
ID Doler, Patricija (Author), ID Buzeti, Jernej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Konflikti se pojavljajo v zasebnem in delovnem okolju ter so izziv za vse vključene akterje. Posledice konfliktov so lahko pozitivne in negativne. Zavedati pa se moramo, da je konflikte potrebno tudi reševati na ustrezen način. V literaturi in praksi zasledimo različne načine, in sicer dogovarjanje, prevlada, tekmovanje, izogibanje in kompromis. Tudi v diplomskem delu so bili konflikti predmet proučevanja. Zanimala nas je predvsem povezanost konfliktov z odraslo navezanostjo zaposlenih. Navezanosti razumemo kot čustveno vez med otrokom in njegovim skrbnikom oziroma med odraslim in njegovim partnerjem. Pomen navezanosti izpostavlja teorija navezanosti, ki pojasnjuje naše vedenje, ki se oblikuje v odnosu z drugimi ljudmi. V sklopu teorije navezanosti so se oblikovali tudi stili navezanosti. Iz vidika proučevanja v diplomskem delu velja izpostaviti zlasti varno in nevarno odraslo navezanost (izogibajoča, dezorganizirana in preokupirana/ambivalentna navezanost). V diplomskem delu smo se osredotočili na proučevanje povezanosti med konflikti in odraslo navezanostjo v izbranih občinah v Sloveniji (Občina Zreče, Občina Slovenske Konjice in Mestna občina Celje). Z raziskavo smo proučili dejansko stanje konfliktov in odrasle navezanosti med anketiranimi, ki so zaposleni v izbranih občinah. Ugotovili smo, da 78 % anketirancev meni, da se s konflikti srečujejo v delovnem okolju. 53 % anketirancev uporablja dogovarjanje kot način reševanja konfliktov. Na podlagi rezultatov je bilo ugotovljeno, da med konflikti in odraslo varno/nevarno navezanostjo ni statistično značilne povezanosti. Na osnovi statističnih analiz smo hkrati dognali, da prav tako ni statistično značilne povezanosti med konflikti in izogibajočim stilom odrasle navezanosti.

Keywords:konflikt, načini reševanja konfliktov, navezanost, teorija navezanosti, stili navezanosti
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[P. Doler]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-117322 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:26577923 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.07.2020
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Secondary language

Conflicts appear in private and in work environment and are a challenge for all agents involved. The consequences of conflicts can be both positive and negative. However, it is necessary to be aware that conflicts also need to be resolved in an appropriate way. In the literature and practice, we mostly find ways such as negotiation, dominance, competition, avoidance and compromise. Conflicts were also the subject of study in this diploma thesis. We were mainly interested in the connection between conflicts and adult attachment of employees. Attachments are understood as an emotional bond between a child and his guardian or between an adult and his partner. The importance of attachment is emphasized mainly by the theory of attachment, which explains our behaviour, that is formed in the relationship with other people. As a part of the attachment theory, attachment styles were also formed. From the point of view of the diploma thesis' study we should mostly focus on safe and non-safe adult attachment (avoidant, disorganized and preoccupied/ambivalent attachment). In the diploma thesis, we focused on the study of the connection between conflicts and adult attachment in selected municipalities in Slovenia (the Municipality of Zreče, the Municipality of Slovenske Konjice and the City Municipality of Celje). We conducted a survey to examine the actual state of conflicts and adult attachments among the surveyed employees in the selected municipalities. We found out that 78% of respondents believe that they encounter conflicts in the work environment. 53% of respondents use negotiation as a way of resolving conflicts. Based on the results, it was established that there is no statistically significant association between conflict and adult safe/unsafe attachment. Based on statistical analyses, we also found out that there is also no statistically significant association between conflict and avoidant adult attachment style.

Keywords:conflict, ways of resolving conflicts, attachment, attachment theory, styles of attachment

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