
Interaktivna multimedijska predstavitev s 3D modelom Prešernovega trga v Ljubljani
ID Dermol, Špela (Author), ID Boh Podgornik, Bojana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Trirazsežnostno (3d) modeliranje je v današnjem svetu vse bolj pogosto in vsakdanje; z različnimi 3d modeli se srečujemo vsak dan. Obstaja mnogo načinov izdelave posameznih modelov. Diplomska naloga v teoretičnem delu predstavlja načine avtomatskega 3d izrisa iz fotografij, vektorskih vrednosti in informacij o površini, hibridni način, način izrisa s programom 3 ds Max iz 2d oblike in fotografij, ter način, kjer iz 2d arhitekturnih načrtov stavb izrišemo kakovosten 3d model stavbe. Opisuje tudi psihološki vidik učenja z mediji, tako običajnimi mediji kot mediji z vključeno interaktivnostjo. Pri tem se osredotoča na prednosti uporabe interaktivnih elementov, prilagajanje glede na kognitivne in osebne sposobnosti posameznika. V eksperimentalnem delu diplomsko delo opisuje postopek izdelave končnega izdelka - 3d modela posameznih stavb, ki so interaktivno predstavljene. Za izdelavo so uporabljena tri programska orodja: SketchUp, H5P in Unity 3D. Na koncu je aplikacija predstavljena uporabnikom in dosegljiva za nalaganje na mobilne naprave. Ob pregledu že obstoječih aplikacij na področju 3d modeliranja je ta aplikacija trenutno unikatna. Če jo primerjamo s splošno poznano in razširjeno aplikacijo Google Maps, ki omogoča virtualno sprehajanje po ulicah, lahko ugotovimo, da je izgled stavb v Google Maps aplikaciji omejen na 2d kombinacije fotografij. Pri tem so podrobnosti stavb slabo razločne, vsebujejo moteče elemente, kot so avtomobili ter pešci, ki so bili v tistem trenutku posneti z mimoidočo kamero, nekateri deli so lahko zaradi varovanja osebnih podatkov zabrisani ter tako poslabšajo končni izgled. Izdelana aplikacija predstavi tudi zgodovinski in arhitekturni vidik stavb, česar prej omenjena aplikacija ne omogoča. Rezultat je postavitev celostne podobe realistično izdelanega modela stavb in elementov Prešernovega trga v Ljubljani, pri čemer so raziskani možni načini predstavitve zgodovinskih in arhitekturnih značilnosti posameznih elementov ter ustvarjanje fasad in oblik stavb glede na proporce, pridobljene prek fotografij. Opisani sta uporaba in kompatibilnost več programov ter končna podoba izdelane aplikacije, ki je dostopna na mobilni trgovini Google Play Store pod imenom PreTrg 3d.

Keywords:3d modeliranje, Prešernov trg, zgodovina, SketchUp, H5P, Unity 3D
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-116950 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.06.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Interactive multimedia presentation with a 3D model of the Prešeren Square in Ljubljana
Three-dimensional (3d) modeling is becoming more present in our daily life. There are many possible ways of making 3d models. This thesis presents four ways: automatic creation of 3d images, derived from photographs, vector data and terrain information, a hybrid, using software 3 ds Max from a 2d shape and photographs of the façade, and production of 3d shapes from 2d architectural building blueprints resulting in a quality 3d model of each building. The theoretical part also focuses on psychological views of learning with media, including regular and interactive media. With that, it researches positive aspects of using interactive elements in learning, and how they can be adapted to everyone’s knowledge and potential. The experimental part of the paper focuses on the process of the final product itself: 3d models of individual buildings, interactive media, all presented to the user in an application. It explains the usage of three different software programs: SketchUp, H5P and Unity 3D, in the final stage, the application is presented to users and available for download on mobile devices. Exploring existing 3d modeling applications, this application is currently unique. Compared to the well-known and widely used Google Maps application, which allows for virtual street walking, we can see that the look of buildings there is limited to 2d photo combinations. The details are poorly distinguished and contain obtrusive elements, such as cars and pedestrians, which were photographed at the moment the camera passed by, and some parts may be erased to protect personal information and thus impair the final appearance. The newly created application also presents the historical and architectural aspect of buildings, which the application does not allow. The results focus on a realistic and wholesome representation of buildings and separate elements on the Prešeren Square in Ljubljana, joining different aspects and ways to present historical and architectural facts to users along with producing a realistic facade using the proportions obtained from photos. It describes usage and compatibility of different software programs and the final application, which is available on the mobile Google Play Store under the name PreTrg 3d.

Keywords:3d modeling, Prešeren Square, history, SketchUp, H5P, Unity 3D

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