
Efektivni čas pri pouku športa
ID Mirtič Dolenec, Primož (Author), ID Štemberger, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6237/ This link opens in a new window

V času digitalizacije se moderna tehnologija v vedno večji meri seli v življenje posameznikov. Posledično to pomeni, da otroci v času odraščanja vse manj časa preživljajo zunaj, namesto tega pa svoj prosti čas preživljajo na pametnih telefonih, tablicah in računalnikih. S socializacijskega vidika to vsekakor ne obeta nič dobrega, težave pa so vidne tudi na zdravstveni sliki sodobnih otroških generacij. Težav s prekomerno težo je čedalje več, le-te pa posledično povzročajo tudi povišan krvni tlak ter krvni holesterol. Na tem mestu je zaskrbljujoč tudi podatek, da se težave s prekomerno težo v otroštvu kar v 80 % prenesejo tudi v odraslo obdobje. Gibalna aktivnost je vsekakor ena od rešitev težav s prekomerno težo, vendar pa vse hitrejši življenjski tempo sodobne družbe vpliva tudi na bolj kot ne nezdrave prehranjevalne navade. Za marsikaterega šolarja so učne ure športa tako edina gibalna/športna dejavnost, s katero se v času odraščanja redno srečujejo. Tri šolske ure športa tedensko sicer ne zadostujejo svetovnim priporočilom in standardom za šolarja (priporočljivih je vsaj 30 minut zmerno intenzivne telesne dejavnosti dnevno), vendar pa je pomembno, da jih učenci izkoristijo na najboljši možni način – s čim višjim efektivnim časom. Na žalost realno stanje pri pouku prikazuje, da so učenci znotraj treh šolskih ur aktivni precej manj časa in tako priporočene vrednosti ne dosega niti polovica slovenskih otrok in mladostnikov. Temeljni cilj magistrskega dela je bilo ugotoviti, kakšen je povprečni efektivni čas pri urah športa, analizirati čase ter poiskati načine za izboljšanje le-teh. V prvem delu raziskave smo slovenskim učiteljem razrednega pouka ter športnim pedagogom poslali spletni vprašalnik, v drugem delu pa smo izvajali meritve na eni izmed slovenskih osnovnih šol. Meritve smo izvedli pri 36 urah športa, pri čemer je sodelovalo 15 razrednih učiteljev ter športnih pedagogov. Tudi ti učitelji so bili deležni reševanja vprašalnika, rezultate pa smo nato primerjali z odgovori učiteljev v spletni anketi. V prvi vrsti so nas zanimala predvidevanja učiteljev o efektivnih časih pri njihovem poučevanju, ta pa smo nato primerjali z rezultati meritev. Primerjali smo čase, namenjene za uvodni, osrednji ter zaključni del ure, ter efektivne čase znotraj njih. Na enak način smo primerjali razlike med poučevanjem razrednih učiteljev in športnih pedagogov, njihovo delovno dobo ter razred, ki ga poučujejo. V zaključnem delu smo podali tudi svoje predloge za preoblikovanje pouka na način, ki bi omogočal čim večji izkoristek učne ure športa.

Keywords:efektivni čas
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-116692 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:17818627 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.06.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Efficient time improvement in Physical Education
In the age of digitalization, modern technology is increasingly moving into people's lives. As a result, children grow up spending less time outdoors and more of their free time on smartphones, tablets, and computers. From the socialization point of view, this certainly does not predict anything good for the future life, and problems are also evident in the health picture of modern children’s generations. Problems with excessive weight gradually increase, which consequently leads to high blood pressure and cholesterol. This phenomenon continues and also concerns the fact that over 80 % of overweight problems in childhood are transmitted into adulthood. Physical activity is definitely one of the solutions to obesity problems, but the increasing tempo of life in modern society is also affected by unhealthy eating habits. For many students, physical education at school is the only physical activity that is regularly encountered as they grow up. Although three school lessons per week do not meet global recommendations and standards for school children (at least 30 minutes of moderately intensive physical activity per day is recommended), it is important that students make the most of them – with as high effective time as possible. Unfortunately, the real situation at school shows that pupils are active even less time during their PE lessons, and therefore not even half of the Slovenian children do not reach the recommended value. The basic aim of this master’s thesis was to define the average effective time in the lessons of physical education, to analyze the effective time and find ways to improve them. In the first part of the research, we sent an online questionnaire to Slovenian primary school teachers and physical education teachers, and in the second part, measurements were made at one of the Slovenian primary schools. The measurements were carried out during 36 lectures of physical education, where 15 primary school classroom teachers and physical education teachers participated. These teachers also did the questionnaire and the results were then compared with the teachers’ answers in the online survey. Mainly we were interested in the teachers’ anticipation of the effectiveness (how much, how long) in their lessons, which we then compared with the results of measurements. We compared the introductory, central, and concluding part of the lesson and their effective times. Similarly, we compared the differences between the teaching of primary school teachers and those of physical education, their seniority and the students they teach. In the final part, we made suggestions to redesign the lessons in a way that maximizes the effective time in the lessons of physical education.

Keywords:effective time

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