
Uporaba orodij za analizo trga pri procesu načrtovanja prenosnega omrežja
ID ROJC, ROK (Author), ID Blažič, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Cilj načrtovanja in glavna naloga elektroenergetskega sistema (EES) sta zagotavljanje oskrbe porabnikov s kakovostno električno energijo, pri čemer je ključnega pomena vzdrževanje ravnotežja med proizvodnjo in porabo. Deregulacija EES, uvedba trga z električno energijo in vse večja vlaganja v obnovljive vire električne energije, ki za primarno gorivo uporabljajo sončno ali vetrno energijo, so privedli do tega, da je potrebno klasično načrtovanje EES nadgraditi z uporabo novega pristopa. Ta obsega uporabo orodij za tržne analize. Z njimi nadomestimo determinističen pristop načrtovanja z verjetnostnim pristopom. Magistrska naloga se dotika začetnih korakov procesa načrtovanja prenosnega EES, ki sledi smernicam združenja operaterjev prenosnega omrežja Evrope (ENTSO-E), ki postopno uvaja nove pristope, s čimer skuša dvigniti kakovost načrtovanja z upoštevanjem verjetnostnih metod. Izdelali smo programsko orodje, ki omogoča avtomatizirano izdelavo modela Evrope, kjer lahko simuliramo obnašanje trga z električno energijo (EE). Algoritem je bil izdelan v programskem okolju MATLAB in omogoča izdelavo simulacijskega omrežja za programski paket ANTARES. Kakovost algoritma in izdelanega simulacijskega modela smo preverili z izvedbo simulacij in rezultate primerjali s trenutnim stanjem. Program je izdelan tako, da je popolnoma prilagodljiv in ga je možno nadgraditi za nove potrebe družbe ELES.

Keywords:elektroenergetski sistem, orodja za tržne analize, alternativni viri energije, Antares
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-117060 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.06.2020
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Title:Use of market analysis tools in the transmission network planning process
The aim of planning and the main task of electric power system is to ensure the supply of high quality electricity to consumers with the key to maintain a balance between production and consumption. The deregulation of the EES, the introduction of the market and the increasing investment in alternative sources of energy using solar or wind energy for primary fuels have led to the need to upgrade classic EES planning using new approaches. This master's thesis touches the initial steps of the transmission system planning process, which follows the guidelines of the Association of Transmission System Operators of Europe (ENTSO-E), which is gradually introducing new approaches in an attempt to improve the quality of planning by adhering to probabilistic methods. We have developed a software tool that enables the automated production of Europe model, where we can simulate the behaviour of the electricity market. The algorithm was created in the MATLAB software environment and enables the creation of a simulation network for the ANTARES software package. The quality of the algorithm and the simulation model were verified by performing the simulations and comparing the results to the current state. The program is designed to be fully customizable and can be upgraded to meet ELES' new needs.

Keywords:electric power system, market analysis tools, alternative energy sources, Antares

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