFR-programu zaznavali nižji stres in boljše vsakodnevno funkcioniranje. Na podlagi rezultatov je razvidno, da pri udeležencih kontrolne skupine ni prišlo do pomembnih sprememb na lestvici anksioznosti, nasprotno pa so udeleženci programa poročali o večji prisotnosti depresivnih simptomov in višji zaznavi stresa. Program ZPFR ni pripomogel k izboljšanju psihološkega blagostanja in psihološke fleksibilnosti, saj sta obe skupini poročali o podobnih vrednostih ne glede na čas ali udeleženost. Na podlagi rezultatov lahko zaključimo, da ima psihološka podpora v obliki ZPFR-programa določene blagodejne učinke na duševno zdravje srčnih bolnikov v našem vzorcu. Študija osvetljuje pomembnost večje informiranosti ter psihološke podpore za srčne bolnike. Študija hkrati ponuja smernice za nove raziskave na tem področju ter ponuja smernice za razmislek o vzpostavitvi ZPFR-programa, katerega bi lahko tudi prilagodili za številne druge bolnike.

Keywords:bolezni srca, rehabilitacija, psihoedukacija, spremembe življenjskega sloga, duševno zdravje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Sever]
Number of pages:66 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-117463 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:29856003 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Psychological aspects of an early psychophysiological rehabilitation for patients after a heart attack
Cardiovascular diseases have been a widespread cause of adult morbidity and mortality in the developed part of the world and in Slovenia for decades. The most common heart disease is an unpredictable and life-threatening heart attack, which can have a number of psychological consequences for a patient. In literature it can be seen that cardiac patients after a heart attack may experience anxiety, depression, and a more intense experience of stress. In the master's thesis we wanted to examine the effects of the program of early psychophysiological rehabilitation (in continuation ZPFR program) on the reduction of anxiety and depressive symptoms, on the perception of stress and psychological flexibility, on psychological well-being, daily functioning and risky behavior. The impact of the ZPFR program was examined in two groups, mainly the experimental group, which attended psychoeducation, relaxation techniques and mindfulness exercises for seven weeks, and the control group, which did not attend the meetings. Five measurement tools were used in the study: Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, Perceived Stress Scale, Five Well-Being Index, the CORE outcome Measure, and the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire. The results showed that the ZPFR program helped reduce anxiety symptoms and maintain current symptoms of depression, and participants under the ZPFR program perceived lower stress levels and better daily functioning. Based on the results, it is evident that there were no significant changes in the anxiety scale in the participants of the control group, on the contrary, the participants in the program reported a higher presence of depressive symptoms and a higher perception of stress. The ZPFR program did not help to improve psychological well-being and psychological flexibility, as both groups reported similar values regardless of time or participation. Based on the results, we can conclude that psychological support in the form of a ZPFR program has certain beneficial effects on the mental health of cardiac patients in our sample. The study highlights the importance of greater information and psychological support for cardiac patients. At the same time, the study provides guidelines for the future research in this area and provides guidelines for considering the establishment of a ZPFR program, which could also be adapted for many other patients.

Keywords:heart diseases, rehabilitation, psychoeducation, lifestyle changes, mental health

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