
ID RIJAVEC, JAN (Author), ID Dečman, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Primarna raven zdravstvene dejavnosti predstavlja vstopno točko pacienta v zdravstveni sistem, zato je urejenost njene dostopnosti ključna. S prihodom interneta so se začeli pojavljati tudi informacijski sistemi s področja e-zdravja, ki pa v veliki meri naročanja in vodenja čakalnih seznamov na primarni ravni ne naslavljajo. Eden od s tem povezanih problemov je telefonsko naročanje, ki med uporabnike storitev prinaša nezadovoljstvo, med izvajalce zdravstvenih storitev pa motnje delovnega procesa. Pomembnost raziskovanja tega področja se odraža tudi v identificiranju učinkovitih pristopov zmanjševanja izostankov od zdravstvenih storitev. Diplomsko delo je razdeljeno na teoretični in empirični del. Prvi obsega proučevanje teoretičnega ozadja zdravstva, uporabe informacijske tehnologije v zdravstvu ter pomena upravljanja čakalnih vrst. Empirični del vsebuje vprašalnik za uporabnike in izvajalce zobozdravstvenih storitev in analizo njihovih odgovorov. Slednja sta bila sestavljena na podlagi predhodnih raziskav s področja vpliva opomnikov na zmanjšanje izostankov. Na podlagi zgoraj napisanega in podanih zahtev izbranih zobozdravnikov je bila ob upoštevanju zakonodaje s področja pacientovih pravic in varnega ravnanja z zdravstvenimi podatki razvita spletna aplikacija. V sklopu raziskovanja je bilo ugotovljeno, da kljub širokemu naboru pozitivnih učinkov uporabe tehnologije v zdravstvu na področju naročanja in obveščanja, zdravstveni sistem ne koristi njenega potenciala. Spletna aplikacija, ki smo jo razvili z diplomsko nalogo, ob enostavnem in preglednem načinu naročanja na zdravstvene storitve primarne ravni njene uporabnike odvrača od tradicionalnih načinov naročanja in tudi pozitivno vpliva na delovni proces izvajalcev. Hkrati pa je dodana vrednost še modul za izdajanje endodontskega izvida, saj aplikacija takega tipa v raziskanem okolju v Sloveniji še ni obstajala.

Keywords:zobozdravstvo, naročanje, spletna aplikacija, čakalne vrste, opomniki
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. Rijavec]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-117176 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:26577411 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.06.2020
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The primary level of health care represents the patient's entry point into the health care system. For this reason, its simple accessibility is crucial. With the development of the Internet in early 1990s, also information systems with concept of e-health began to appear. Unfortunately, they do not address ordering and managing of waiting lists at the primary level. One of the related problems is certainly ordering over the phone, which brings dissatisfaction among service users and constant disruption of the work process among health care providers. An additional reason for research is the desire to identify effective approaches to reducing absenteeism from health services. The diploma thesis is generally divided into theoretical and empirical part. The first of them includes the study of the theoretical background of health care, the use of information technology in health care and the importance of queue management. The empirical part contains a questionnaire for users and providers of dental services and an analysis of their answers. Questionnaires were compiled according to transitional research on the impact of reminders on reducing absenteeism from health services. Based on the above, the requirements of selected dentists and considering the legal basis in this fields, web application was developed. The research found that despite the wide range of positive effects of the use of technology in healthcare in the field of procurement and information, the system does not use its potential. Web application, which we developed with the diploma thesis, with a simple and transparent way of ordering primary health care services, discourages its users from traditional ways of ordering and has a positive effect on the work process of providers. At the same time, the added value of the module for issuing endodontic results is mainly that an application of this type did not yet exist.

Keywords:dentistry, ordering, web application, queues, reminders

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