
Oblikovanje vrečk za sadje in zelenjavo za podjetje Lidl
ID Brinovšek, Saša (Author), ID Vrabič Brodnjak, Urška (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Trenutno je plastika eden izmed večjih okoljskih problemov v sedanjem času. Del te problematike so tudi brezplačne tanke plastične vrečke za sadje in zelenjavo. V sklopu diplomske naloge smo raziskali, kako reducirati le-te in najti ustrezen nadomestek zanje. Nalogo smo izdelali v sodelovanju z podjetjem Lidl Slovenija. Raziskali smo, kaj ponujata domači in tuji trg kot nadomestilo za vrečke za enkratno uporabo. Osredotočili smo se na tri vrste pletenih mrežastih vrečk, ki so že na voljo - dve iz poliestra in ena iz recikliranih PE plastenk, z različno pleteno mrežo. Vrečke smo potiskali z izbranimi karakterji sadja, ki smo jih oblikovali v programu Adobe Ilustrator, za tehniko tiska pa smo izbrali glede na material najbolj primeren transferni tisk. Namen testiranja je bil ugotoviti, katera vrečka dosega najboljše fizične obremenitve, barvno obstojnost in ima najdaljšo življenjsko dobo. Testirane so bile njihove osnovne, mehanske, površinske in optične lastnosti. Najboljše rezultate je dosegel vzorec 1 iz poliestra z bolj gosto pleteno mrežo v primerjavi z drugima dvema vzorcema. Dosegel je najboljše rezultate zaradi višjih pretržnih sil, ki omogočajo prenašanje tudi večjih količin sadja in zelenjave, ter najboljšo barvno obstojnost po drgnjenju. Prišli do zaključka, da potisk vrečk nima nobene bistvene funkcije, predstavlja pa velik strošek in je dodatna obremenitev za okolje zaradi uporabe tiskarskih barv. Glede na analizirane vzorce se nam zdi vrečka vzorca 1 najbolj primerna izbira za podjetje Lidl, saj je njihova vizija zagotavljati kakovost in ustvariti boljši svet.

Keywords:plastične vrečke, embalaža za sadje in zelenjavo, grafično oblikovanje, vrste plastičnih materialov
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-116946 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.06.2020
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Title:Designing bags for fruits and vegetables for company Lidl
Plastic pollution is currently one of the major environmental issues. As plastic bags are part of this threat, we decided to do a diploma research on possible means of reducing the free, thin plastic bags used for fruits and vegetables within the stores of the trading company Lidl Slovenia. Furthermore, we focused on finding a sustainable solution for Lidl. Firstly, we checked what other companies in Slovenia and elsewhere are using as replacements for disposable plastic bags. Secondly, we focused on three different reusable mesh bags that are already being used as replacement on the market. Two of them were made from polyester and one was made from recycled PE plastic. All of them were knitted differently. The purpose of the thesis was to determine which bag carries the heaviest physical load, achieves the best color fastness, and has the longest life span. This required us to check the basic mechanical and optical characteristics of the bags as well as their surfaces. To test the color fastness, we had to design fruit characters in the Adobe Illustrator program and print them on the bags using a transfer printing method. We discovered that the Sample 1 achieved the best results on all tests. This sample was made from polyester and had the net knitted more densely compared to other samples. Moreover, the Sample 1 had the highest breaking force, which allowed it to carry more fruits and vegetables than other bags. This sample also had the best color fastness after the rubbing test. However, we concluded that the printing has not served any useful purpose. In addition, we have found that it is a big expense, while the usage of the printing inks adds to the environmental burden. Based on the analyzed samples we consider the Sample 1 as the most suitable choice for Lidl, whose vision is to provide excellent quality to customers and create a better world for all.

Keywords:plastic bags, fruits and vegetables packaging, graphic design, types of plastic materials

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