
Relacijske potrebe, odnos s starši in proces psihološkega osamosvajanja na prehodu v odraslost : magistrsko delo
ID Negovec, Anja (Author), ID Žvelc, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Odnos s starši v vseh razvojnih obdobjih predstavlja pomemben aspekt posameznikovega socialnega življenja in delovanja v medosebnih odnosih. Cilj magistrske naloge je bil ugotoviti in preučiti morebitno povezanost zadovoljenosti relacijskih potreb s kvaliteto zgodnjega odnosa s starši (v prvih 16 letih življenja) in s posameznimi psihološkimi vidiki osamosvajanja od staršev. Zanimalo me je tudi, kakšna je povezanost med zgodnjim odnosom s posameznim staršem in psihološkim osamosvajanjem od tega starša. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 153 posameznikov, starih med 18 in 27 let. Raziskavo sem izvedla s pomočjo spletne ankete, pri čemer sem na začetku uporabila nekaj demografskih vprašanj; nato so sledili vprašalniki Test osamosvajanja na prehodu v odraslost (TOPO), Lestvica zadovoljenosti relacijskih potreb (LZRP) in Vprašalnik vezi s starši (PBI). Pri ugotavljanju povezanosti sem uporabila korelacijske in regresijske metode. Rezultati so pokazali, da se zgodnji odnos s starši in psihološko osamosvajanje od staršev povezujeta s skupno zadovoljenostjo relacijskih potreb in tudi z nekaterimi posameznimi relacijskimi potrebami (pri čemer so povezave nižje do srednje visoke). Topel in empatičen zgodnji starševski odnos, povezanost s starši in iskanje opore pri njih se povezujejo z višjo zadovoljenostjo relacijskih potreb, medtem ko se pretirana starševska zaščita negativno povezuje z zadovoljenostjo relacijskih potreb. Konstrukta zgodnjega odnosa s starši in psihološkega osamosvajanja pojasnjujeta tudi določen del variance v zadovoljenosti relacijskih potreb, čeprav se posamični napovedniki niso izkazali za pomembne. Ugotovili smo tudi, da lahko na podlagi očetove in mamine ljubeče skrbi in pretirane zaščite napovedujemo nekatere vidike psihološkega osamosvajanja. Raziskava prispeva k dodatnemu razumevanju medosebnih odnosov z vidika odnosa s starši; hkrati izsledki pripomorejo tudi k dodatnemu razumevanju relacijskih potreb, ki so še razmeroma neraziskane.

Keywords:odnos med starši in otroci, separacija in individualizacija, relacijske potrebe, navezanost, prehod v odraslost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. K. Negovec]
Number of pages:50 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-117045 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:30429699 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.06.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Relational needs, relationships with parents, and the process of individuation in relation to the parents in the emerging adulthood
The relationship with parents throughout the developmental stages is an important aspect of one's social life and functioning in interpersonal relationships. The master's thesis aimed to identify and examine the possible relations between the satisfaction of relational needs with the quality of the early parent-child relationship (in the first 16 years of life) and with the psychological individuation from parents. I was also interested in the relation between an early parent-child relation and the current individuation process in relation to the parents. The sample included 153 individuals between the ages of 18 and 27. I surveyed through an online survey using some demographic questions followed by the TOPO (Individuation Test for Emerging Adults), the Relational Needs Satisfaction Scale (RNSS), and the Parental Bonding Inventory (PBI). The correlation and regression analysis were used to determine the relationship between the constructs. The results showed that early parental relationship and psychological individuation are associated with the overall satisfaction of relational needs and also with some individual relational needs (with correlation coefficient being lower to medium-high). Warm and empathetic early parent-child relation, connectedness, and support seeking from parents are associated with higher satisfaction of relational needs while parental overprotection negatively correlates with the satisfaction of the relational needs. The early parent-child relation also explains some of the variances in the satisfaction of relational needs although individual predictors did not prove statistically significant. We also found that based on paternal and maternal care and overprotection, we can predict some aspects of psychological individuation in relation to the parents. The research contributes to an additional understanding of interpersonal relationships in terms of relationships with parents while the findings also contribute to a better understanding of relational needs which are still relatively unexplored.

Keywords:parent child relations, separation individuation, relational needs, attachment behavior, emerging adulthood

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