
Razvoj in karakterizacija funkcijskih markerjev za genetske študije oljke (Olea europaea L.) : doktorska disertacija
ID Baruca Arbeiter, Alenka (Author), ID Bandelj, Dunja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Javornik, Branka (Member of the commission for defense), ID Jakše, Jernej (Member of the commission for defense), ID Šuštar Vozlič, Jelka (Member of the commission for defense)

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Razvili smo nov set genskih mikrosatelitskih markerjev za genetske študije oljke (Olea europaea L.). Za identifikacijo mikrosatelitov smo pregledali 98.924 zaporedij EST razvijajočega plodu oljke. V 923 zaporedjih EST, ki so vsebovala mikrosatelite, smo odkrili skupno 984 mikrosatelitov, med katerimi so prevladovali dinukleotidi in sledili so jim trinukleotidi. Med dinukleotidi je prevladoval mikrosatelitski motiv GA in med trinukleotidi motiv GAA. Za izdelavo začetnih oligonukleotidov smo izbrali 110 anotiranih zaporedij EST-SSR, izmed katerih je bilo 46 polimorfnih. S sekvenčno reakcijo in poravnavo alelov EST-SSR oljke smo potrdili pomnoževanje predvidenih mikrosatelitskih motivov in odkrili visoko stopnjo ohranjenosti robnih območij analiziranih mikrosatelitskih lokusov. Sposobnost genskih markerjev SSR za odkrivanje genetske raznolikosti je primerljiva s predhodno razvitimi genomskimi mikrosateliti. Povprečno število alelov na lokus je bilo 4,5, vrednosti dejanske in pričakovane heterozigotnosti ter informacijska vrednost polimorfizma pa so znašale 0,649, 0,604 in 0,539. Na podlagi rezultatov genotipizacije z markerji EST-SSR oz. SSR in na osnovi Jaccardovih koeficientov podobnosti se je jasno razlikovalo vseh 24 oljčnih sort. Genetska raznolikost znotraj sort "Ascolana tenera" in "Santa Caterina" se je jasno pokazala le z genomskimi mikrosateliti. Za analizo starševstva smo uporabili 7 visoko polimorfnih markerjev EST-SSR. Izvedba starševskega testa s tremi različnimi računalniškimi programi (FAMOZ, CERVUS, PARENTE) je pokazala, da je "Istrska belica" navzkrižno kompatibilna z različnimi oljčnimi sortami. Vrednosti indeksa samonekompatibilnosti med 0,2 in 1,0 so "Istrsko belico" uvrstile med delno samonekompatibilne sorte.

Keywords:Olea europaea L., oljka, markerji EST-SSR, anotacija, polimorfizem, genetska raznolikost, starševski test
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Baruca Arbeiter]
Number of pages:XVI, 155, [33] str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-116455 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:18040409 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.05.2020
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Secondary language

We developed a new set of functional microsatellite markers for genetic studies in olive (Olea europaea L.). A total of 98,924 ESTs from developing olive fruit were examined for the presence of SSRs, and 984 SSR motifs from 923 SSR containing ESTs were identified, among which dinucleotide SSRs were the most abundant, followed by trinucleotides. The motif GA was the most common among dinucleotides, while GAA was the most abundant trinucleotide SSR motif. A total of 110 EST-SSRs with annotated genes was selected for primer designing, of which 46 EST-SSRs finally showed polymorphism. The sequencing and alignment of the olive EST-SSR alleles confirmed the amplification of predicted microsatellite motifs and revealed a high degree of conservation of the SSRs flanking regions. New EST-SSRs possess genetic diversity properties comparable to previously developed genomic SSRs. The average number of alleles per locus, observed heterozygosity, expected heterozygosity, and polymorphic information content were 4.5, 0.649, 0.604 and 0.539, respectively. Cluster analysis based on EST-SSR or SSR genotyping data and Jaccard"s similarity coefficient clearly distinguished 24 olive varieties, but intra-cultivar variability in "Ascolana tenera" and "Santa Caterina" was well resolved only by genomic SSRs. Seven new EST-SSR loci with high polymorphic information content were used for paternity analysis. Paternity testing with three computer programs (FAMOZ, CERVUS, PARENTE) showed that "Istrska belica" is cross-compatible with other olive varieties. The index of self-incompatibility was between 0.2 and 1.0 and "Istrska belica" variety was classified as partly self-incompatible.

Keywords:Olea europaea L., olive, EST-SSR markers, annotation, polymorphism, genetic diversity, paternity test

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