
Optimizacija rezalnih parametrov za dosego ozkih toleranc pri obdelavi kaljenega orodnega jekla ob ustrezni izbiri frezala
ID Čerin, Domen (Author), ID Kramar, Davorin (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu je predstavljena optimizacija rezalnih parametrov pri obdelavi kaljenega orodnega jekla. Cilj naloge je doseči dimenzijsko točnost obdelovanca ob maksimalni obstojnosti orodja in čim večji produktivnosti. V magistrskem delu je opisana izdelava eksperimentalnega vzorca, lastnosti materiala in uporabljenega orodja, način vpetja obdelovanca, strategija obdelave, načrtovanje eksperimentov, meritve dimenzijskega odstopanja, optimizacija procesnih parametrov, potrditveni preizkus, preizkus obstojnosti frezal ter stroškovna analiza. Zaradi nestabilnega procesa frezanja smo z metodo načrtovanja eksperimentov analizirali vpliv vhodnih parametrov frezanja pri treh različnih frezalih. Na podlagi regresijskih modelov smo glede na naše kriterije optimirali rezalne parametre. Z optimalno nastavitvijo rezalnih parametrov za posamezno frezalo smo izvedli potrditveni test in preizkus obstojnosti. Z eksperimentom in analizami smo prišli do ugotovitev, kateri parametri imajo največji vpliv na kakovost izdelave in s katerim frezalom zagotovimo zanesljiv in stabilen proces ob čim večji produktivnosti.

Keywords:frezanje, kaljeno orodno jeklo, dimenzijska točnost, načrtovanje eksperimentov, optimizacija rezalnih parametrov, obstojnost orodja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[D. Čerin]
Number of pages:XXII, 100 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-117013 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:21293827 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.06.2020
ČERIN, Domen, 2020, Optimizacija rezalnih parametrov za dosego ozkih toleranc pri obdelavi kaljenega orodnega jekla ob ustrezni izbiri frezala [online]. Master’s thesis. Ljubljana : D. Čerin. [Accessed 28 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Optimization of cutting parameters to achieve narrow tolerances for machining of hardened tool steel with suitable selection of milling tool
In the master thesis the optimization of the cutting parameters by the milling of hardened tool steel is presented. The aim of the thesis is to achieve the dimensional accuracy of the workpiece with maximum resistance tool and the highest possible productivity. The master thesis describes the process of experimental sample, properties of the material and tolls used in the experiment, way of clamping the workpiece, processing strategy, the design of experiments, measurement of dimensioanal deviation, optimization of process parameters, confirmation test, durability test of the milling tool and cost analysis. Because of the unsteady process of milling, we analyzed the influence of the input parameters of milling by three different milling tools with the design of experiments methodology. Using regression models we optimized the milling parameters according to our criteria. With optimal settings of the cutting parameters for individual milling tools we performed confirmation experiment and durability test. With experiments and analyzes we came to the conclusion which parameters have the greatest influence on the production quality and with which milling tool guarantees a reliable and stable process with the highest possible productivity.

Keywords:milling, hardened tool steel, dimensional accuracy, design of experiments, optimization of cutting parameters, tool life

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