
Pomen regulacije jeze v razvoju ženske iniciative : doktorska disertacija
ID Mikulin, Nina (Author), ID Kompan Erzar, Katarina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Doktorska disertacija se ukvarja s povezavo med navezanostjo, samopodobo, zadovoljstvom v življenju in občutjem nelagodja, ki ga ženske čutijo ob vzniku jeze. Omenjeni dejavniki so pomembni iz vidika prepoznavanja vsebin, ki so povezane z vznikom jeze pri posameznicah in njeno regulacijo, s tem pa na zmožnost iniciativnosti in asertivnost posameznic. V teoretičnem delu naloge smo predstavili dosedanje raziskave, ki povezujejo jezo s stili navezanosti, samopodobo in zadovoljstvom v življenju ter hkrati tudi iniciativnostjo in asertivnostjo pri ženskah. Izkazalo se je, da so dejavniki izjemno povezani ne samo z občutenjem jeze in izražanjem tega čutenja, temveč tudi med sabo. Podobne rezultate smo pričakovali tudi v empiričnem delu naše raziskave. Nižje nelagodje ob jezi je bilo povezano z varno navezanostjo, višjo samopodobo in višjo stopnjo zadovoljstva v življenju. Povezav med stilom navezanosti na mater in nelagodjem ob jezi ni bilo. Kvalitativna raziskava je bila sestavljena iz delavnic za ženske, tedenskih dnevnikov jeze ter individualnih intervjujev. Z metodo analize vsebine smo transktipte analizirali ter določili kategorije. Udeleženke so poročale o nelagodju ob jezi v povezavi z nezmožnostjo kontroliranja impulzov, hkrati so kot razloge za to naštevale odnose v primarni družini, nizko samopodobo in močne in neobvladljive telesne senzacije. Slednje je povzročilo vznik neuspešnih regulativnih funkcij, ki so pripeljale do težav. Udeleženke so poročale tudi o uspešnih načinih regulacije, ki so pripeljali do pozitivnih izidov, za kar se je izkazalo, da bi bilo lahko povezano tudi z iniciativo. V razpravi je podana razlaga dobljenih rezultatov, kočno pa so naštete tudi omejitve in predlogi za nadaljne raziskave.

Keywords:jeza, ženske, navezanost, samopodoba, relacijska družinska terapija, delavnice za ženske in jezo
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Mikulin]
Number of pages:X, 238 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-116797 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:21118723 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.06.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Significance of anger regulation in development of female iniative
The present doctoral dissertation explores the connection between attachment, self-esteem, satisfaction with life, and the discomfort women feel when experiencing anger. These factors are essential in terms of recognizing the potential triggers of anger in female individuals and to its regulation, and thus to their ability of initiative and assertiveness. The theoretical part of the paper presents the results of studies to date that link anger with types of attachment, self-image, and satisfaction with life, as well as with the initiative and assertiveness in women. It was shown that said factors are closely connected not only with the feeling of anger and with the expression of this feeling but also with one another. Similar results are also expected in the present research. Minor discomfort when experiencing anger was associated with safe attachment, better self-esteem, and a higher level of satisfaction in life. No connection between types of attachment to mother and feeling discomfort when experiencing anger were to be found. The qualitative research was based on data sourcing from workshops for women, weekly anger diaries, and individual interviews. By applying the content analysis method, we analyzed the transcripts and defined categories. Participants reported on discomfort when experiencing anger in connection with the inability to control impulses. The reasons stated were relationships in the primary family, low self-esteem, as well as strong and uncontrollable body sensations with the emergence of unsuccessful regulatory functions that led to issues. Participants also mentioned successful ways of regulation with positive outcomes, which could also be related to taking initiative. In the discussion part of the paper, we discuss and interpret the results of the research, and in the conclusion, we mention its limitations and suggestions for further research in this field.

Keywords:anger, women, attachment, self-esteem, relational family therapy, workshops for women and anger

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