
Uporaba obrazne zaščitne folije za umetno dihanje pri temeljnih postopkih oživljanja : magistrsko delo
ID Mesec, Urban (Author), ID Kovačič, Uroš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Slabe, Damjan (Comentor), ID Komadina, Radko (Reviewer)

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MD5: 478E94E32CA9D04A3EBB90F4C3C36E96

Uvod: Zunajbolnišnični srčni zastoj predstavlja velik javnozdravstveni problem v Evropi. Preživetje bolnika je močno odvisno od ukrepov očividcev. V zadnjem desetletju je veliko raziskovalcev postavljalo vprašanje, ali je umetno dihanje zaradi zahtevnosti izvajanja in vprašljivega učinka na preživetje smiselno obdržati kot del temeljnih postopkov oživljanja (TPO). Manj raziskana sta pripravljenost laikov za dajanje umetnega dihanja in vpliv uporabe zaščitnih sredstev na kakovost izvedbe umetnega dihanja in kakovost TPO. Namen: Želeli smo ovrednotiti uporabo zaščitne folije za umetno dihanje pri izvajanju TPO med laiki in preveriti vpliv uporabe zaščitne folije med umetnim dihanjem na kakovost celotnega oživljanja. Metode dela: Za strategijo raziskovanja smo uporabili presečno študijo. Podatke smo zbirali z beleženjem oživljanj na petih reševalnih postajah v Sloveniji, anonimnim spletnim anketnim vprašalnikom ter meritvami na modelu za oživljanje med študenti zdravstvenih študijskih programov po kabinetnih vajah prve pomoči (PP). Rezultati: Med analiziranimi 123 oživljanji očividci niso uporabili zaščitne folije za umetno dihanje. V anketi je sodelovalo 473 oseb, od tega 314 laikov. Tretjina anketiranih laikov pozna pravilno razmerje stisov prsnega koša in umetnih vpihov pri TPO odrasle osebe. Dobra polovica jih ve, da je zaščitna folija za umetno dihanje del kompleta PP za avtomobiliste, kar v primeru teoretičnih primerov oživljanja v anketi ni pomembno vplivalo na pripravljenost za dajanje umetnega dihanja. Ugotovili smo, da med najpomembnejše spodbujevalne dejavnike za dajanje umetnega dihanja spada medsebojno razmerje očividca in bolnika. Z meritvami na modelu smo ob uporabi zaščitne folije za umetno dihanje ugotovili statistično značilno (p < 0,001) podaljšan čas do začetka izvajanja TPO in skrajšan čas stiskanja prsnega koša, ki je izražen kot delež časa izvajanja TPO. Hkrati je uporaba zaščitne folije pri umetnem dihanju statistično značilno (p < 0,005) povečala delež primernih vpihov in zmanjšala delež prekomernih vpihov. Razprava in zaključek: Zaščitna folija za umetno dihanje je v Sloveniji razmeroma dobro prepoznan, vendar nerabljen pripomoček pri dajanju umetnega dihanja. Ker njena uporaba poslabša kakovost TPO, bi bilo bolj smiselno, da bi se na tečajih PP posvetili vajam dajanja pravilnega umetnega dihanja kot uporabi same zaščitne folije. Tečaje bi bilo smiselno dopolniti s pogovori o spodbujevalnih in zaviralnih dejavnikih za dajanje PP.

Keywords:magistrska dela, zdravstvena nega, srčni zastoj, prva pomoč, očividci, temeljni postopki oživljanja, kakovost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[U. Mesec]
Number of pages:45 str., [21] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-116846 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:19637251 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.06.2020
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Secondary language

Title:The use of a face shield for delivery of rescue breaths in basic life support : master thesis
Introduction: Out-of-hospital cardiac arrests are an important public healthcare problem in Europe. Survival after such an event greatly depends on the actions of bystanders. In the last decade, a lot of research has been investigating whether rescue breaths should remain part of the basic life support (BLS) algorithm, due to complexity of the technique and questionable effects on survival. The readiness of lay providers to deliver rescue breaths and effects of the use of barrier devices on the quality of delivery of rescue breaths and BLS are less investigated. Purpose: We wanted to evaluate the use of simple face shield during BLS by lay providers and the impact of the use of a simple face shield on the overall quality of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Methods: Our research strategy was a cross-sectional study. Data were collected during resuscitations at five ambulance stations in Slovenia, an anonymous online questionnaire and using measurements on resuscitation manikins during practical first aid training of students. Results: In the analysed 123 resuscitations bystanders did not use a simple face shield. An online questionnaire was completed by 473 participants (314 of them were laypeople). Only a good third of lay participants knew the correct ratio of chest compressions and rescue breaths in adult BLS. Fifty-three per cent knew that a simple face shield is part of the first aid kit in vehicles. However, in a theoretical resuscitation scenario in the online questionnaire, this did not have a significant effect on the willingness to deliver rescue breaths. Relationship between the victim and the bystander is an important factor in the willingness to deliver rescue breaths. Using measurements from the resuscitation manikin, we found a statistically significant increase (p < 0,001) in the time from the incident to the start of BLS when using a simple face shield and a shorter time of chest compressions, expressed as a fraction of the time of BLS. On the other hand, the use of simple face shield statistically significantly (p < 0,005) increased the rate of correct rescue breaths and decreased the rate of excessive rescue breaths. Discussion and conclusion: In Slovenia, a simple face shield is a relatively well-known barrier device, but is rarely used during the delivery of rescue breaths. As we have found that the use of simple face shield decreases the quality of BLS, it would be more sensible to focus on the quality of rescue breaths rather than the use of simple face shield during first aid courses. Courses and training might benefit from including discussions about factors that encourage and discourage bystanders to provide first aid.

Keywords:master theses, nursing care, cardiac arrest, first aid, bystanders, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, quality

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