
Kritika sodobne konstrukcije ženskosti in razumevanje ženskega notranjega sveta ter ciklov skozi medij kiparstva
ID Krajnc, Laura (Author), ID Makše, Roman (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Šimenc, Marjan (Comentor)

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Feministična umetnost je umetniško politično gibanje, ki izvira iz feminizma. Prikazuje in analizira, kaj pomeni biti ženska in ženska umetnica v patriarhalni kulturi. Feministična umetnost je medij feminizma, v katerem ženske spregovorijo o ženskah in si prizadevajo za njihovo emancipacijo, pravice in avtonomnost. Kritična dimenzija feministične umetnosti obsega ne le družbeno, temveč tudi estetsko raven. Feministične umetnice so si skozi materialnost in tehnike prizadevale za navezavo na ženske kulturne tradicije. Tako so v svoja dela začele vpeljevati predvsem nekonvencionalne mehke, rabljene, organske in naravne materiale ter se posluževati nekonvencionalnih tehnik, povezanih z žensko kulturno tradicijo. V diplomski nalogi skoz obravnavanje lastnih umetniških del in umetniških del drugih umetnic kritiziram medijske reprezentacije sodobne konstrukcije ženskosti ter objektivizacijo žensk in njihovega telesa. Dotikam se tudi ženskih tabujev (predvsem tabuja menstrualne krvi) in ženske intime ter z njima povezanimi tako fizičnimi kot psihičnimi procesi, ki jih je ženska primorana predelovati največkrat sama, skrita pred očmi družbe. Prav tako opozarjam na podrejanje ženskega naravnega cikličnega časa družbenemu konstruktu linearnega časa.

Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-117002 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:20060419 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.06.2020
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Title:A critical depiction of a contemporary construction of femininity and an understanding of a woman's inner world and cycles through the medium of sculpture
Feminist art is an artistic political movement that arised as an expression of feminism. It shows and analyzes what it means to be a woman and a female artist within the confines of a patriarchal culture. Feminist artists talk about women and strive for their emancipation, rights and autonomy. Feminist art has got both a critical social and an aesthetic dimension. Feminist artists have sought to relate to women's cultural traditions through the use of various materials and techniques. They employ unconventional soft, used, organic and natural materials, as well as unconventional techniques related to female cultural practices. In my thesis I criticize the contemporary construction of femininity as portayed by the media, and the objectification of women and their bodies through a consideration of my own artworks and the artworks of other artists. I also consider taboos concerning numerous aspects of femininity (particularly menstrual blood) and female intimacy, and the related physical and psychological processes that women are most often forced to process on their own, hidden from the eyes of society. I also point out the subordination of female natural cyclic time to the social construct of linear time.


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