
Islamski feminizem : diplomsko seminarsko delo
ID Mehle, Andrej (Author), ID Osredkar, Mari Jože (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Feminizem se je sprva pojavil v zahodnem svetu, od tam pa se je razširil po celem svetu, med drugim tudi v islamskem svetu. Najprej se je pojavil ob koncu 19. stoletju, ko se je v družbi uveljavljal sekularizem, čemur je sledila tudi politika. Tako je tudi prva oblika feminizma bila sekularna, le ta je namreč želel preseči religijske okvire, saj je v religiji videl enega izmed virov zatiranja žensk. V drugi polovici 20. stoletja so se v islamski družbi zopet zgodile velike spremembe, sekularni nacionalizem namreč ni prinesel želenih sprememb, zato se je zgodil v več državah vzpon političnega islama. Posledično se je tudi znotraj feminizma uveljavila nova oblika le tega, in sicer islamski feminizem. Ta spada v tretji val feminizma, ki je poudarjal globalnost in s tem raznolikost feminizma, kar je ženske v islamskem svetu opogumile, da lahko enakopravnost moškim najdejo v kontekstu njihove lastne vere in kulture. Islamski feminizem tako temelji na prepričanju, da islam s svojo sveto knjigo Koranom temelji na egalitarnih načelih ter da je vzrok za zatiranje žensk v patriarhalnem načinu interpretacije le tega. Predstavnice islamskega feminizma so med drugim akademičarke, ki ponujajo nove interpretacije Korana, ki utemeljujejo enakovrednost moškega in ženske in tako pod vprašaj postavljajo tradicionalne razlage Korana.

Keywords:feminizem, islam, sekularnost, Koran, enakost, enakopravnost, enakovrednost, patriarhat, islamski feminizem.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Mehle]
Number of pages:III, 39 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-117213 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:21954051 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.07.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Islamic feminism
Feminism first appeared in western world and from there it spreaded around the globe, among other also in islamic world. At first it appeared there at the end of nineteenth century, when secularism was enforced in society and also in politics. So the first form of feminism was secular, because it wanted to exceed religious frames, which were seen as a source of women oppresion. At the second half of twentieth century in islamic society great changes happened. Secular nationalism did not bring desired changes, therefore political islam rose at that point. As a consequence a new form of feminism was formed: islamic feminism. It belongs to the third wave of feminism, which emphasised globality and diversity of feminism. This encouraged women in islamic world, that the sexual equality can be found within the context of their own faith and culture. Islamic feminism is founded on belief that islam and it's holy book Quran is based on egalitarian principles and that the reason for oppresing women is patriarchal intepretation of it. Representatives of islamic feminism are among others academicians, who offer new interpretations of Quran, that establish equality between men and women and so they question traditional interpretations of Quran.

Keywords:feminism, secularity, Quran, equality, patriarchy, islamic feminism.

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