
Reliefna reprodukcija umetniškega dela
ID Žižek, Mojca (Author), ID Muck, Deja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Slepi in slabovidni so prikrajšani za občutenje umetnosti in lepote, ki jo le-ta prinaša. Problematika se nanaša na predstavitev in upodobitev umetniških del v reliefni obliki s 3D-tiskom. Z izdelavo 3D tiskanih reprodukcij umetniškega dela smo želeli le-te približati slepim in slabovidnim osebam. Tiskane reprodukcije se namreč lahko uporabijo za taktilno zaznavanje medtem, ko originalna umetniška dela večinoma ne. Cilji izdelave diplomskega dela so bili, zajem umetniškega dela s primerjavo dveh različnih 3D skenerjev, obdelava reliefnih reprodukcij s 3D-modeliranjem in 3D-tisk. Na koncu smo s 3D tiskanimi reliefnimi reprodukcijami preučili, kako slepi in slabovidni dojemajo umetniška dela. Raziskovalno vprašanje je bilo, na kakšen način se izbrana 3D skenerja razlikujeta po zajemu in kakovosti, kako ustrezna je tehnologija 3D tiska in končna reprodukcija za tipno zaznavo pri slepih in slabovidnih. Način izdelave diplomskega dela je temeljil na delu in uporabi ter primerjavi dveh različnih 3D skenerjev za zajem umetniškega dela, prenosnega računalnika za obdelavo in 3D-tiskalnika za končni tisk reprodukcije. Poleg opreme so bila uporabljena programska orodja (Artec Studio 14, David 3D Scanner Pro, Blender, Voxelizer). V diplomskem delu smo raziskali razmišljanja in dojemanja ter zaznavanje umetniških del slepih in slabovidnih, analizirali in vrednotili načine zajema ter izvedbe reliefne reprodukcije ter testirali končno reproducirano delo v praksi. Diplomsko delo je zaokrožilo celotno problematiko na temo doživljanja umetnosti slepih in slabovidnih. Bila je izdelana korektna reliefna reprodukcija umetniškega dela, ki smo jo testirali v stiku s slepimi in slabovidnimi osebami. Omenjeno področje je zelo zanimivo in interdisciplinarno, zato se zavedamo, da je ostalo veliko odprtih možnosti za nadaljnje raziskave.

Keywords:Relief, reprodukcija, 3D, Blender, umetnina, 3D-tisk, 3D tehnologija, slepi, slabovidni, umetnost, 3D-modeliranje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-116500 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.05.2020
ŽIŽEK, Mojca, 2020, Reliefna reprodukcija umetniškega dela [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 16 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Relief reproduction of an artwork
The blind and visually impaired people are deprived of the sense for art and the beauty that it brings. The issue is related to the presentation and reproduction of artworks in a relief form with 3D printing. With the production of a 3D-printed reproduction of an artwork, we want to bring it to the blind and visually impaired people. The print reproduction, in fact, can be used for tactile sensing, as the original artwork cannot. The objectives of the diploma thesis are to capture the artwork, a comparison of two different 3D scanners, the processing of the relief reproductions of the 3D modelling and 3D printing. At the end, we have used 3D-printed relief reproductions to examine how the blind and visually impaired people perceive works of art. The research question is considering the difference between two chosen 3D-scanners by quality and correct technic, and embodiment of the reproduction of an artwork, which would classify as the correct one for the researched group. The practical part and the whole process is based upon the work and use of several tools, such as use and comparison of two different 3D-scanners, a laptop and a 3D-printer. Besides, there is also the use of software; Artec Studio 14, David 3D Scanner Pro, Blender, Voxelizer. The methods used are research and accessing knowledge of how exactly the blind and visually impaired people visualise artwork and art in general, and consequently analysis and valuation of the correct path of work to achieve the desired outcome of the reproduction. Finally, there is also a test of finalised relief artwork. The diploma thesis is resolving the entire issue on the topic of art of the blind and visually impaired. It was constructed in a correct match to the relief reproduction of an artwork, by which we have come into contact with the blind and visually impaired people. The mentioned area is very interesting, and has an interdisciplinary approach, and therefore, further research can be developed.

Keywords:Relief, reproduction, 3D, Blender, artwork, 3D-print, 3D-technology, blind, visually impaired, art, 3D-modelling

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