In this master’s thesis, the emphasis was put on the findings related to motor skills and physical features of the students from the primary school Belokranjskega odreda Semič, and a review of the pupils’ and their parents’ cycling activity. We also asked the parents for their opinion on the safety of cyclists on the roads, on possible improvements for cycling and if they supported the idea of establishing further cycling infrastructure.
The worrying results from the analysis of the Physical fitness reports and the lack of physical activity among pupils are consequences of lack of offered sports activities and unavailable infrastructure that are not provided by the smaller municipalities in Slovenia, or the municipalities that don’t emphasise the significance of these important factors that help children and their parents take care of their health.
The sample for the analysis of the Physical fitness reports consisted of 175 pupils of both genders, from 1st to 5th grade of the primary school Belokranjskega odreda Semič. The goal of the analysis was to figure out what the results of the Physical fitness report testing were, compared to the national average. What we discovered was that half the results were below the national average. The other half was either equal to or above the national average.
The sample for the questionnaire regarding cycling activity of individuals and their families, the safety of cyclists on the roads and support for the establishment of cycling activities, included 96 parents of the pupils from 1st to 5th grade of the primary school Belokranjskega odreda Semič. Despite the fact that the pupils are quite active when it comes to using their bicycles - they mostly cycle for fun and don’t think of their bicycles as means of transportation - their parents are that much less active when it comes to cycling. They stated neglect and insufficient cycling infrastructure, busy roads and the lack of safe cycling paths as the main reasons for their inactivity. The results of the questionnaire showed strong support for the establishment of new cycling paths and activities that the parents could participate in with their children, thus making sure they were actively spending their time together and trying to lead healthier lives.
Establishing cycling infrastructure and conducting new cycling and other sports activities is a necessity for our municipality.