
Položaj starejših današnjega časa v Evropi : diplomsko delo
ID Kapler, Urša (Author), ID Krašovec, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi predstavim vlogo, status in položaj starejših (od 55 let do 72 let) v Sloveniji kot državi članici EU v današnjem času. Ilustriram, kako svojo vlogo, sebe, svoje življenje vidijo starejši sami ter kako socialna država, politika in sistem na to vplivata. Teoretični del zajema perspektivo družbe, slovenske socialne politike in evropske politike, ki v več tokovih vplivata, oblikujeta in omejujeta življenje starostnikov. Znotraj tega predstavim politiko aktivnega staranja kot aktualno orodje spopadanja s staranjem prebivalstva in dolgoživo družbo. Empirični del predstavlja perspektivo individua: kako ta vidi svoj status starejšega ali upokojenca, kakšna je socialna država, kako le-ta opravlja svoje delo zagotavljanja blaginje. Da bi razumeli, v kakšnem položaju so se starejši znašli, ni dovolj samo pregled politik, zakonodaj in sistema. Te predstavljajo okvir, znotraj katerega se socialna država in evropski vplivi manifestirajo različno, zgodbe posameznikov pa povedo, kako vsi ti dejavniki konstruirajo realnost starejšega. Tako politični kot gospodarski sistem (kapitalizem) močno oblikujeta podobo starejših, njihovo vrednost ter načine njihove participacije v družbi. Hkrati pa v javnosti oblikujeta diskurze o starejših, o njihovih nalogah in zmožnostih, ki lahko negativno zaznamujejo ali celo stigmatizirajo starejše.

Keywords:starejši, socialna politika, EU, upokojenci, politika aktivnega staranja, država blaginje, ordoliberalizem
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[U. Kapler]
Number of pages:53 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-117282 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:60312579 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.07.2020
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Secondary language

Title:The status of the elderly in this day and age in Europe
In the following diploma thesis, I present the role, status and position of elderly people (from the age of 55 to 72) in Slovenia as a country in the EU in the present time. I illustrate the way in which seniors see themselves, see their role and see life, as well as the way in which the welfare state, politics and the system influence their view. The theoretical part describes the perspective of the society, of the Slovenian social policy and of the European policy, which, in multiple waves, form and limit the lives of the elderly. Within this, I present the active ageing policy as a modern tool in coping with the ageing of the population and with long life society. The empirical part describes the perspective of an individuum: how they comprehend their status as a senior or a retiree, their opinion on the welfare state and on the way in which it provides welfare. In order to understand the position the elderly have found themselves in, an overview of the politics, the legislation and of the system is not enough. These represent the framework in which the welfare state and European influence manifest in various ways; however, it is the life stories of individuals that tell us how all these factors construct the reality of the elderly. Both the political and economic (capitalist) systems strongly affect and shape the way in which the elderly are perceived affect their worth and the ways in which they participate in society. The systems, simultaneously, create public discourse about the elderly, their role and capabilities, which can potentially negatively label or even stigmatize the elderly.

Keywords:elderly/seniors, social policy, EU, retirees, active ageing policy, welfare state, ordoliberalism

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