
Povprečna dolžina izjave enako starih otrok s težavami v govorno-jezikovnem razvoju in brez težav
ID Bernik, Meta (Author), ID Kogovšek, Damjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Novšak Brce, Jerneja (Comentor)

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Predšolsko obdobje je za razvoj govora in jezika zelo pomembno. Malo pred drugim letom začne otrok besede povezovati med seboj in v le nekaj letih preide od uporabe preprostih, nekajbesednih (eno-, dvo-, tro-besednih) izjav k stavkom, podobnim tistim, ki jih uporabljajo odrasli. Večina otrok usvaja jezik in govor samostojno, ob spodbudah iz okolja in posnemanju govornega vzora v njihovi okolici. Včasih pa otroci pri tem potrebujejo nekaj več pomoči. Pomembno je, da težave zgodaj prepoznamo in otroku nudimo ustrezno spodbudo ter primerno strokovno pomoč. Strokovnjaki si pri ocenjevanju govora in jezika poleg standardiziranih testov pomagajo tudi z neformalnimi ocenjevanji. Ena od jezikovnih mer, ki nam lahko pomaga pri ugotavljanju zaostankov v razvoju govora in jezika ter temelji na analizi transkripcije spontanega govora otroka, je povprečna dolžina izjave. Povprečna dolžina izjave predstavlja število besed ali morfemov v vsaki od otrokovih spontanih izjav. Povprečno dolžino izjave na podlagi štetja besed izračunamo tako, da skupno število besed delimo s številom vseh izjav. V empiričnem delu smo s pomočjo za ta namen oblikovanega protokola merili povprečno dolžino izjave otrok, starih štiri in pet let. V vzorec smo vključili 62 otrok, od tega 31 otrok z značilnim govorno-jezikovnim razvojem in 31 otrok, pri katerih so prisotne težave v govorno-jezikovnem razvoju. Povprečno dolžino izjave smo primerjali glede na starost, spol in govorno-jezikovni razvoj. Z raziskavo smo ugotovili, da povprečna dolžina izjave na podlagi štetja besed s starostjo narašča. Petletni otroci imajo pri povprečni dolžini izjave v povprečju statistično pomembno višje vrednosti od štiriletnih otrok. Pri otrocih z značilnim govorno-jezikovnim razvojem povprečna dolžina izjave med četrtim in petim letom variira med 4,0 in 5,4. Raziskava je pokazala, da so razlike v vrednostih povprečne dolžine izjave glede na spol statistično pomembne. Deklice imajo pri povprečni dolžini izjave v povprečju pomembno višje vrednosti od dečkov. Prav tako je raziskava pokazala, da se povprečna dolžina izjave otrok z značilnim govorno-jezikovnim razvojem statistično pomembno razlikuje od povprečne dolžine izjave otrok s težavami v govorno-jezikovnem razvoju. Otroci z značilnim govorno-jezikovnim razvojem imajo pri povprečni dolžini izjave v povprečju pomembno višje vrednosti od otrok s težavami v govorno-jezikovnem razvoju.

Keywords:govorno-jezikovni razvoj
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-117139 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:20647939 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.06.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Mean length of utterance of the same aged children with and without speech-language development problems
Communication, language, and speech are important aspects of human life as they enable us to function successfully in society. The pre-school period is very important for the development of speech and language. Shortly before the age of two, a child begins to combine words and in just a few years goes from using simple sentences with few words to sentences, which are similar to those used by adults. Most children acquire language and speech on their own, with encouragement from the environment and imitation of the speech patterns in their surroundings. But sometimes children need a little more help. It is important to identify problems early and provide the child with suitable encouragement and appropriate professional help. In addition to standardized tests, experts also use informal assessments to evaluate speech and language. One of the linguistic measures that can help us in identifying lag in speech and language development and is based on the analysis of the transcription of a child’s spontaneous speech is the mean length of utterance. We calculate the mean length of utterance based on counting words by dividing the total number of words by the number of all utterances. In the empirical part of the master’s thesis, we measured the mean length of utterance of children aged four and five by using a protocol designed for this purpose. The sample included 62 children, including 31 children with typical speech and language development and 31 children with disorders in speech and language development. The mean length of utterance was compared by age, gender and speech and language development. In this research, we found out that the mean length of utterance based on counting words is increasing with age. Five-year-old children have statistically significantly higher values at MLU than four-year-olds. In children with typical speech and language development, the mean length of utterance between the ages of four and five varies between 4,0 and 5,4. The survey found that gender differences in MLU values are statistically significant. On average, girls have significantly higher values in MLU than boys. The study also found that the mean length of utterance of children with typical speech and language development is statistically significantly different from the mean length of utterance of children with disorders in speech and language development. On average, children with typical speech and language development have significantly higher values at MLU than children with disorders in speech and language development.

Keywords:speech and language development

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