
Devulkanizacija gume
ID Krajec, Gašper (Author), ID Šebenik, Urška (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Polimere razdelimo na plastomere ali termoplaste, duromere in elastomere. Elastomeri se uporabljajo predvsem zaradi elastičnih lastnosti, kar jim zagotavlja, da je pri obremenitvi deformacija povratna. Med elastomere sodi tudi naravni kavčuk, iz katerega se izdeluje guma, ki je zamrežen kavčuk. Zaradi zamreženosti je možnost recikliranja gume in njene ponovne uporabe omejena, tako da se posledično odpadno gumo odlaga na odlagališča. V svojem diplomskem delu predstavljam proces devulkanizacije, s katerim bi poskušali odpadni gumi povrniti lastnosti surovca – nevulkanizirane gumene zmesi. Devulkanizacija je proces, pri katerem skušamo z različnimi tehnikami in dodatki pretrgati kemijske vezi med polimernimi verigami, ki so nastale pri procesu vulkanizacije. Opisanih je več vrst devulkanizacije: fizikalna, kemijska in biotehnološka. Podrobneje so analizirani postopki omenjenih devulkanizacij. Pri fizikalni devulkanizaciji proces poteka pri povišani temperaturi in tlaku, medtem ko pri kemijski devulkanizaciji procesu dodajamo različne kemijske spojine, ki omogočijo razcep vezi oziroma mostičkov med polimernimi verigami. Biotehnološka devulkanizacija je najmanj raziskana vrsta devulkanizacije, pri kateri mikroorganizmi razkrajajo mostičke z oksidacijo. V diplomski nalogi obravnavam različne primere devulkanizacij in ponovne uporabe devulkanizirane gume. Primerjam lastnosti (natezna trdnost, raztezek pri pretrgu) vulkanizata iz surovega kavčuka in devulkanizirane gume. V diplomskem delu so poleg primerjav predstavljeni tudi primeri ponovne uporabe devulkanizirane gume.

Keywords:elastomeri, guma, devulkanizacija, recikliranje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-117323 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:21953283 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.07.2020
KRAJEC, Gašper, 2020, Devulkanizacija gume [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 28 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Rubber devulcanization
Polymers are divided into thermoplastic polymers, thermosetting polymers and elastomers. Elastomers are mainly used because of the elastic properties, which ensures a reversible deformation. Elastomers also include natural rubber, from which the rubber is made. Due to the cross-linking, the possibility of rubber recycling and its reuse is limited. Waste rubber is then deposited in the landfill. In diploma, I write about the devulcanization process that would attempt to regain the properties of the raw material - the unvulcanized rubber compound. Devulcanization is a process in which we try to break the chemical bonds between the polymer chains, resulting from the vulcanization process, by various techniques and additives. Different types of devulcanization processes are described: mechanical, chemical and biotechnological. Selected examples of specific devulcanization methods are analyzed in detail. In the case of mechanical devulcanization, the process is carried out at a high temperature and high pressure, while in the case of chemical devulcanization, where waste rubber is added to various chemical compounds that allow the splitting of bonds between the polymer chains. Biotechnological devulcanization is the least researched method of devulcanization in which microorganisms decompose bonds by oxidation. In the thesis, I write about different types of devulcanization processes and reuse of devulcanized rubber. I compare properties (tensile strength, elongation at break) between vulcanized rubber (made of natural rubber) and vulcanized rubber, made of natural rubber and devulcanized rubber. Examples of the reuse of devulcanized rubber are also presented.

Keywords:elastomers, rubber, devulcanization, recycling

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