
Pristop BIM za železniško infrastrukturo s primerom projekta odseka Brezovica–Preserje : magistrsko delo
ID Truden, Enej (Author), ID Cerovšek, Tomo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Šemrov, Darja (Comentor)

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V uvodnem teoretičnem delu je najprej podan pregled osnov projektiranja železniške infrastrukture. Navedeni so predpisi in standardi, ki nas usmerjajo in nam omogočajo kvalitetno projektiranje. V posamezni fazi izdelave projektne dokumentacije definiramo obseg in podrobnost izdelave projekta. Projektne informacije so bistvo drugega sklopa teoretičnega dela. Podan je pregled ključnih informacij, ki se dopolnjujejo skozi celoten življenjski cikel železniške infrastrukture od načrtovanja do obratovanja in vzdrževanja. V nadaljevanju obravnavamo osnovne koncepte BIM, definicije, standardizacijo in razvoj skozi čas. Podrobneje definiramo pomen pristopa BIM v železniški infrastrukturi, raziščemo njegove prednosti in koristi pri uporabi in hkrati spoznamo izzive, ki nas še čakajo pri popolni implementaciji BIM-a v prakso. Poseben poudarek je na razvoju standardizacije za izmenjavo podatkov v železniški infrastrukturi. Pridobljeno teoretično znanje uporabimo pri izdelavi informacijskega modela nadgradnje železniškega odseka Brezovica–Preserje. Za projekt najprej zberemo informacije za posnetek stanja, nadaljujemo s projektiranjem horizontalnega in vertikalnega poteka osi ter ureditvijo prečnih profilov. Sledi izdelava 3D modela projektiranega železniškega telesa (zgornji in spodnji ustroj) ter ostalih modelov in njihovih elementov (protihrupna ograja, odvodnjavanje, vozna mreža, peroni), ki skupaj tvorijo celoto. Definiramo atribute, jih pripišemo elementom in posamezne modele izvozimo v IFC. Z uporabo programa Navisworks združimo modele v zbirni model ter mu dodamo komponento časa ter stroškov (5D model). Na koncu naredimo tudi vizualizacijo projektiranega stanja v prostoru s programom Infraworks.

Keywords:železniška infrastruktura, odsek, projekt, BIM, proces, podatki, informacije, IFC, parametri, načrtovanje, element, LiDAR, informacijsko modeliranje, informacijski model, Civil3D, atributi, Navisworks, 5D, Infraworks
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher:[E. Truden]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-117167 This link opens in a new window
UDC:625.1: 004.946(043.3)
COBISS.SI-ID:31906563 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.06.2020
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Secondary language

Title:BIM approach to railway infrastructure with an example of a project of railway section Brezovica–Preserje : master thesis
The first theoretical part of the master's thesis deals with the railway infrastructure design basics. We are discovering the regulations and standards that guide and enable quality design. At each stage of the project documentation we define the scope and the detail of the project design. Project information is the essence of the second theoretical part. We searched for the key information that constantly complements throughout the whole life cycle of the railway infrastructure from its design to the operation and the maintenance at the end. In continuation we are introduced to the concept of BIM, its definition, standardisation and development through time. Further, we define the importance of the BIM approach in the railway infrastructure. We explore the advantages and benefits of using it and also the challenges at implementation of BIM into practice. The emphasis is placed on the development of standardisation for the railway infrastructure data exchange. The acquired theoretical knowledge is used in the information model making of the railway section Brezovica–Preserje project. We start the project by collecting the relevant data and information, continue with the horizontal and vertical alignment designing and finally arranging the cross sections. Further we create 3D model of designed railway track (super structure and substructure) and also all other models and their elements (noise barrier, drainage, railway electrification system, railway platform). Together they form the whole. We define attributes to the elements and export the individual models to IFC. Using Navisworks, we combine models into one main information model. We also add the time and costs (5D model) component. At the end we do the visualization of the designed project with Infraworks software.

Keywords:Railway infrastructure, railway section, project, BIM, process, data, information, IFC, parameters, design, element, LiDAR, information modelling, information model, Civil3D, attributes, Navisworks, 5D, Infraworks

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