
Premagovanje diskalkulije s pomočjo ustvarjalnega giba
ID Fišer Emerih, Tjaša (Author), ID Kroflič, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Jeznik, Katja (Comentor)

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V magistrskem delu predstavljamo, kako lahko učni pristop ustvarjalnega giba uporabimo znotraj ur dodatne strokovne pomoči, natančneje za premagovanje ovir, ki jih povzroča specifična učna težava pri učenju matematike – diskalkulija. Opredelili smo medsebojno povezanost matematike in umetnosti ter opazovali vpliv učenja skozi gibanje na razumevanje izbranih matematičnih nalog in problemov. V teoretičnem delu magistrske naloge smo se najprej osredotočili na učne težave pri matematiki, pri čemer smo večjo pozornost namenili specifičnim učnim težavam pri matematiki, natančneje diskalkuliji. Učenec, ki se sooča s težavami, značilnimi za diskalkulijo, je razumljen kot učenec s posebnimi potrebami in je po Zakonu o usmerjanju otrok s posebnimi potrebami (2013, člen 2) opredeljen kot učenec s primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja. Učenci s primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja so upravičeni do določenih prilagoditev in do uporabe ustreznih strategij pomoči. Ker je gibalna praksa lahko ena izmed strategij pomoči in učenja, v teoretičnem delu nekoliko več poudarka namenimo prav opisu najbolj znanih strategij pomoči učencem s težavami na matematičnem področju. Teoretični del nadaljujemo s predstavitvijo vzgoje preko umetnosti ter v središče postavimo številne svetovne, evropske in nacionalne dokumente, ki spodbujajo integracijo kulturno-umetnostne vzgoje v vzgojno-izobraževalne procese v čim večjem obsegu ter poudarjajo glavne prednosti poučevanja in učenja preko umetniške izkušnje. V središče magistrskega dela je postavljena umetniška izkušnja, ki se izraža z najbolj naravnim in pristnim, kar človek premore – svoje telo in gib. Otrok kot človeško bitje je zaznamovan s potrebo po gibanju, zaradi te potrebe se uči o okolju, hkrati pa se zaradi potrebe po učenju giblje v okolju (Žagar, Geršak in Cotič 2006, str. 223). Z gibanjem si pridobi dragocene izkušnje, ki so temelj njegovega znanja. Brez gibanja bi učeča se populacija izgubila enega najosnovnejših načinov učenja, ki je vir trajnega znanja (prav tam). Ko govorimo o gibanju znotraj vzgojno-izobraževalne prakse, govorimo o t.i. ustvarjalnem gibu, ki je rdeča nit našega magistrskega dela. Tako kot zapišeta Kroflič in Gobec (1995, str. 13), želimo tudi mi znotraj dela potrditi, da postajata v sodobnih metodah učenja in poučevanja prav učenje skozi gib in ples nepogrešljivi sestavini učnega procesa na vseh stopnjah izobraževanja. Ker se ustvarjalni gib kot učni pristop lahko realizira tudi v okviru učne pomoči učencu, smo v empiričnem delu izvedli gibalno-plesne dejavnosti, ki so pozitivno vplivale na premagovanje težav in ovir, s katerimi se soočata učenca z diskalkulijo. Glavni namen dejavnosti je bil predstaviti učencema konkretne gibalne dejavnosti, na katere se lahko opreta v primeru, da pri reševanju matematičnih nalog in problemov naletita na težave. Skupaj z učencema, njunimi starši, učiteljema matematike in svetovalnima delavkama smo potrdili učinke ustvarjalnega giba na razumevanje matematičnih vsebin ter učni pristop ustvarjalnega giba postavili v širši kontekst matematičnega področja in vzgojno-izobraževalne prakse.

Keywords:diskalkulija, specifične učne težave, umetnost, utelešena kognicija, ustvarjalni gib
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-117086 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.06.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Coping with dyscalculia throught creative movement
The Master thesis shows the way of using the creative movement learning approach during the hours of additional support for learning; that is, in overcoming obstacles and difficulties caused by a difficulty in learning mathematics – dyscalculia. The thesis defines the correlation between mathematics and art and observes the impact of learning through movement and music on the comprehension of selected mathematical problems and tasks. The theoretical part of the thesis is focused on the difficulties of learning Mathematics with a particular focus on specific learning difficulties, particularly dyscalculia. A student who faces problems typical for dyscalculia is considered a student with special needs and is, according to the Law on the Guidance of Children with Special Needs, defined as a student with learning disabilities in specific learning areas. Students with learning disabilities in particular learning areas are entitled to certain adaptations and use of appropriate aid strategies. Since movement practice could be one of the learning and aid strategies, the theoretical part of the thesis emphasizes the description of the most common aid strategies to children with learning difficulties in Mathematics. The theoretical part continues with the presentation of education through art. It highlights numerous international, European and national documents that greatly encourage the integration of culture-art education into the education system and emphasize the significant advantages of learning through artistic experience. The artistic experience is the centre of this thesis, and it is expressed by the most natural and authentic means: a human body and movement. As a human being, a child is marked by the need to move, and because of that need he/she learns about an environment and, consequently, the need for learning cause him/her to move around the environment (Žagar, Geršak in Cotič 2006, str. 223). He/she gains invaluable experiences through moving which are the foundation of his knowledge (same). In terms of the education practice, movement is thought as creative movement, which is the theme of the thesis. As Kroflič and Gobec claim in their work, the thesis also wants to confirm that learning through dance and movement has become the indispensable element of a learning process at all levels of education. Since creative movement as a learning approach can happen in the process of additional support for learning, the empirical part presents the results of dance-physical activities which positively affected the coping of difficulties and obstacles of students with dyscalculia. The main purpose of activities was to present concrete physical activities students can rely on when dealing with mathematical problems and tasks. The effect of creative movement on the comprehension of mathematical contents was confirmed by the students, their parents, math teachers, and school counsellors. The thesis put the creative movement learning approach in a broader framework of mathematical field and educational practice.

Keywords:dyscalculia, specific learning difficulties, art, embodied cognition, creative movement

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