
Podpora šolskih svetovalnih delavcev pri soočanju mladostnikov z razvojnimi nalogami v odraščanju
ID Barle, Špela (Author), ID Gregorčič Mrvar, Petra (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrski nalogi preučujemo vprašanja, težave in stiske, s katerimi se danes srečujejo mladostniki v svojem osebnem, družinskem in šolskem življenju, načine spoprijemanja z njimi in podporno vlogo šolskih svetovalnih delavcev pri tem. V teoretičnem delu naloge smo opredelili obdobje mladostništva in predstavili njegove značilnosti ter opozorili na naraščajočo negotovost prehodov v odraslost, ki še povečuje ranljivost in občutljivost mladostnikov. V nadaljevanju smo predstavili vprašanja, težave in stiske mladostnikov na različnih življenjskih področjih ter strategije soočanja z njimi. Dalje smo opredelili psihosocialno podporo in predstavili različne vire podpore mladostnikom v težavah in stiski. Pri tem smo posebej izpostavili podporno vlogo šolske svetovalne službe, ki je nepogrešljiv del vsake šole. Opredelili smo šolsko svetovalno službo in se osredotočili na svetovalno delo mladostnikom v težavah in stiski. V empiričnem delu naloge smo predstavili rezultate empirične raziskave, v kateri smo iskali odgovore na naslednje vsebinske sklope raziskovalnih vprašanj: (1) Mladostnikovo doživljanje šole, družine (doma), medosebnih odnosov in sebe; (2) Spoprijemanje mladostnikov z vprašanji, težavami in stiskami, s katerimi se srečujejo med odraščanjem; (3) Vloga šolskega svetovalnega delavca pri spoprijemanju mladostnikov z vprašanji, težavami in stiskami. Raziskava kaže, da precej mladostnikov lahko zaupa svojim učiteljem, ima dober odnos s sošolci ter ima vsaj enega prijatelja, ki mu lahko zaupajo. V večji meri se tudi strinjajo s tem, da se s svojimi starši, brati in/ali sestrami lahko pogovarjajo o stvareh, ki jih zanimajo. Prav tako raziskava kaže, da se precej mladostnikov čuti obremenjene zaradi dela za šolo ter si želi boljših odnosov z učitelji, starši, sorojenci in vrstniki. Precej mladostnikov si tudi želi, da bi bili bolj samostojni in samozavestni ter imeli več zaupanja vase in v svoje sposobnosti. S pomočjo raziskave smo ugotovili, da mladostniki v manjši meri prepoznajo šolske svetovalne delavce kot možen vir podpore pri spoprijemanju z razvojnimi nalogami in izzivi v odraščanju. Mladostniki običajno skušajo svoja vprašanja, težave in stiske razrešiti sami; če jim to ne uspe, pa se po podporo obrnejo predvsem na družino in/ali prijatelje, vrstnike. K šolskim svetovalnim delavcem se po podporo obrnejo le redko. Če pa že, je to največkrat v zvezi s šolo (učni ne/uspeh, ocene, odnos z učitelji itd.). Z dobljeno podporo šolskih svetovalnih delavcev so mladostniki na splošno zadovoljni. Spodbudno pa je tudi, da je večini mladostnikov pogovor s šolskim svetovalnim delavcem pomagal (delno ali povsem) rešiti težave oziroma stiske, zaradi katerih so se obrnili nanj.

Keywords:mladostniki, vprašanja, težave, stiske, viri podpore, šolski svetovalni delavci
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-117156 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.06.2020
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Secondary language

Title:School counsellor’s support to adolescents facing developmental tasks of growing up
In the master’s thesis, we examine the questions, problems and hardships that adolescents face today in their personal, family and school life, ways of dealing with them and the supporting role of school counsellors in this. In the theoretical part of the thesis, we defined the period of adolescence and presented its characteristics, and drew attention to the growing uncertainty of the transition to adulthood, which further increases the vulnerability and sensitivity of adolescents. Afterwards, we presented the questions, problems and hardships of young people in various areas of life and strategies for dealing with them. We further defined psychosocial support and presented various sources of support to adolescents in distress. We especially emphasized the supporting role of the school counselling service, which is an indispensable part of every school. We defined the school counselling service and focused on counselling work for adolescents in distress. In the empirical part of the thesis, we presented the results of empirical research, in which we looked for answers to the following content sets of research questions: (1) Adolescent’s experience of school, family (home), interpersonal relationships and themselves; (2) Adolescent’s dealing with questions, problems and hardships they face while growing up; (3) The role of the school counsellor in adolescent’s dealing with questions, problems and hardships. Research shows that quite a few adolescents can trust their teachers, have a good relationship with classmates, and have at least one friend they can trust. To a greater extent, they also agree to be able to talk to their parents and their siblings about things that interest them. Research also shows that many young people feel burdened by working for school and want better relationships with teachers, parents, siblings and peers. Many young people also want to be more independent and self-confident and have more confidence in themselves and their abilities. According to our research, we found out that adolescent’s recognize school counsellors as a possible source of support in coping with developmental tasks and challenges while growing up to a lesser extent. Adolescents usually try to solve their questions, problems and difficulties on their own, but if they fail to do so, they turn to their family and/or friends and peers for support. They rarely turn to school counsellors for support. If so, it is mostly related to the school (learning failure/success, grades, relationship with teachers, etc.). Adolescents are generally satisfied with the support received from school counsellors. It is also encouraging that the conversation with the school counsellor helped most young people (partially or completely) to solve their problems or hardships that caused them to turn to counsellors for help.

Keywords:adolescents, questions, problems, hardships, sources of support, school counsellors

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