
Digitalna kontrola analognega parametričnega izenačevalnika
ID Špehar, Elvis (Author), ID Jankovec, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo opisuje razvoj digitalnega krmiljenja analognega parametričnega izenačevalnika oziroma zvočnega procesorja, namenjenega obdelavi glasbe pri procesu ustvarjanja glasbe. Predstavljena je zgodovina snemanja glasbe od mehanskega do električnega procesa, kjer se izoblikuje večinoma takšen način produkcije ali snemanja glasbe, kot ga poznamo še danes. Slednje pomeni, da je uporaba zgodovinske analogne opreme danes integralni del glasbenih zvrsti in se zato še naprej uporablja. Da bi omogočili enostavnejšo uporabo, kot jo danes nudi digitalna oprema, to je možnost avtomatskega nastavljanja ali krmiljenja brez ročnega posega, je potrebno takšne naprave na primeren način avtomatizirati brez zaznavnega vpliva na avdio signal. To je bilo doseženo z zamenjavo vseh ročno krmiljenih elementov z električno krmiljenimi. Pri tem ročno krmiljeni elementi na videz ostanejo enaki (enak ostane izgled naprave) in služijo samo za zaznavo položajev pri možnosti ročne uporabe in ne posegajo več neposredno v analogni signal. Potrebni elektronski sklopi so bili razviti in dodani k obstoječi napravi ter jo uspešno nagradili v avtomatizirano napravo, ki se krmili preko komunikacijske povezave do osebnega računalnika. Omenjene so tako predvidene težave in njihove rešitve kot tudi nepredvidene težave in rešitve. Na koncu se premisli o možnih izboljšavah in pocenitvah, ki bi bile možne v prihodnosti.

Keywords:izenačevalnik, avtomatizacija, digitalna kontrola, obdelava zvoka
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-117363 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.07.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Digital control of an analog parametric equalizer
The master thesis describes the development of digital control of an analog parametric equalizer or sound processor which is intended for music processing in the process of creating music. The history of recording music from a mechanical to an electrical process is presented, where such a way of producing or recording music as we know it today is formed. This means that the use of historical analog equipment is today an integral part of musical genres and is therefore still used. In order to make its usage easier from what the digital equipment today offers, that is the possibility of automatic adjustment or control without manual intervention, it is necessary to appropriately automate such devices without any perceptible impact on the audio signal. This was achieved by replacing all manually controlled elements with electrically controlled ones. In this case, manually controlled elements remain the same in their appearance (the appearance of the device remains the same) and serve only to detect positions in the possibility of manual use and no longer interfere directly with the analog signal. The necessary electronic assemblies were developed and added to the existing device and were successfully upgraded into an automated device that is controlled via a communication link with a personal computer. Anticipated problems and their solutions are mentioned, as well as unforeseen problems and solutions. Finally, potential improvements and reductions that would be possible in the future are considered.

Keywords:equalizer, automation, digital control, sound processing

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