
Vloga socialnih delavk v šolskih svetovalnih službah
ID Žura, Špela (Author), ID Videmšek, Petra (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrski nalogi raziskujem vlogo, ki jo socialne delavke zasedajo v šolskih svetovalnih službah. V teoretičnem delu najprej povzamem temeljno vlogo in nalogo šolske svetovalne službe ter predstavim bistvena načela svetovalne službe, ki so ključna za njihovo delo in tri osnovne vrste dejavnosti. Opredelim osnovna področja dela svetovalne službe, ki so zajeta v Programskih smernicah za svetovalno delo. Predstavim pomembnost sodelovanja šolske svetovalne službe z učenci, starši, učitelji, vodstvom šole in z zunanjimi ustanovami. V zadnjem delu teoretičnega uvoda se osredotočim na prispevek, ki ga ima socialno delo v svetovalni službi. Opredelim delovni odnos in koncepte, znotraj njega ter predstavim pomembnost izvirnega delovnega projekta pomoči. Predstavim vlogo socialnega dela z družino v šolski svetovalni službi ter področje socialne izključenosti in revščine. Zaključim s pomembnostjo spoštovanja otrokovega glasu, vlogo socialnega dela v izrednih razmerah in pomembnimi kompetencami, pridobljenimi v času študija socialnega dela. Opravila sem kvalitativno raziskavo, v kateri je sodelovalo 8 socialnih delavk, ki so trenutno zaposlene v šolski svetovalni službi. S pomočjo delno strukturiranega odprtega intervjuva odgovorim na raziskovalna vprašanja. Iz rezultatov izhaja, da je najpomembnejši koncept socialnega dela pri delu v šoli delovni odnos. Znotraj njega najpogosteje omenjajo pomembnost dogovora o sodelovanju, instrumentalne definicije problema in soustvarjanja rešitev ter perspektivo moči. Poudarjajo tudi vlogo socialne delavke kot spoštljive in odgovorne zaveznice ter uporabnika kot eksperta iz izkušenj. Kompetence, ki jih navajajo, razdelim v pet skupin. Med komunikacijskimi kompetencami prevladuje zbrano poslušanje in povzemanje oziroma preverjanje razumevanja. Pri delu v šolski svetovalni službi so pomembne tudi osebnostne kompetence in spretnosti, med katerimi omenjajo veselje do dela z otroki, inovativnost in potrpežljivost. Potem so omenjene organizacijske kompetence in spretnosti, kjer so pomembni predvsem načrtovanje, vodenje in mentorstvo. Za delo je ključno tudi strokovno znanje oziroma strokovne kompetence in spretnosti, med katerimi izstopajo prepoznavanje in razumevanje različnih stisk, celostni pogled na problem ter etičnost in profesionalnost. Med socialnimi/medosebnimi kompetencami in spretnostmi so pomembni timsko delo, sodelovanje z drugimi in sposobnost empatije. Kot močna področja socialnega dela sogovornice najštevilčneje prepoznavajo delo z ranljivimi skupinami in delovni odnos oziroma vzpostavljanje le-tega. Na drugi strani kot šibka področja prepoznavajo pomanjkanje pedagoškega znanja ter pomanjkanje znanja pri delu s specifičnimi učnimi težavami in z otroki s posebnimi potrebami. Glavne prednosti socialnega dela v šoli vidijo v celostnem pristopu, pomembnosti specifičnega strokovnega znanja in v delovnem odnosu. Z drugimi profili v svetovalni službi dobro sodelujejo; prednosti sodelovanja opažajo predvsem v izmenjavi informacij, mnenj in izkušenj. V času pandemije imajo pomembno in dejavno vlogo v svetovalni službi. Aktivno sodelujejo s starši, učitelji, z učenci in zunanjimi institucijami. V prihodnosti bodo izzivi, povezani s konkurenčnostjo z virtualnim svetom in povečanjem težav pri duševnem zdravju otrok. Izzivi so in bodo povezani z raznolikostjo otrok in zagotavljanjem enakih možnosti. V povezavi s starši bo potrebno vzpostaviti mejo med pedagoškim delom v šoli in vzgojnim delom doma. Izzivi v povezavi z virusom SARS-CoV-2 so vezani predvsem na reševanje situacij iz pandemije in njenimi posledicami. Izzivi, s katerimi se sooča svetovalna služba, so njeni normativi, ki kljub povečani potrebi po pomoči učencev ostajajo enaki.

Keywords:šolska svetovalna služba, koncepti socialnega dela, kompetence in spretnosti, močna in šibka področja, izzivi v prihodnosti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-116771 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.06.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Role of Social Workers in School Counseling Services
This master’s thesis aims to research the role social workers play in school counseling services. The theoretical part focuses on the role and basic tasks of school counseling services, thus describing basic principles of counseling service crucial for their work and three types of activities performed by social services. I further identify counseling services’ basic fields of work incorporated into Programming guidelines for counseling services. I demonstrate the importance of cooperation among social counseling services and other actors: pupils, parents, teachers, school administration, and external institutions. In the last part of the theoretical introduction, I concentrate on the input of social work in counseling services. I define a working relationship and different parts of the notion and present the importance of the individual working project of help. I lay out the role of social work with a family in school counseling services and introduce the area of social exclusion and poverty. Further, I point out the importance of the child’s voice and describe the role social work play in an emergency situation. Finally, I outline important competencies gained by students of social work during the time of their studies. The thesis is based on qualitative research in which 8 social workers, currently employed by counseling services, have participated. I base answers on posed research questions on partially structuralized open type of an interview. It can be derived from the research results that the most important concept social workers use. It is a working relationship within which the importance of the cooperation arrangement, the instrumental definition of the problem, the co-creation of solutions, and strength perspective are discussed most commonly. Furthermore, the role of a social worker as a respectful and responsible ally and user as an expert from experiences are also discussed extensively. I group the above competencies in five groups. Among communication competences, collected listening and summarizing or understanding test predominate. The successful implementation of work in school counseling services requires personal competences and skills, among them the joy of working with children, innovation and patience, organization competences and skills, for which planning, leadership, and mentorship are of utmost importance, professional competences and skills, among them identification and understanding of distress, comprehensive perspective on the problem and ethics and professionalism, and social (i.e. interpersonal) competences and skills, among which there are teamwork, cooperation, and empathy. Those who participated in the research identify work with vulnerable groups and working relationship as strong areas of social work. On the other hand, they recognize a lack of educational knowledge and knowledge for working with kids with specific learning disabilities and special need as weak areas. They identify the following main advantages of social work: a comprehensive approach, professional knowledge and working relationship. In general, they cooperate well with other profiles working in school counseling service whereas they identify the exchange of opinions, information, and experiences as the main factors contributing to excellent cooperation. During the pandemic, they have an important and active role in counseling services. They actively work with parents, teachers, pupils, and external institutions. They identify working with pupils and parents, working in the time of the coronavirus, and working with those directly connected to counseling services as challenging areas. In the future, challenges posed by the virtual world, an increase in mental disorders of children, as well as an increase in behavior and emotional difficulties will impact working with pupils. Challenges are and will also be connected to diversity of children and ensuring equal opportunities. Moreover, a strict distinction between educational work in school and parenting needs to be made. Challenges due to coronavirus outbreak are related especially to solving pandemic-specific situations and their consequences. Finally, challenges directly related to counseling services are their norms which have not been changed, regardless of the increased needs of children.

Keywords:school counseling service, social work concepts, competencies and skills, strong and week areas, challenges for the future.

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