
Velika noč Jezusa Kristusa in njen pomen za življenje kristjana : magistrsko delo
ID Pirc, Janko Jožef (Author), ID Turnšek, Marjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrska naloga obravnava velikonočno skrivnost s treh zornih kotov. V prvem poglavju se avtor na podlagi bibličnih poročil osredotoča na veliko noč kot zgodovinski dogodek. Sprva se ustavi ob judovskem pashalnem prazniku, tipologiji velikonočnega jagnjeta in izhoda iz egiptovske sužnosti, ki predstavlja ozadje tudi za krščansko razumevanje odrešenja. Nato na podlagi pričevanja Jezusovih učencev predstavi Jezusovo smrt in vstajenje kot temelj verovanja Cerkve. V drugem poglavju se avtor spusti na raven dogmatičnega razmisleka o velikonočni skrivnosti. Jezusovo smrt opiše kot spravo za grehe ljudi, njegov sestop v predpekel pomeni najglobljo solidarnost s padlim človeštvom, njegovo vstajenje in vnebohod pa razodevata poveličano stanje, ki je v Jezusu odprto za vsakega človeka in celotno stvarstvo. Drugo poglavje se sklene s premislekom o notranjem življenju Svete Trojice, kjer vlada velikonočna dinamika svobodne darovanjske ljubezni. V tretjem poglavju avtor aktualizira predhodna spoznanja z ozirom na življenje kristjana. Avtor najprej predstavi zakramentalni način, po katerem se človek vključi v dinamiko velikonočne skrivnosti. Nato premišljuje o nekaterih značilnih velikonočnih življenjskih držah, kot so pripravljenost na priznanje lastne grešnosti in potrebe po odrešenju, drža preprostosti in majhnosti, darovanjski značaj ljubezni, pripravljenost odpuščati krivice in seveda svobodno sprejemanje trpljenja in smrti. Ob koncu poglavja avtor nakaže še univerzalni pomen velike noči, ki je kot odrešenjska skrivnost namenjena celotnemu stvarstvu in nam daje v roke primerne kriterije za oblikovanje medverskega dialoga. V sklepu naloge nato v preglednem diagramu povzame vodilne misli dela in predstavi velikonočno držo darovanjske ljubezni kot osnovno paradigmo stvarstva.

Keywords:Velika noč, smrt, vstajenje, pashalna skrivnost, Jezus Kristus, odrešenje, darovanjska ljubezen, Cerkev, uvajanje v krščanstvo, zakramenti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. J. Pirc]
Number of pages:VIII, 116 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-116858 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:19903491 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.06.2020
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Secondary language

Title:The paschal mystery of Jesus Christ and its meaning for the life of Christians
The master thesis treats the paschal mystery from three different points of view. The first chapter focuses on Easter as a historic event. It opens with the Jewish paschal feast, the typology of the paschal lamb and the Exodus from the Egyptian slavery, which represent the background for the Christian understanding of redemption. Then, building on the testimonies of Jesus’ disciples, the death and resurrection of Jesus are presented as the foundation of the faith of the Church. The second chapter introduces the level of dogmatic reflection on the paschal mystery. The death of Jesus is described as reconciliation for people’s sins; Jesus’ descent to the limbo is viewed as an act of deepest solidarity with fallen mankind, while his resurrection and ascension are treated as a revelation of the glorified state, which in Jesus is open for all people and the whole of creation. The second chapter closes with a reflection on the inner life of the Holy Trinity as it is guided by the paschal dynamic of free self-offering love. The third chapter presents an actualization of the preceding discussion with regard to the life of Christians. It begins with an explanation of the sacramental way through which a human being enters in the dynamic of the paschal mystery. This is followed by a discussion of some characteristic paschal attitudes of life such as the readiness to acknowledge one’s own sinfulness and the necessity of redemption, the attitude of simplicity and smallness, the donative nature of love, the readiness to forgive injustices and, of course, the free acceptance of suffering and death. The chapter concludes with the assertion of the universal meaning of Easter, which, as the mystery of redemption, is designed for the whole creation and also offers appropriate criteria for interreligious dialogue. Finally, the concluding chapter sums up the central points of the thesis in a synoptic figure and presents the Easter attitude of self-offering love as the basic paradigm of creation.

Keywords:Easter, death, resurrection, paschal mystery, Jesus Christ, redemption, self-offering love, Church, Christian mystagogy, sacraments

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