
Diskriminacija žensk zaradi nosečnosti in materinstva na delovnem mestu
ID Krošl, Tamara (Author), ID Sobočan, Ana Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pri opravljanju študentskega dela sem bila priča situaciji, ki mi je dala misliti in ki je bila tudi povod za mojo diplomsko nalogo. Delodajalec, za katerega sem delala, je sodelavko, ki je redno zaposlena, ob tem, ko mu je povedala, da je zanosila, nad njo povzdignil glas in jo ozmerjal. Tudi kasneje je bil njegov odnos do nje spremenjen, poniževalen in nespoštljiv. Začela sem se spraševati, ali je primer diskriminacije, ki sem mu bila priča s strani delodajalca nad delavko, osamljen, ali je diskriminacija žensk zaradi materinstva pogost pojav na trgu dela v Sloveniji. Ob tem sem se tudi spraševala, kakšne pravice delavkam v primeru zanositve pripadajo in kaj lahko storijo v podobnih situacijah, kot jo je doživela moja sodelavka. Tako sem problematiko diskriminacije žensk zaradi nosečnosti in materinstva na trgu dela raziskala v sklopu svoje diplomske naloge. Dandanes je povsem običajno, da ženske delajo in so udeležene na trgu dela, kjer pa se soočajo s številnimi izzivi. Soočajo se z dvojno družbeno vlogo, usklajevanjem dela in družinskih obveznosti ter neenakim obravnavanjem s strani delodajalcev in diskriminacijo. V okviru diplomske naloge sem izvedla tudi raziskavo, s katero sem želela raziskati razširjenost neenakega obravnavanja in diskriminacije žensk zaradi nosečnosti in materinstva s strani delodajalca in ob tem pridobiti informacije, kje se diskriminacija najbolj odraža, ter poizvedeti o informiranosti ter seznanjenosti žensk s svojimi pripadajočimi pravicami za čas nosečnosti in materinstva ter možnimi ukrepi, ki jih lahko izkoristijo, ko so te pravice kršene. Rezultati so pokazali, da diskriminacija res ni razširjena v tolikšni meri, kot sem predpostavljala, vendar je kljub temu prisotna. Veliko število žensk se sooči z neenakim obravnavanjem že pri zaposlovanju, ko potencialni delodajalci zastavljajo vprašanja, povezana z ustvarjanjem družine in otroci. Kaže se tudi pri neenakih možnostih napredovanja in izobraževanja po vrnitvi na delo z materinskega dopusta. Prav tako se še vedno dogaja, da delodajalec prekine pogodbo o zaposlitvi zaradi razlogov, povezanih z nosečnostjo ali materinstvom. Seznanjenost žensk s svojimi pravicami je po pridobljenih podatkih dobra; nekoliko slabše je njihovo poznavanje ukrepov. Le malo žensk se tudi odloči, da bo glede ne uresničevanja pravic oziroma v primerih diskriminacije ukrepalo. Toda skoraj polovica anketirank želi več podpore pri usklajevanju dela in družinskih obveznost, saj nekaterim to pogosto predstavlja napor.

Keywords:Diskriminacija, diskriminacija žensk na trgu dela, nosečnost, materinstvo, pravice, ukrepi, usklajevanje dela in družinskih obveznosti.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-116792 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.06.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Discrimination against women in the labour market based on pregnancy and maternity
While working as a student, I witnessed a situation that got me thinking and was the reason for my bachelor’s thesis. My employer raised his voice and insulted my co-worker, a full-time employee when she informed him about her pregnancy. His attitude towards her remained changed or, more specifically, degrading and disrespectful. I began to wonder whether the discrimination by an employer against a worker I witnessed was an isolated case or is the discrimination against women because of their motherhoods a common occurrence in the labor market in Slovenia. I also wondered what kind of rights female employees have in the case of pregnancy and what they can do in situations similar to the one my co-worker experienced. Thus, I researched the issue of pregnancy and maternity-related discrimination against women in the labor market for my bachelor’s thesis. Nowadays, it is completely normal for women to work and be included in the labor market. Yet, they still face many challenges. They experience a dual social role – having a job and carrying out family responsibilities combined with unequal treatment by employers and discrimination. As a part of my thesis, I also surveyed to research the prevalence of unequal treatment and discrimination against women due to pregnancy and maternity by their employer. I also wanted to obtain information regarding the place of this kind of discrimination and enquire about women’s awareness and whether they have appropriate information about their rights during pregnancy and motherhood and the possible measures that they can take when these rights are violated. The results revealed that this kind of discrimination is not as widespread as it was assumed. Nevertheless, it is present. A large number of women already face unequal treatment in the process of employment when potential employers ask them questions related to creating a family and having children. There are also unequal opportunities for promotion and further training after returning to work from maternity leave. Instances when an employer terminates the employment contract for the reasons related to pregnancy or maternity are also still present. According to the data obtained, women's awareness of their rights is good. However, their knowledge of possible measures is slightly worse. Few women also decide to take action against violation of their rights or in the cases of discrimination. However, almost half of the interviewees want more support in coordinating work and family responsibilities because this often presents a struggle for some of them.

Keywords:Discrimination against women, unequal treatment, labor market, pregnancy, motherhood, rights, measures, coordinating work and family responsibilities.

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