
Bralna motivacija četrtošolcev pred branjem e-knjig v IMapBooku in po njem
ID Krajnik, Neža (Author), ID Petek, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V raziskavah je opazen trend upadanja motiviranosti mladih za branje, zato jih morajo učitelji pri pouku z različnimi pristopi k temu dodatno spodbujati. Po mnenju strokovnjakov je pri pouku književnosti premalo raznolikega bralnega gradiva, ki bi upošteval bralne interese učencev. Kot rešitev se ponuja informacijsko-komunikacijska tehnologija, ki s svojimi možnostmi povečuje dostop do raznolikih besedil. Nekateri strokovnjaki menijo, da bi z uporabo elektronskih knjig z dodanimi interaktivnimi funkcijami pri pouku lahko učence bolj motivirali za branje. V ta namen je bila izvedena raziskava, v kateri je bila proučevana bralna motivacija več kot 300 ljubljanskih četrtošolcev, ki so pri pouku književnosti brali e-knjige. Učenci so z reševanjem dveh anketnih vprašalnikov pokazali, v kolikšni meri se čutijo motivirane za branje po branju e-knjig v spletni aplikaciji IMapBook. Brali so v treh različnih načinih, in sicer le golo besedilo, besedilo z dodanimi igrami ali pa so po branju sodelovali v spletni klepetalnici. Statistična analiza podatkov je pokazala, da spletna aplikacija IMapBook pozitivno vpliva na bralno motivacijo četrtošolcev, saj so se ti po branju e-knjig čutili bolj motivirane za branje, kot so se pred njem. Čeprav so odgovori proučevanih pokazali, da jim je bilo branje e-knjig enako težko kot branje fizičnih knjig, jih je to branje manj utrudilo in so v njem bolj uživali. Poleg tega smo odkrili, da bi četrtošolci pri takšnem šolskem branju raje sodelovali ter se o njem tudi raje pogovarjali s sošolci in prijatelji. V primerjavi med različnimi načini branja nismo zaznali razlik, kar pomeni, da so si učenci enotnega mnenja glede motiviranosti za branje. O razlikah med spoloma pa lahko na podlagi raziskave trdimo, da branje e-knjig v IMapBooku izboljša bralno motivacijo učencev, a se hkrati zmanjša bralna motivacija učenk. Če povzamemo, je bistvena ugotovitev te raziskave, da spletna aplikacija IMapBook pri uporabi v učnem procesu spodbuja bralno motiviranost četrtošolcev in je zato njena uporaba pri pouku smiselna. Ugotovitve te raziskave so uporabne za vse osnovnošolske učitelje, ki želijo z vpeljavo drugačnih načinov branja popestriti pouk književnosti, a potrebujejo kritike konkretnih učnih materialov, ki so na trgu. Informacije so koristne tudi za raziskovalce in druge pedagoge, ki razvijajo didaktiko književnosti z namenom, da bi učni proces odgovarjal na potrebe učencev in sodobne družbe.

Keywords:bralna motivacija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-116962 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:19854851 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.06.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Fourth graders' motivation to read before and after reading e-books using IMapBook
In researches, a trend of decreasing motivation to read is visible among young people. That is why in lesson teachers have to additionally encourage them to read. In researchers’ opinions, there is not enough diverse reading material in lessons, which would consider reading interests of students. As a solution is nowadays offered information-communication technology which with its options increases access to diverse literature. Some researchers believe that with the use of e-books, with added interactive functions, we could motivate students to read more. For this purpose a research was made, in which was studied reading motivation of more than 300 fourth graders from the city of Ljubljana, which have read e-books in literature class. With solving two surveys students have shown to what extent they have felt motivated to read after reading e-books in online app IMapBook. They were reading in three different ways namely basic text, text with added games or they participated in an online chatroom after reading. Statistical analysis of data showed that the online app IMapBook positively influences fourth graders’ motivation to read because after reading e-books they felt more motivated to read books than before. Even though students’ answers showed that reading e-books was equally difficult as reading physical books, this type of reading was less tiresome and they enjoyed it more. Simultaneously we found out that the fourth graders would rather cooperate at this kind of reading and would more like to talk about it with their schoolmates and friends. In the comparison between different ways of reading we haven’t perceived any differences, which means that all students regardless of the way they were reading have the same opinion about motivation to read. On basis of the analysis, regarding sex differences, we can claim that reading e-books in IMapBook improves boys’ motivation to read and at the same time decreases girls’ motivation to read. To summarize, the crucial findings of this research were that using online app IMapBook in learning process encourages fourth graders’ motivation to read, which shows that its use in school is reasonable. Findings of this research are useful for all primary school teachers who want to diversify literature class with the help of introducing different ways of reading, but need critiques of concrete learning materials that are on the market. Data is also useful for researchers and other educators that are developing didactics of literature with the purpose that the process of learning meets the needs of students and modern society.

Keywords:reading motivation

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