
Vloga knjižnice v vrtcu
ID Kovač, Ana (Author), ID Skubic, Darija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu sem predstavila, kakšna je vloga knjižnice v vrtcu. Delo je razdeljeno na teoretični in empirični del. V teoretičnem delu sem predstavila pomen knjige v nacionalnih dokumentih za predšolsko vzgojo, kjer sem izpostavila slovenski, švedski in norveški kurikulum. Predstavila sem tudi pomen knjižne in književne vzgoje ter opisala, kakšna naj bi bila knjižnica v vrtcu ter knjižni kotički v igralnici. Poudarila sem tudi pomen sodelovanja med vrtcem in lokalno oz. šolsko knjižnico. Predstavila sem projekt predšolske bralne značke, izpostavila njegove prednosti in slabosti ter predloge za izboljšave tega projekta. V empiričnem delu sem z anonimnimi anketnimi vprašalniki preučevala mnenje ravnateljev oz. ravnateljic vrtcev ter vzgojiteljic oz. vzgojiteljev o vlogi knjižnice v vrtcih v osrednjeslovenski regiji. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 28 ravnateljic ter 110 vzgojiteljic oz. vzgojiteljev. Rezultati so pokazali, da so tako ravnateljice, kot tudi vzgojiteljice oz. vzgojitelji mnenja, da se vloga knjižnice v vrtcu kaže v vzbujanju interesa za branje, pridobivanju pozitivnega odnosa do knjige in branja, v vzgajanju otroka v dobrega bralca ter v seznanjanju s tiskanim gradivom. Tako anketirane ravnateljice oz. anketirani ravnatelji kot tudi anketirane vzgojiteljice oz. anketirani vzgojitelji dosledno izvajajo književno in knjižno vzgojo, k branju na različne načine spodbujajo otroke in velik poudarek namenjajo družinskemu branju, veliko pa sodelujejo tudi s šolskimi in splošnimi knjižnicami.

Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-117173 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:20861443 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.06.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Library role in kindergarten
In the dissertation I present the role of the library in the kindergarten. The work consists of a theoretical overview and an empirical part. The theoretical part presents the role of the book in national documents for preschool education where I presented Slovenian curriculum as well as Swedish and Norwegian curriculums. I also presented the meaning of book and literary education and described how a library in the kindergarten and book corners in the playroom should look like. I also emphasized the meaning of collaboration between a kindergarten and local or school library. I presented a project of preschool reading badge and emphasized its advantages, weaknesses and propositions for the improvements of the project. In the empirical part I decided to study opinions of kindergarten principles and educators about the role of the library in the kindergartens in the central region of Slovenia with anonimous survey questionnaires. 28 principals and 110 educators were included in the research. The results showed that both, principals and educators think the role of the library in the kindergarten presents itself through encouragement of the interest in reading, obtaining a positive attitude for books and reading, educating a child in a good reader and informing about the printed matter. Surveyed principals as well as educators are taking good care of book and literary education, they encourge children to read in different ways and greatly emphasize family reading and collaboration with school and local libraries.


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