
Kalibracija simulatorja za preverjanje LIDAR merilnikov hitrosti
ID Tomšič, Filip (Author), ID Vilfan, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Flegar, Roman (Comentor)

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LIDAR merilniki hitrosti merijo čas, ki ga porabi svetlobni sunek od merilnika do izbrane tarče in nazaj, nato pa iz več zaporednih meritev določijo hitrost premikanja tarče. Za uporabo pri merjenju hitrosti v cestnem prometu je merilnike treba umeriti s posebej za ta namen narejenim simulatorjem časovnih zamikov. Za zanesljivost umerjanja merilnikov je potrebna redna kalibracija samega simulatorja, kar je tema te zaključne naloge. Kalibracijo sem izvedel tako, da sem z zelo natančno merilno uro neposredno na simulatorju meril časovne zamike in jih primerjal z vnaprej izračunanimi na podlagi teoretičnih predpostavk. Primerjava rezultatov je pokazala, da lahko na tak način kalibriramo samo del simulatorja, ki skrbi za proizvajanje časovnih zamikov, ne pa tudi optične enote simulatorja, ki je namenjena komunikaciji z merilnikom hitrosti.

Keywords:LIDAR, simulator, merilnik hitrosti
Work type:Final paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FMF - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-116977 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:19195395 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.06.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Simulator calibration for checking LIDAR speed measuring devices
LIDAR speed measuring devices measure the time a light pulse travels to a selected target and back and determine the velocity of the moving target by repeating the measurement in a sequence of pulses. For use in road speed measurement, the meters must be calibrated using a time-delay simulator specially designed for this purpose. The calibration of the meters requires regular calibration of the simulator itself, which is the topic of this thesis. I performed the calibration by measuring the time delays directly on the simulator with a very precise measuring clock and comparing them with those calculated in advance on the basis of theoretical assumptions. The comparison of the results showed that this approach can only be used to calibrate the part of the simulator, which takes care of the production of time delays, but not the optical unit of the simulator intended for communication with the speed measuring device.

Keywords:LIDAR, simulator, speed measuring device

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