
ID CUDER, MAJA (Author), ID Kovač, Polonca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Vročanje je nadvse pomemben del vsakega postopka, saj v primeru, da akti prekrškovnega ali sodnega organa niso vročeni, ne nastopijo njihovi pravni učinki, kar pa ni v skladu z javnim interesom kot ključno lastnostjo tega javnopravnega razmerja. Temo analiza sodne prakse o vročanju v prekrškovnih postopkih sem izbrala, ker se mi zdi zanimiva in uporabna, saj ponuja dovolj primerov za analizo stanja in trendov na področju težav in uporabljenih rešitev pri vročanju v prekrškovnih zadevah. Namen magistrskega dela je bil opraviti poglobljeno študijo uporabe določil ZUP o vročanju v postopku o prekršku in ugotoviti, v katerih primerih se uporabljajo pravila ZP-1 in ZUP, tako na splošno kot pri delu v splošno korist. V ta namen sem preučila in analizirala slovensko sodno prakso s področja vročanja v postopku o prekršku. Analiza je vsebovala odločbe višjih sodišč, Vrhovnega sodišča RS in Ustavnega sodišča RS, izdanih v obdobju od 2014 do junija 2020. Rezultati empirične raziskave so pokazali, da so določbe ZUP in ZP-1 jasne, zato je sodna praksa tudi na prekrškovnem področju glede vročanja enotna na vseh ravneh. V raziskavi je bilo ugotovljeno, da element obravnave vročanje po pooblaščencu poleg elementa obravnave fiktivne vročitve predstavlja najbolj sporno dilemo v sodnih odločbah, medtem ko to ne velja za vročanje v tujino. S pomočjo primerjalne analize sem preučila tudi nemško pravno ureditev o vročanju v postopku o prekršku. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da je ureditev vročanja v nemškem in slovenskem pravnem sistemu primerljiva, razlike so predvsem pri določitvi okoliščin fiktivne vročitve, kjer je slovenska zakonodaja bolj zadržana. Rezultati so uporabni kot analitičen prispevek k upravno-pravni znanosti, zlasti pa za izboljšave predpisov z vnosom bolj fleksibilnih norm ob ohranitvi pravne varnosti in enotne prakse.

Keywords:postopek o prekršku, vročanje, uporaba določb ZUP, delo v splošno korist
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Cuder]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-117373 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:25894659 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.07.2020
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Secondary language

Service or delivery of documents is an extremely important part of any procedure, because if the acts of the misdemeanour or judicial body are not served, their legal effects do not occur, which is not in the public interest as a key feature of this public law relationship. I have chosen the topic of case-law analysis on service in misdemeanour proceedings because I find it interesting and useful, as it offers enough examples to analyse the situation and trends in the field of problems and solutions used in service in misdemeanour cases. The purpose of the master's thesis was to conduct an in-depth study of the application of the provisions of the General Administrative Procedure Act (GAPA) on service in misdemeanour proceedings and to determine in which cases the rules of Misdemeanour Act and GAPA apply, both in general and in work in the general interest. For this purpose, I have studied and analysed the Slovenian case-law in the field of service in misdemeanour proceedings. The analysis included decisions of higher courts, the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia, issued in the period from 2014 to June 2020. The results of the empirical research have shown that the provisions of GAPA and MA are clear, so the case-law in the area of misdemeanour regarding service is uniform at all levels. The study has found that the element of consideration is service by proxy in addition to the element of consideration of fictitious service represents the most controversial dilemma in court decisions, while this does not apply to service abroad. With the help of a comparative analysis, I also examined the German legal system on service in misdemeanour proceedings. The results of the research showed that the regulation of service in the German and Slovenian legal systems is comparable; the differences are mainly in determining the circumstances of fictitious service, where Slovenian legislation is more restrained. The results are useful as an analytical contribution to administrative-legal science, and in particular, to serve to improve regulations by introducing norms that are more flexible while maintaining legal certainty and uniform practice.

Keywords:misdemeanour proceedings, service (delivery), application of the provisions of the GAPA, work in the general interest

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