
Izkušnje LGBT oseb v zdravstvu
ID Ambrožič, Barbara (Author), ID Zorn, Jelka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrski nalogi sem raziskovala izkušnje LGBT oseb v zdravstvu. Zanimalo me je, kako se kaže heteronormativnost okolja v zdravstvu, kakšne odzive imajo LGBT osebe na dobre/slabe izkušnje z razkritjem v zdravstvu, kakšne potrebe in pričakovanja imajo in kako so te izkušnje nanje vplivale. V teoretičnem delu sem opredelila spol, spolno identiteto, spolno usmerjenost in njeno razkritje, heteronormativnost, homofobijo, diskriminacijo LGBT oseb v zdravstvu, zakon o pacientovih pravicah ter kodeks etike v zdravstveni negi in oskrbi. Magistrska naloga vsebuje tudi empirični del, kjer sem s pomočjo delno strukturiranega intervjuja pridobila zgodbe o izkušnjah LGBT oseb v zdravstvu. Izvedla sem trinajst intervjujev. Intervjuje sem analizirala kvalitativno. V zaključku magistrske naloge sem povzela ugotovitve raziskave. Ugotovila sem, da imajo intervjuvanci z razkritjem v zdravstvu tako slabe, kakor tudi dobre izkušnje. Pod slabe izkušnje spada heteronormativnost in neizobraženost zdravstvenega osebja, postavljanje neprimernih vprašanj, neupoštevanje osebnih zaimkov, nesramnost, sovražni komentarji ter neprimerna ginekološka obravnava. Glede dobrih izkušenj v zdravstvu intervjuvanci omenijo dobro obravnavo, humor v odnosu, razumevanje in profesionalnost medicinskega osebja. Sedem transspolnih oseb pa je imelo izkušnjo z medicinsko tranzicijo. Osebe povejo, da se jim zdi, da zdravstveno osebje ni dovolj usposobljeno za delo s transspolnimi osebami, da imajo premalo znanja glede samega postopka medicinske tranzicije in da jim podajo premalo potrebnih informacij glede procesa tranzicije. Tisti, ki imajo dobre izkušnje v postopku medicinske tranzicije, povejo, da so bili do njih korektni, pristni, profesionalni, prijazni, razumevajoči in so jim dali vse potrebne informacije. Predlagam redno izobraževanje zdravstvenih delavcev o LGBT tematikah, sodelovanje zdravstvenih ustanov z nevladnimi LGBT organizacijami, izdajanje brošur ali plakatov na temo zdravja LGBT oseb in prepovedi diskriminacije v zdravstvenih ustanovah. Glede postopka medicinske tranzicije predlagam, da se ta pravno uredi, da pravno priznanje spola ni pogojeno z diagnozo transseksualizma ter da bi se strokovnjaki iz Interdisciplinarnega konzilija za potrditev spolne identitete redno izobraževali na področju zdravstvene oskrbe transspolnih oseb.

Keywords:lgbt osebe, izkušnje, zdravstvo, medicinska tranzicija, transspolnost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-116835 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.06.2020
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Title:Experiences of LGBT people in healthcare system
In my master's thesis, I researched experiences of LGBT people in healthcare system. I wanted to find out how heteronormativity shows in healthcare system, what reactions do LGBT people have with good or bad experiences in healthcare system, what expectations and needs they have and how those experiences affected them. In the theoretical part I have explored sex, sexual identity, sexual orientation and its reveal, homophobia, discrimination of LGBT people in healthcare system, Patient rights law and the Code of ethics in nursing and care. I have also included an empirical part, where I have researched narratives of LGBT people who have experiences with coming out in healthcare system. I have conducted thirteen semi structured interviews and analysed them qualitatively. In the last part of my master's thesis, I have summarized the findings of my research. They show that LGBT people have bad and good experiences in healthcare system. They talk about the presence of heteronormativity and lack of education about LGBT topics in the healthcare system. Medical staff also asks inappropriate quiestions, they do not respect or consider personal pronouns, they can be rude and verbally violent. There are also quite a few bad experiences in gynecology, where the patients are not treated equally as anyone else. Those, who have good experiences in healthcare system say that medical staff was very nice to them, there was humor, understanding and professionality involved and they were treated equally and correctly. Seven transsexual people had experiences with medical transition. They tell us they think that the medical staff from Interdisciplinary consulship to confirm gender identity are insufficiently qualified for working with transsexual people, that they do not have enough knowledge about medical transition and that they do not provide enough information to their patients. Those, who have good experiences with medical transition tell us that the medical staff was very nice to them, that they were correct, professional, understanding and gave them all the necessary information. I suggest regular education of medical staff about LGBT topics, cooperation of medical institutions and non-governmental LGBT organizations, issuing brochures or posters about LGBT health topics or the ban of discrimination inside the medical institution. I also suggest that the process of medical transition becomes legally settled, that the legal recognition of gender does not base on a diagnosis of transsexualism and that the experts from Interdisciplinary consulship to confirm gender identity regularly educate themselves about healthcare of transgender people.

Keywords:lgbt people, healthcare system, experiences, medical transition, transsexuality

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