
Uigravanje nogometne ekipe v sistemu 1-3-4-1-2 v kontekstu sistemov igre evropskih tekmovanj : magistrsko delo
ID Božičevič, Bor (Author), ID Šibila, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pocrnjič, Marko (Comentor)

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Glavni namen dela je predstaviti načrt uigravanja nogometne ekipe v sistemu 1-3-4-1-2 v kontekstu sistemov igre evropskih tekmovanj. Med cilje tako spada tudi analiza najmočnejših evropskih tekmovanj, s tem smo ugotovili kateri sistemi so tisti, ki so danes najbolj pogosti. Predstavljene so značilnosti vseh sistemov s tremi branilci, najbolj podrobno pa sistem igre 1-3-4-1-2, ki je osrednja točka našega magistrskega dela. V zaključku magistrskega dela je prikazan vsebinsko podroben načrt uigravanja nogometne ekipe v sistemu igre 1-3-4-1-2 v enem pripravljalnem obdobju. Magistrsko delo je strokovno-monografskega tipa. Temelji na metodi sistematičnega zbiranja podatkov iz domačih in tujih strokovnih ter drugih monografskih publikacij. Ostali viri so še gradiva na svetovnem spletu in lastno znanje pridobljeno z osebnimi izkušnjami pri delu kot trener nogometa. Za analizo uporabljenih sistemov igre v najmočnejših evropskih tekmovanjih smo zbrali podatke s spletne strani whoscored.com. Slikovne ponazoritve sistemov igre, ki so predstavljali razvoj nogometne igre, slike predstavljenih primerov ekipne taktike v obrambi in napadu ter slike načrta uigravanja nogometne ekipe smo izdelali sami in prikazali s programom Tactics manager 3.0. Magistrsko delo nudi poglobljen in podroben vpogled v taktiko nogometa in lahko služi v izobraževalne namene strokovnih delavcev v nogometu. Nogometne vsebine, predvsem pri vsebinskem načrtu uigravanja nogometne ekipe, lahko pomagajo nogometnim trenerjem in profesorjem športne vzgoje pri lažjem načrtovanju in organizaciji njihovega dela.

Keywords:nogomet, evropska tekmovanja, analiza tekmovanj, sistemi igre, sistem 1-3-4-1-2
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-116523 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:21111299 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.05.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Coordinating football team in 1-3-4-1-2 formation in the context of the european competition game scheme
The main purpose of the thesis is to draw up a training process plan to coordinate a football team in the 1-3-4-1-2 formation in the context of the european competition game scheme. One of the goals is the analysis of the strongest european competitions, to find out which formations are the most common today. The features of all formations with three defensive players are also presented, the most detailed being the 1-3-4-1-2 formation, which is the focal point of master's thesis. The conclusion of the master's thesis shows the training process plan for a football team in the 1-3-4-1-2 formation during one preparatory period. The master's thesis is of a professional-monographic type. It is based on the method of systematic collection of data from domestic and foreign professional and other monographs. Other resources include material on the Internet and knowledge gained by personal experience as a football coach. We collected data from whoscored.com to analyse the formations used in the strongest european competitions. We developed the pictures of the formations that represent the development of the football game, the pictures of the presented examples of team tactics in defence and attack and the pictures of the training process plan. All of those pictures were developed with Tactics manager 3.0. The master's thesis offers an in-depth insight into football tactics and serves the educational purposes of sports professionals. Football content, especially when it comes to the football team's game plan, can help football coaches and physical education teachers to plan and organize their work more easily.

Keywords:football, european competitions, competition analysis, football formations, 1-3-4-1-2 formation

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