
Vpliv igre na motivacijo učencev pri pouku tujega jezika
ID Štravs, Anja (Author), ID Lah, Meta (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Skela, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Danes je na voljo pestra paleta najrazličnejših pristopov za povečevanju motivacije pri pouku tujega jezika. Eden izmed načinov je tudi vključevanje igre in igrivih elementov, ki imajo nemalo pozitivnih učnikov, med drugim pa naj bi igra pomembno vplivala tudi na motivacijo. Namen magistrske naloge je ugotoviti, ali igra pri pouku tujega jezika vpliva na motivacijo učencev, ali se stališča učiteljev in učencev do igre razlikujejo ter ali obstajajo razlike med stališči različnih starostnih skupin učencev. V magistrskem delu analiziramo, kaj učitelji dojemajo kot igro oziroma kot didaktično igro, kako pogosto se poslužujejo določenih vrst igre ter katere karakteristike igre so po njihovem mnenju najbolj motivacijske. Poleg tega skušamo ugotoviti tudi, kako in kdaj se igro uporablja, kakšen je vpliv različnih igralnih situacij na motivacijo učencev in kakšne so morebitne težave učiteljev ob vključevanju igre v pouk. Raziskava, opisana v empiričnem delu naloge, je bila izvedena z dvema vprašalnikoma, ki sta bila razdeljena med učitelje in učence osnovnih, srednjih in jezikovnih šol. V raziskavi smo orisali problematiko dojemanja igre in didaktične igre v učnem kontekstu in potrdili, da ju učitelji dojemajo na različne načine ter da sta pogosto predmet individualnih interpretacij. Kljub temu rezultati raziskave kažejo, da se učitelji večinoma zavedajo prednosti uporabe igre pri pouku tujega jezika, navdušenje nad igro pa so izrazili tudi učenci. Dokazali smo tudi, da igra ni priljubljena samo med mlajšimi učenci, temveč jo zelo cenijo tudi odrasli, pogosteje pa je rabljena v osnovni kot v srednji šoli. Kljub minimalnim razlikam v mnenjih smo v raziskavi potrdili, da igra povečuje motivacijo učencev pri pouku tujega jezika.

Keywords:poučevanje tujih jezikov, igre, motivacija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-117083 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.06.2020
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Secondary language

Title:The effects of games on learner motivation in a foreign language classroom
Nowadays, foreign language teachers may choose from a wide range of possibilities to motivate their students, one if which is also the use of games and playful elements that have numerous positive effects, including a significant influence on learner motivation. The main purpose of the thesis is to find out if games affect learner motivation in a foreign language classroom and to ascertain whether the viewpoints of teachers, learners and different learner age groups differ from each other. In the thesis, we seek to determine what kinds of activities teachers understand as games or didactic games, to explore how often particular types of games are used in a foreign language classroom as well as which game characteristics teachers find most motivating. We have also analysed different game contexts, their effects on learner motivation as well as potential difficulties teachers may encounter when adding games to their lessons. The research described in the empirical part was carried out by means of two questionnaires which were distributed among foreign language teachers and learners of Slovene primary, secondary and language schools. The results highlight the discrepancy in the understanding of games and didactic games in the educational context, as the findings show that they are often subject to individual interpretation. Nonetheless, we have established that teachers are generally well informed about the advantages of games in a foreign language classroom and that both, teachers and students, acknowledge their benefits for language learning. We have ascertained that games are not popular solely among younger students, as the findings show that they are very popular among adults as well. We have also confirmed that the use of games in a foreign language classroom is more frequent in primary rather than in secondary schools. Despite certain minor differences in opinion, we have confirmed that games increase learner motivation in a foreign language classroom.

Keywords:foreign language teaching, games, motivation

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