
Reprezentacije nereprezentabilnega: filmski prikazi grozot holokavsta : filmski prikazi grozot holokavsta
ID Demšar, Meta (Author), ID Stanković, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen te diplomske naloge je vpogled v motiv holokavsta kot pomembnega motiva filmske industrije. Zanimali me bodo začetki njegove uporabe v evropskih in ameriških produkcijah, pri čemer se bom osredotočila na problematike, ki s tem sovpadajo ter se nanašajo na upravičenost prikazovanja grozot holokavsta v namene popularne kulture. V teoretski del bosta tako vključena pojma holokavsta in reprezentacije najprej v splošnem, nato pa v podrobnejšem smislu vprašanja legitimnosti reprezentiranja nacističnih zločinov na filmskem platnu. Empirični del bo sestavljen iz analize petih filmov, ki prikazujejo holokavst in hkrati največje koncentracijsko taborišče Auschwitz-Birkenau. V vsakem izmed filmov bom v tem kontekstu predstavila motive, ki se v njih ponavljajo, nato pa jih skušala interpretirati in nadalje povezati z izhodišči iz teoretskega dela naloge. Cilj pričujočega dela bo torej raziskati načine reprezentacij holokavsta v izbranih filmih in ugotovitve primerjati z najpogosteje zabeleženimi tipi prikazov preganjanja ter iztrebljanja nezaželenih družbenih skupin in etnij s strani nacizma. Po opravljeni analizi lahko potrdim, da so izbrani filmi sovpadali z nekaterimi predpostavkami, predstavljenimi v prvem delu naloge, saj v vseh najdemo specifično obravnavo grozot holokavsta in uporabo najpogostejših motivov, prevzetih iz zgodovinskih posnetkov, dokazov ter pričevanj žrtev.

Keywords:holokavst, koncentracijsko taborišče Auschwitz-Birkenau, reprezentacija, film.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Demšar]
Number of pages:42 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-117426 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:25264131 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Representations of the unrepresentable: film adaptations of the horrors of the Holocaust
The purpose of this thesis is to provide an insight into the Holocaust as a significant motif in film industry. I intend to follow the beginnings of its use in European and American movie productions and simultaneously review the main issues that arose from this phenomena, which are questioning the justification of showing the horrors of the Holocaust for the purposes of popular culture. The theoretical part of this thesis will firstly include the explanation of the two main terms, the Holocaust and representation in the general aspect. Secondly, I am going to provide a more detailed context of questioning the legitimacy of some movie representations of the crimes committed by the Nazi party during the Second World War. The second part of this thesis will be constructed from my analysis of the five films that represent the Holocaust and the largest concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau at the same time. I plan to present the repeating motifs found in each of the movies and going forward, to interpret them and also link them with the bases found in the first part of my thesis. The goal of this thesis is therefore to investigate the ways in which the Holocaust is represented in selected films and compare my findings with the most common types of representing the persecution and exterminations of the people that were deemed unwanted by the Nazis on film. After completing my research I can confirm that the selected films coincide with some of the bases presented in the theoretical part of my thesis. Each of the chosen movies in its own way deals with the horrors of the Holocaust by using and representing the most common motifs, which originate from the historical recordings, proofs and testimonies of the victims.

Keywords:the Holocaust, Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp, representation, film.

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