
Uporaba 3D tiskanih modelov za tehnologijo precizijskega litja
ID Puklavec, Matic (Author), ID Petrič, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Cilj diplomskega dela je izdelati glavo in cilinder za dvotaktni dirkalni kolo z motorjem Tomos D6. Uporabljena je bila tehnologija precizijskega litja, ki je namenjena za izdelavo kompleksnih izdelkov. Raziskovan je bil nov postopek izdelave izdelkov, kjer so se namesto voščenega modela, ki se običajno uporablja za izdelavo forme, uporabili 3D tiskani modeli. Ti modeli so se natisnili na 3D tiskalniku, ki temelji na tehnologiji spajanja polimera v obliki filamenta (FFF). Pri tej tehnologiji se filament narejen iz ekstrudiranega polimera potiska v predgreto šobo in natančno nanaša na delovno površino oziroma na predhodnji sloj. Za namen izdelave prototipnega izdelka glave in cilindra motorja bo skonstruiran 3D model izdelka. S pomočjo simulacijskega programa ProCast bo izveden izračun litja in strjevanja ulitkov, ter predvidene napake, kot so krčilna poroznost. Na podlagi rezultatov bo dimenzioniran tudi ulivni in napajalni sistem, ki bo zagotovil ustrezno polnjenje livne votline kot tudi napajanje ulitkov

Keywords:3D tiskanje, precizijsko litje, prototipiranje, Ulivanje aluminijeve zlitine
Work type:High school thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-117329 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:26802179 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.07.2020
PUKLAVEC, Matic, 2020, Uporaba 3D tiskanih modelov za tehnologijo precizijskega litja [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 24 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:The use of 3D printed models for investment casting process
The aim of this work was to produce a head and cylinder for a two-stroke racing moped Tomos D6. A method of investment casting was used to produce a temporary mold, which is ideal for casting complex parts with lower production volumes. A novel process was explored using 3D printed assemblies instead of standard wax assemblies. The patterns were printed on a 3D printer using a technology called Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF). The 3D printing process involves applying molten modelling material to a substrate in a predetermined pattern to build the 3D printed model. For the purpose of this thesis, a 3D model of the cylinder and the cylinder head is created. The 3D models were constructed with the help of Computer Aided Design (CAD). The entire casting process is simulated in a program called Procast, which shows the solidification and cooling path and possible defects in the casting itself

Keywords:3D printing, investment casting, prototyping, casting of aluminium alloy

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