
Življenjski slog žensk in samopregledovanje dojk : diplomsko delo
ID Pušnik, Julija (Author), ID Mlinar, Suzana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Thaler, Darja (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Rak dojke je najpogostejši rak pri ženskah, zato predstavlja pomemben javnozdravstveni problem. Primarna preventiva, med katero štejemo zdrav življenjski slog, preprečuje pojav raka. Sekundarna preventiva, ki vključuje diagnostične teste, pomaga pri diagnosticiranju raka v zgodnem stadiju. Pogosto se kot del sekundarne preventive priporoča samopregledovanje dojk. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je bil raziskati življenjski slog žensk in njihovo izvajanje samopregledovanja dojk. Metode dela: Presečno, kvantitativno raziskavo smo izvedli v februarju leta 2020. Raziskovalni vzorec je predstavljalo 234 žensk, ki so izpolnile anketni vprašalnik preko družabnih omrežij. Podatke smo prikazali v obliki frekvenc in odstotkov. Rezultati: Napetost, stres ali velik pritisk občuti 82 % anketirank pogosto in občasno. Okoli ena petina anketirank kadi. Alkohol je v zadnjem letu pilo 78 % anketirank, izmed katerih je 43 % ob posebni priložnosti spilo več, kot so meje manj tveganega pitja. Anketiranke imajo od 3 do 4 obroke dnevno, eden izmed njih je zajtrk. Vsakodnevno uživajo sadje in zelenjavo. V različnih obsegih je gibalno dejavnih večino anketirank. 32 % anketirank samopregledovanja dojk ne izvaja. Najpogostejša razloga za neizvajanje sta pozabljivost in pomanjkanje znanja. Ženske, ki si samopregledujejo dojke, pri izvajanju ne upoštevajo dan menstrualnega ciklusa. Samopregledovanje izvajajo, ko se spomnijo. Večino žensk si dojke pretipa, pri tem pa pozabijo na tipanje pazduh, ogled in primerjavo dojk v ogledalu ter ne upoštevajo možnosti izcedka. Razprava in zaključek: Preprečevanje raka trenutno igra ključno vlogo v boju proti bolezni. Pri anketirankah v naši raziskavi bi bilo treba zmanjšati pogostost kajenja, pitja alkohola ob posebnih priložnostih ter povečati obseg gibalne dejavnosti. Odgovornost za zdravje dojk pa prevzamejo s pomočjo rednega samopregledovanja. Čeprav si je dojke pregledovalo večino anketirank, so to izvajale neustrezno. Medicinske sestre s pomočjo promocije zdravja in zdravstvene vzgoje glede življenjskega sloga ter samopregledovanja dojk pomembno prispevajo k zdravju žensk.

Keywords:diplomska dela, zdravstvena nega, kajenje, alkohol, gibalna dejavnost, prehrana, samopregledovanje dojk
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. Pušnik]
Number of pages:37 str., [6] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-116217 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16903171 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.05.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Lifestyle of women and breast self-examination : diploma work
Introduction: Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women and is therefore a major public health problem. Primary prevention, among which we count healthy lifestyle, prevents the occurence of cancer. Secondary prevention, which includes diagnostic tests, helps with the early diagnose of cancer. Breast self-examination is often recommended as part of secondary prevention. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate lifestyle of women and their practice of breast self-examination. Methods: We conducted the cross-sectional, quantitative survey in February 2020. The research sample consisted of 234 women, who completed the questionnaire over social networks. Data was presented in the form of frequencies and percentages. Results: Tension, stress or high pressure is felt by 82% of respondents frequently and occasionally. About one fifth of respondents smoke. Alcohol has been drunk in the last year by 78% of respondents, 43% of whom drank more than the limits of low-risk drinking on a special occasion. Respondents have 3 to 4 meals a day, one of which is breakfast. They consume fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. Most respondents are physical active in various volumes. 32% of respondents do not perform breast self-examination. The most common reasons for not performing are forgetfulness and lack of knowledge. Women who perform breast self-examination do so without considering the day of the menstrual cycle. They perform self-examination when they remember. Most of the respondents palpate their breasts, while forgetting about palpating their armpits, viewing and comparing breasts in the mirror, and they do not consider the possibility of discharge. Discussion and conclusion: Cancer prevention is currently playing a key role in the fight against the disease. Respondents in our study should reduce the frequency of smoking, drinking alcohol on special occasions and increase the volume of physical activity. They can take responsibility for breast health through regular self-examination. Although most of the respondents examined their breasts, they didn't perform it properly. Nurses contribute significantly to women's health through health promotion and health education about lifestyle and breast self-examination.

Keywords:diploma theses, nursing care, smoking, alcohol, physical activity, diet, breast self-examination

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