
Doživljanje in soočanje z duševno stisko pri vrstniku v razvojnem obdobju prehoda v odraslost : magistrsko delo
ID Ibrčič, Anja (Author), ID Žvelc, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrski študiji sem raziskovala, kako mladi v razvojnem obdobju prehoda v odraslost doživljajo in kako se spoprijemajo z duševno stisko pri svojem vrstniku. Osredotočila sem se na motnje hranjenja in depresivno motnjo, ki v omenjenem obdobju predstavljajo perečo težavo tako za posameznika, ki z motnjo živi, kot za njegove prijatelje, sorojence in partnerje. Preverjala sem katera stališča prevladujejo, kakšno podporo bi zdravi vrstniki zaradi stiske, ki jo narekuje duševna motnja vrstnika, potrebovali zase in ali obstajajo razlike v doživljanju in soočanju pri obeh motnjah. Po postopku utemeljene teorije sem analizirala 12 polstrukturiranih intervjujev z udeleženci. Iz podatkov je nastalo 6 glavnih kategorij s pripadajočimi podkategorijami, na podlagi katerih sem razvila Model procesov doživljanja in soočanja z duševno motnjo pri vrstniku na prehodu v odraslost. Model prikazuje, da posamezniki, ki so v tesnem odnosu z vrstnikom z motnjo, doživljajo prijetna čustva in občutke, ki jih vodijo v konstruktivno in prosocialno soočanje. Pri tem se zavedajo, da njihov vrstnik ni enako motnja. V epizodah močne simptomatike pa se pri udeležencih pojavljajo neprijetna čustva in občutki, ki vodijo v nekonstruktivne odzive na vrstnika z motnjo. Motnje hranjenja dodatno negativno vplivajo na doživljanje družinske dinamike. Stališča do nastanka motenj in zdravljenja nakazujejo na visoko pismenost o duševnem zdravju med udeleženci. Ti opozarjajo predvsem na spodbudno in podporno okolje kot varovalen in ključen dejavnik pri okrevanju. Podpirajo tudi strokovno psihoterapijo. Nekatera prepričanja so specifična za posamezno motnjo, npr. neodobravanje medikamentoznega zdravljenja pri depresiji. Izkazala se je tudi močna potreba po podpori v obliki skupinske terapije oz. biti slišan pri drugih, predvsem strokovnih delavcih. Magistrsko delo opozarja na prezrtost mladih na prehodu v odraslost, ki se soočajo z izkušnjo duševne motnje pri svojem vrstniku. Marsikdo o tem spregovori prvič. Predlagam pogostejšo in kakovostnejšo prakso podpornih skupin in svetovanja za omenjeno obravnavano skupino.

Keywords:duševne motnje, medosebni odnosi, čustva, spoprijemanje, prehod v odraslost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Ibrčič]
Number of pages:95 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-117456 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:29848835 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Experiencing and Coping with a Mental Disorder in a Peer in Emerging Adulthood
The Master thesis explores how young people in emerging adulthood experience and cope with psychopathology in a peer. It focuses on eating disorders and the major depressive disorder, which in the aforementioned period gravely affect both the individual with the disorder as well as their friends, siblings, and partners. It also sets out to identify prevalent attitudes, find out which type of support is needed by healthy peers in the face of a peer’s mental health problems, and to determine whether there are any differences in the way people experience and cope with both disorders. Using the grounded theory procedure, 12 semi-structured interviews with participants, i.e. healthy peers, were analyzed. The data was organized into 6 main categories with corresponding subcategories, the content of which was used to create the Model of Experiencing and Coping with a Peer’s Mental Disorder in Emerging Adulthood. The Model shows that the friends, siblings, and partners who have a close relationship with the peer suffering from one of the two disorders experience pleasant feelings and emotions, resulting in constructive and prosocial coping styles. They also understand that the peer and the disorder are not one and the same. During episodes featuring severe symptoms, the participants experience negative emotions, which lead to unconstructive reactions to the peer with the disorder. Eating disorders further negatively affect the experience of the family dynamics. The views on the causes and treatments of the disorders indicate a high level of mental health literacy among the participants. The participants primarily stress the role of a supportive and encouraging environment as a safety measure and key factor in recovery. They also support professional psychotherapy. Some attitudes are disorder-specific, e.g. the disapproval of medication use in depression treatment. Furthermore, they express a strong need for support in the form of group therapy, i.e. to be heard by others, particularly mental health professionals. The thesis draws attention to the fact that young people in emerging adulthood who are dealing with a mental disorder in a peer are often overlooked. Many of them spoke about it for the first time. The author of the thesis proposes that support groups and counselling programs be improved and employed more often for the group in question.

Keywords:mental disorders, interpersonal relationships, emotions, coping behavior, emerging adulthood

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