
Spolnost pri osebah z okvaro hrbtenjače in spolna rehabilitacija : diplomsko delo
ID Trobec, Lidija (Author), ID Thaler, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Mlinar, Suzana (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Okvara hrbtenjače je najpogostejši vzrok trajne invalidnosti. Vpliva na telesno, duševno in socialno funkcioniranje osebe. Ena od posledic okvare hrbtenjače je lahko motena spolna funkcija, ki močno vpliva na kakovost življenja osebe. Zdravstveni delavci imajo pomembno vlogo za zagotavljanje boljše kakovosti življenja oseb, po okvari hrbtenjače. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti način, možnosti in potrebe po spolnosti pri osebah z okvaro hrbtenjače in ugotoviti potrebo po spolni rehabilitaciji in način pristopa rehabilitacijskega tima. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu je bila uporabljena deskriptivna metoda dela s sistematičnim pregledom slovenske in tuje znanstvene in strokovne literature. Pri iskanju literature je bil uporabljen časovni okvir, in sicer od leta 2009 do leta 2019. Literatura je bila iskana s pomočjo ključnih besed, vezanih na temo diplomskega dela. Rezultati: Po okvari hrbtenjače se kakovost spolnega življenja pogosto zmanjša, saj pride do sprememb vzburjenja in same želje po spolnosti. Pogosto pride do občutka aseksualnosti in slabe samopodobe. Intenziteta spolnih motenj je odvisna od časa nastanka, stopnje in resnosti okvare. Pri moških okvara hrbtenjače lahko povzroči moteno erekcijo, moten proces ejakulacije in abnormalnost semenske tekočine, kar lahko vodi v motnje reproduktivnega potenciala. Pri ženskah okvara hrbtenjače lahko povzroči nevrološke spremembe spolovil, spremenjen občutek na spolovilu, spremenjeno vlaženje nožnice in doseganje orgazma, kar lahko vpliva na zmožnost razmnoževanja in sam porod. Pri osebah z okvaro hrbtenjače je ključnega pomena celosten pristop rehabilitacijskega tima. Na boljšo kakovost spolnega življenja vpliva več dejavnikov. Upoštevati je potrebno fizične, psihološke in družbene okoliščine osebe z okvaro hrbtenjače. Razprava in zaključek: Spolnost in spolno izražanje ne izgine s pojavom invalidnosti. Je temeljna pravica in sestavni del identitete vsake osebe. K boljši kakovosti spolnega življenja pripomore pomoč v smislu pogovora in svetovanja osebe z ustreznim znanjem.

Keywords:diplomska dela, zdravstvena nega, okvara hrbtenjače, spolna funkcija, kakovost spolnega življenja, spolna rehabilitacija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[L. Trobec]
Number of pages:32 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-116790 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:22209027 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.06.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Sexuality in persons with spinal cord injury and sexual rehabilitation : diploma work
Introduction: Spinal cord injury is the most common cause of permanent disability. It affects a person's physical, mental and social functioning. One of the consequences of spinal cord injury can be impaired sexual function which strongly affects quality of life. Healthcare professionals play an important role in ensuring a better quality of life after spinal cord injury. Purpose: The purpose of this diploma work is to find out the way, possibilities and needs for sexuality in people with spinal cord injury and to find out the need for sexual rehabilitation and the way the rehabilitation team approach such a patient. Methods: In this diploma work was used descriptive method of work with a systematic review of Slovenian and foreign scientific and professional literature. In the search was used the time frame from 2009 to 2019. Literature was searched using keywords related to the topic of the diploma work. Results: After spinal cord injury, the quality of sex life often lowers, because of changes in arousal and want of sex itself. There is often a feeling of asexuality and low self-esteem. The intensity of sexual disorders depends on the time passed from injury, degree and severity of the injury. In men spinal cord injury can cause erectile dysfunction, ejaculation disorder and abnormal semen which can lead to impaired reproductive potential. In women spinal cord injury can causes neurological genital damage, altered sensation of the genital area, altered vaginal moisture and achievement of orgasm which can affect the ability to reproduce and giving birth. For people with spinal cord injury a holistic approach to the rehabilitation team is crucial. There are several factors involved in improving the quality of life. The physical, psychological and social circumstances of a person with spinal cord injury must be taken into account. Discussion and conclusion: Sexuality and sexual expression do not disappear with the onset of disability. It is a fundamental right and an integral part of each individual's identity. Improving the quality of sex life is assisted by talking and counselling with a person with the right knowledge.

Keywords:diploma theses, nursing care, spinal cord injury, sexual function, quality of sex life, sexual rehabilitation

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